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The Newcago Court


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Winter stood against the wall, her black cloak covering her. Her two knives at her cloak waved back and forth. They were only the obvious weapons, Winter had... others. Including herself. She half-shifted, her ears growing and fangs coming down. Light steps against the ground. Nobody could know she was here. Steps. Winter quickly pulled herself up, climbing. Her cloak flapped around her. She wasn't here to do harm but if someone saw her, they could alert the dark alley. Winter waited for the footsteps to fade away and landed with a soft thud on the ground. She pulled a map of the castle out of her bag. There. She was almost at the throne room. She dashed into the large room, quietly along the edge. If anyone noticed her...

The Queen turned around, her delicate braid swishing to the side of her head, noticing the noise of the thud and smiled at Winter. "Hello again, Winter. Nice to see you again. How are you?" Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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"Queen I don't believe we've met. But I come with an urgent plea of assistance. I am a member of the Anti-Bakery and we are at the start of a war against the Dark Alley. I can only hope they haven't gotten to you first, and that you can send help. The AB is not equipped for war we are primarily healers, so I plead for your highness to side with us and help stop Dark Alley once and for all"

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The Queen's face creased into a frown and she turned to both of them to make her final decision.

"I shall not be picking sides for this war. I will supply both of you with the supplies that both guilds require. I will send support for the both as well. A Queen does not break her promises, rather keeps everything fair. Both alliances still remain."

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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Well because I can advise the queen to fight solely for you, she usually listens to my advice. Really though, even if you are leader of a pack you should refrain from raising your voice at the empress.


My Empress, the barony has already sided with the factions opposed to the DA I would recommend either neutrality or joining in the crusade. Joining in the crusade is obviously more interesting.

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A burst of fire lit the room briefly, at their center a metal plaque formed before falling to the ground next to Queen Elsa.

To her Highness, Elsa Steelheart, Queen of Newcago, sovereign of ice and Epic,

I do hope that this missive finds you, a new experiment in the combination of Fabrial science and Hemalurgy, the wavelengths were a bit tricky to synchronize and the pulses from different Shardic Investitures were a nightmare but I think we finally managed it.
The Dark Alley is having a spot of bother with some newcomers trying to disrupt our market share, while we do appreciate the sponsorship and relationship between the Newcago court and the Dark Alley we do request that these differences be allowed to settle without outside intervention. While we do not ask for any assistance we would appreciate a pledge of non-intervention so that the alley may be allowed to settle these differences of opinion and resolve certain disputes with our less-than-happy former-ally the wolfkind known as
Hoping you are well,

Voidus, First Lurker of the Alleys, Head of Sales

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"Can I trust you?" Winter demanded. "Nobody trusts the person who fights for both sides. How do I know that if it comes to a battle your forces will fight me or them?"

"You can. You both can. I am splitting my troupes evenly between the two." She turned to the general. "Split the shardbladers and the archers evenly."
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"Definitely. Just let me know when the date comes."


Queen Elsa stamped her foot into the floor, creating a massive dance floor with a shiny steel surface. It was time for what she had promised the Panda, a great Newcagoan Danceoff. Something different she hadn't tried before and looked forward to it. She had redecorated the Ballroom and there was tables of food just next to the back wall of the ballroom. The disco lights were working. It was time to begin.


edit: Sorry about the double post

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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Snoopy popped his head in and said, "Queen Elsa, I just wanted to let you know that the brewery has been set up. I brought some already brewed root beer from the main Bar for the dance-off, but your brewery should be turning out quality product shortly. I hope you enjoy!" He stuck around for a minute to do a quick jig.

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Snoopy popped his head in and said, "Queen Elsa, I just wanted to let you know that the brewery has been set up. I brought some already brewed root beer from the main Bar for the dance-off, but your brewery should be turning out quality product shortly. I hope you enjoy!" He stuck around for a minute to do a quick jig.

"Thank you very much again!"
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