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The Newcago Court


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The man freezes at the sight of Winter. He smiles awkwardly, trying to act disarming. Suddenly, he throws the potato in his hands at the wall behind Winter and Queen Elsa, yelling, "Convient distraction!" He reaches for his pack, and pulls out a gleaming, brown Shardblade.


He stares at it, confused. He scratches his head.

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A buffet of tacos appeared conveniently nearby to disperse some tension, accompanied with a note.

With gratitude to our patron Queen Elsa Steelheart we of the Dark Alley have taken it upon ourselves to provide some fare of a different nature to our usual cookies. We trust you'll find them less... detrimental.

Voidus, First Lurker of the Alleys


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Out of the buffet came a small gramophone which crackled with static briefly before playing a smooth song.

It was shortly joined by a voice which sporadically crackled.


"Well, that was easy...  ahem, anyway the Dark Alley is abundantly pleased that you have chosen to enjoy one of our complimentary buffet platters. However we recommend that you don't ingest any zinc or go swimming for at least, oh, around 37.3 quantum minutes. Approximately. Also, don't go near any hermit crabs for like, three days. 


Once again, enjoy your consumables, and remember: the Only Cookies for me are from the Dark Alley!




The voice faded and the music continued to play it's slow, sweet melody.

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Hmm, an unusual way of doing ordinary things...


Thought The Stranger, far away in a strange box made of an idea that had been forgotten and a worry that had not,


That has the makings of an excellent slogan...


The Dark Alley, Never doing things the boring way. No, not it. The Dark Alley does things Unusually. No, that's not it either.




The Dark Alley: Ordinary things done in Extraordinary ways.

Yes, that'll do quite nicely...


 He grinned, then laughed, then disappeared, taking his strange box with him.

Edited by Fatebreaker
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"Well-er- you see-" the man stuttered, glancing nervously at the Shardblade. Then he noticed Winter, and started.


"Oh, it's you! How'd you get here? I thought I left you back in the forest."


He chuckles nervously, reaching towards his pack.

Edited by The Potato
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