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The Newcago Court


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"Make way, make way!" Dr Rab Heatherlocke pushed his way through towards the queen. "Make way for the Honorable Sir Maestro Dr. Brightlord Seixa, Ph.D., M.D., LL.B., J.D., D.Phil., O.D., Psy.D., D.D.S., D.C., D.P.M., D.V.M., Pharm.D., N.D., S.J.D., Esq.. Doctors coming through, make way, make way!" Above the pair of them floated red flashing letters spelling out the word 'Doctor'. Dr Rab appraised the situation. "Oh, this looks serious. I see you've done some magic drawing things. Good. Now let the Honorable Sir Maestro Dr. Brightlord Seixa, Ph.D., M.D., LL.B., J.D., D.Phil., O.D., Psy.D., D.D.S., D.C., D.P.M., D.V.M., Pharm.D., N.D., S.J.D., Esq. do his job, and we'll see if we can't get out of this mess."

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"You are very welcome. I see that you obviously needed our assistance, but we can discuss the small matter of remuneration after Dr. Rab and I save your lives. Now, to business. Where exactly were you spiked? And with what?" Winter stepped up. "It's like a regular spike, but for Rayse, not Ati." Seixa looked surprised for a minute, but quickly suppressed it. "I haven't seen one of those since... er, yesterday! Routine operation, at least for someone of my skills. I could just pull it out, but that might leave you with some... let's say, side effects.They may include nausea, fatigue, blindness, permanent paralysis of the entire body and mind, loss of limbs, defenestration, bankruptcy, etc..  Just sign here." Seixa produced a white box from somewhere up his sleeve. Wait, that was paper. He opened it to the last page, pulled out a ink pot and a highly elaborate feather quill as tall as he was, covered in glitter and feathers that made everyone sneeze, and motioned for the Queen's signature. "Oh this? Don't worry, it's just regular boilerplate. The legal doctors among us insisted, myself included.Except for page 253, in which you swear allegiance to the Guild of Doctors and promise to always come to their aid, do their laundry, collect their children from sports practices, take bullets, give money, and provide anything a Doctor, whom you shall recognize by the signal "Oorlo..." will need.

Edited by phattemer
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"Uh...Okay. As long as the side effects aren't too major, I still need to be a queen and a ruler. But if this signature will save my life, I'm willing to sign it." Queen Elsa leaned forward and signed the paper with the royal signature. 

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Elsa shut her eyes and clenched her fists as the spike was pulled out, followed by a massive gasp and an exhale. "Argh...Thank you so much. I don't what I would have done without you both. Name your price for payment."

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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Voidus released the Aon, allowing its healing effects to spread into Elsa's body, enhanced by the Aon Rao Maleril had drawn.

"That should close the wound up nicely, if you don't mind I'd like to take the spike back to the Alley's to analyse it. There's got to be some interesting Investiture signatures in it."

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Voidus nodded in agreement.
"Somehow the Parshendi have discovered how to use Odium's essence to perform Hemalurgy, which of course opens up a whole new realm of possibilities, although of course the Intent seems to be even more powerful than that of Ruin and so prolonged usage of the spikes may cause some severe emotional instability. We'll keep it safe for now, Winter you're welcome to assist with the analysis, your previous Shardic contact might help with new insights into it."

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Voidus shared Winter's enthusiasm, grinning at her at the prospects, but Elsa was right, this would b a problem if left uncontrolled. He thought the problem over, the DA largely researched how to spike people, not how to prevent them from being spiked.

"Seekers could work I think, though they'd need to be well trained, either given extra power through a spike or a Savant at the least I'd think. The DA has quite a few, we could put them out, searching for the pulses that the spikes give out, perhaps some Lurchers and Coinshots to search for the metal as well."

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Seixa interrupted, looking smug. "There will be no payment necessary, My Lady. The fact that we have helped you will suffice, and that I finally collected your signature. I have many of the greats, but have never been able to get yours."

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Rab glares at Seixa, willing him not to antagonize the Alliance. I would much rather we didn't start off as being in opposition to The Alliance. Being strong armed in have been preferable to an inter-guild incident.

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Rab had hoped no one had notice his glare, but he notice that the queen had. So then he closed his eyes. And sneeze. Maybe that'll work? A glare's not sooooo dissimilar to pulling a face trying not to sneeze, is it? He hoped it wasn't.

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"Oh yes, it was no problem, no problem at all. And about the signature, that one has to stay on the contract, just so you don't sue us, but would you mind signing this piece of paper for my collection?" Seixa grinned winningly.

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No one saw Frodo walk up or appear, he was just suddenly there, and seemed as though he too was surprised as to where he was.

"Ah, Your Majesty, it has been far too long."

He bows to Queen Elsa Steelheart, then straightens up and gives Seixa and Rab questioning looks.

"Hello, who might you be?"

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