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The Newcago Court


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  • 2 weeks later...

"I most certainly am," Kipper announced. He whistled a jaunty tune as he strode around the room.

Hail, Hail, the gang's all here...

"I like chicken, bacon, and mushrooms on my pizza. Anybody else have specific requests?" He grinned at the assemblage, mouth watering at the thought of some good pies...

Edited by Kipper
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"Um, just no." Brightness said, giving Kipper an odd look. "Pineapple and cheese. That is what a real pizza looks like." Having put in her two cents, the duchess returned to her book. She turned the page to continue reading before jumping up in realization.


"Kipper!" she yelled, pointing towards him dramatically, "You're alive! ...I haven't seen you ages!"

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"Oh, I've been doing fine," Kipper responded, a half-smile playing about his lips. "I went on a vacation for a couple of weeks to recharge the ol' batteries. But now I'm back for a few more weeks. And just in time for a pizza party, it appears!

I don't think I can support pineapple on pizza, but if you insist, Brightness, it can be worked out."

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Brightness threw up her hands in resignation at Kipper's comment, but smiled. "Hey, do what you will with your pagan pizza, so long as there's root beer I'll survive. That's actually why they call me the Survivor." She paused, leaning in towards Kipper and Elsa conspiratorially. "I'm not sure who "they" are, but either way, they don't really call me the Survivor.


"Anyway... Kipper! When did you switch to a pony?"

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I'll RP later. Winter made this for me a while back and I just found in while digging through some old PMs. I am in no way a Brony. I'll just keep my profile pic this way for a few days, most likely. I think it looks cool.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Brightness shook her head, blushing and pulling a bottle of cream soda out of nowhere. "Sure it's interesting. Not mine, though. I stole it, you see? Nah, I think Pathism is more my thing. Or maybe Sliverism. Never looked into it much, but it seems nice enough."

Finally working the cap off the bottle, Brightness took a swig of soda. "Good stuff, cream soda. Do you know if we have any cheese pizza around here? I figure it'd be best to play it safe, what with Kipper sabotaging all plans for normal pizza..." She stood to search for the pizza when something occurred to her.

"Your majesty, you have read Alloy of Law, right?"

Edited by Brightness Random
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Queen Elsa shook her head. "No, I have not had the pleasure of reading that book. I trust that you have? Tell me, is it a good book worth reading? I am sure the cheese and pineapple pizzas are behind you. My favourite kind."

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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"Ah,thank you." Brightness said, picking up a slice of pinapple, "You have excellent taste.

"The Alloy of Law is the first book in a follow-up series to the original Mistborn trilogy. It is, of course, wonderful. I highly recommend it. It takes place about 400 years after the original series and follows the story of Waxillium Ladrian, a self-appointed lawman out in the lawless back country. It turns out he's related to this important family and he's called back to the big city to take over family interests when his uncle dies." Brightness cocked her head suddenly. "Huh. I'm ranting, aren't I? Okay, well, I try to move through my other points quickly. There are some great mysteries that turn up, the whole book has a steampunk feel to it, and there's a gerenal air of goofiness to most of the story that I very much enjoy. I think that's most everything."

The duchess sighed, biting into her pizza. "Anyway, what have you been up to recently?"

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Elsa smiled. "You are most welcome. What is a pizza without pineapple or cheese? The Alloy of Law sounds most interesting. I would love to read it. It sounds great. I have recently been enjoying the winter with plenty of hot chocolate. What about you?"

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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"Wow, that sounds great. What sort of woodworking projects have you been working on? I attempted to once make a jewellery box, but It didn't really work out. But the letter rack did. I can't tell you how many times I hit my thumb with a hammer or got a splinter in the wood. Piano's going very nicely, I've been preparing for my Sixth Piano Grade Exam, but AMEB (Australian Music Examinations Board) decided to change the program so I had to change most of my pieces, which I actually don't mind now, because the two pieces I already knew, I can still play in the exam. I got a new Beethoven piece as well so I'm very happy with that. How is your art going?"

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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"We've been working on a porch swing. It's actually almost ready to hang up; all that's left is the armrests. Luckily we haven't gotten too many spinters." Brightness paused for a moment, absent-mindedly playing with the cover of her book.

"That's annoying that they changed the program, but I'm glad you at least got to keep two of your songs. And new music is always fun, so that's a plus... Anyway, I wish you the best of luck preparing for your exam.

"My art's slowed down a bit, now that school's out, but I've done several smaller pieces. Last week my sister and actually painted glyphs on each other's faces. I was a Windrunner and she was a Dustbringer. It was pretty fun!

"So what does your winter look like? Have you had any snow?"

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"Wow, the porch swing sounds fantastic! How long did it take you to make? Thank you, I hope I pass it and make it to Seventh Grade! It would be awesome to finish the entire program of piano soon. Just two grades to go, which pretty exciting :D. Your art sounds amazing, I would totally love to see the glyph face art. It sounds awesome! At the moment, it's getting quite cold, but it doesn't snow where I live. I've never seen snow before, but I'd really love to someday. It's sometimes weird belting out "Do you wanna build a snowman?" When I've never even touched snow. I'd love to go snowboarding though. Even without snow, I've been drinking plenty of hot chocolate to keep me warm. How's the weather going for you?" :D :D

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The porch swing has taken, what, nearly two weeks now? We're out working on it for several hours a day most days (not today, so I'm on 17th Shard :P ), so it's been moving along pretty well.


It's so awesome that you're so close to the end of your piano program! That's a whole lot of work for a wonderful payoff. I'm 98% sure my sister has the pictures of our '"facepaint", so I'll hunt her down and get back to you with some pictures...


You've never had snow before? That's crazy! I do have to admit, there's a certain level of irony in hearing that Queen Elsa has never touched snow, but the thought of singing "Do you want to build a snowman?" without having ever built a snowman before is what's getting me. :D Hot chocolate is the best though. I always end up putting in twice the recommended amount of chocolate, though.  :ph34r:


Weather over here has been pretty good. We've had a bit of cloud cover recently, which has kept me from baking too badly. I don't like extreme heat, so I have been very happy with the weather.  :D

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The porch swing sounds great, Well Done! :) I'm very excited to be almost done piano, it's been a long twelve years, but an awesome journey. I love piano so much :):lol:  :lol: The face paint art looked fantastic! Good Work :) It doesn't snow where I live, and I haven't had a chance to actually go to the place where there is snow, but I'd love to try snowboarding someday. I much prefer swimming over snowboarding which probably explains why I haven't been to the snow yet :D. I still love the Frozen songs even if I've never seen snow :D


Glad to hear you've got nice weather. It was sort of nice today, but still cold. Luckily I have a fluffy jacket that makes me look like a polar bear to keep me warm. :D Hot chocolate is my most favourite thing in winter, especially with two marshmallows and froth at the top  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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  • 2 weeks later...

What's up, people?! I'm actually on vacation right now, and boy, is it fun! I'm relishing the slowness and langour of the South after the busyness of life in D.C. Ah, but life is good.

When I get back, I've got to focus on West Point and work, so I'll likely be very inactive...so I really should respond to your PM, Brightness.

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