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The Newcago Court


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"Hans is a young prince from the Southern Isles who attempted to take over Newcago and kill both Princess Delightful and I. He is ruthless and will do anything to harm Newcago, He is also quite dangerous and willing to do anything to get what he wants. Is that enough information?"

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The duchess, who had become distracted admiring the ceiling, turned back to the Queen. "What's that? Oh, yes, the pizza party! Well, I haven't heard back from Kipper on it, but I suppose all that means is that the idea's not been shot down yet. I say we move on to preparing for the party. I'll go fetch some refreshments from the Bar..."

She made as if to leave, then circled back to the queen. "I think we should invite the Knights Awkward to the party. Nothing says they'll come- too busy reading books and all- but I think it could be a nice welcome."

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Queen Elsa nodded with satisfaction as Winter walked back through the door.


"Thank you, Winter. A great service to Newcago. But what do you mean by tribute...?"


She turned to Brightness Random. "Of course we can invite them, a great idea actually. You may invite every one of the clans."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brightness, who had been looking off into the distance with a slightly dazed look, jerked back to reality and looked up at the queen. "What? Oh, yes, the pizza party, of course! Sorry for my absence, I had a sudden bout of real life..." she grinned sheepishly, "But I'm back now! Yes, should we start the party... now? I don't see any reason why not. The Root Beer Bar is good to go it seems, so if you don't mind, your majesty, then I'd be glad to begin the party at any time."


She turned to the baron. "Ah, LeftInch, we had been introduced, though briefly. It was during my... root beer haiku phase. Back when I first joined the Court, somewhere around page 112, if I remember correctly. Either way, introductions are always fun, so I don't mind meeting you a second time. I am Brightness Random, lighteyes, Royal Emblem Mistress of Newcago, head bard of the Root Beer Bar, and pun-crafter extraordinaire." the duchess gave a small bow here before continuing, "I dabble in a few of the other guilds and appear occasionally in Court, but I'm afraid I don't get around much..."

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The Queen turned and smiled as she saw KaladinStormblessed swearing the Newcago Court oath. It had been a while since someone new had joined the court and Queen Elsa was more than delighted. 


"Welcome to the Newcago Court, KaladinStormblessed, we are more than delighted to have you join."


Kaladin kneeled down as the queen handed him an ice shard blade and steel armour.


"KaladinStormblessed, I name you the official Earl of the Newcago Court and its empire. May you use this armour and sword with great honour and do us proud."


Queen Elsa nodded and turned to Duchess Brightness Random with a smile. 


"Well, in celebration of our newest earl, let the party begin!" She said, holding up a root beer can.

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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"I left the chocolate behind!" Winter called as she ran back, carrying a huge bag on her back. She placed it on the ground. "Whew!" Useful stuff, steel. She thought, happy. "Chocolate." The bag spilled open and lots and lots of chocolate boxes came out. "Five thousand pieces, I think."

"Good! Wonderful! Capital! Two thousand for me, Two thousand for Queen Elsa, and..uh.. one thousand for Winter..."

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"Sounds... fair," Brightness remarked sarcastically from the far side of the room. "Excellent distribution, Stormblesssed. Especially considering that it's Winter's chocolate, brought here at her own cost." She raised her mug of root beer to him in a joking salute before returning to rereading Way of Kings.

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