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The Newcago Court


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"Your preparedness leaves me impressed. Even in the White City itself, their vigilance-" He was cut off by a whinny from his horse. He patted it twice and went on, "Their vigilance was not able to catch this threat. What I need most right now is guidance. The fastest route to the city."

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"I must leave as soon as the pass unfreezes. Can you provide lodging for me and my horse for the night?" Elenion unclipped an iron staff just taller than he was from his saddle and whispered a few words to his horse in an unintelligible language.

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Elenion took an involuntary step back as his gender was mistaken, but realized almost immediately that his blue cloak did make him appear at least a little androgynous. He flipped back his hood, revealing the face of a young man with a stubbly beard and single scar crossing his right cheek from below the corner of his eye until it was lost in the scruff of his chin. "I cannot linger here, for my journey is not yet over. But I believe that my arrival here was no coincidence. I was only able to find this place because I felt some strange power guiding me, a power that transcended both my understanding and the darkness that follows me. Perhaps we will cross paths again." He followed the servant for a few steps, then turned back, "When you awaken in the morning I will most likely be gone. Fare thee well."

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Elenion politely declined and followed the servant to his room, being careful not to accidentally light anything on fire en route. Once there, he leaned his staff in a corner and collapsed on the bed, overcome with the weariness of the day's travels.

The second Elenion woke, he became aware of the sweat on his face. It wasn't from any heat, in fact, he could feel a slight chill, but instead from what he had seen while he was sleeping. He had had premonitions before, but none so vivid and so urgent. It compelled him onward. Elenion reached out his hand and his staff flew into it. He wasted no time leaving his room, getting his horse from the stable (he was impressed with the care it had been given; 300 miles in one day was not easy for a horse, even one of the abilities that Stryder possessed), and setting off over the pass, using his staff for light to compensate for the darkness that still lingered in the sky. But he did not follow the road to Minas Tirith; his vision in the night had dictated the path he must take.


The flash of light threw Elenion backwards, spinning him end over end until he hit the wall, pinned as though with an invisible weight. "Traitor!" he yelled, "You have betrayed us for power?" He began to gasp for breath; the sorcery that held him, he now realized, did not permit him to breathe, and he had used all of his air in that accusation. His assailant said nothing, but reached down and picked up Elenion's staff. The traitor, robed completely in white, began to channel the power he now held, but suddenly stopped and looked up. Elenion felt it too, and if he had any breath left he would have laughed as his assailant was thrown across the room, losing his hold on both staffs. Elenion looked up and connected his thoughts with the Presence. "Is it time to pass on?", Elenion asked in thought, aware that he had no air left, "But if it was, why have you come?"

And then, without hearing any return thought, he knew. Liberated from his body, he summoned his staff back to his hand and left, needing no horse to carry him as he flew over the ravines below.


Elenion needed no sympathy, so he did not tell Queen Elsa about his death. But it was rather obvious; one did not become a slightly-transparent specter of themself by chance. His return did warrant some explanation, but in his current state of jumbled thoughts all he could manage was, "They sent me back because I had not fulfilled my calling. What can a mage such as myself do for thee, o queen?"

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Queen Elsa Steelheart said:

Queen Elsa nodded "You could become a member of Newcago Court and this would mean you would acquire a prestigious and honourable position including a new ice sword/shard blade and a ice armour.

"I would have no need of your armor," Elenion said, sweeping his staff through his midsection and laughing slightly, "but I will accept your offer of a position." His voice now had a slightly-metallic ring to it.

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5 hours ago, Elenion said:

Elenion stepped forward, but was distracted by the fact that his shoes did not make any sound. He looked back up and refocused.

Queen Elsa's servant, Kai, handed her a sword. She gently tapped Elenion on his shoulders and head with the sword. 

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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7 hours ago, Queen Elsa Steelheart said:

Queen Elsa's servant, Kai, handed her a sword. She gently tapped Elenion on his shoulders and head with the sword. 

Elenion suppressed a grin as the sword slightly dipped inside of his body. He'd have to remember that for later.

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Without warning there was a loud bang and an explosion of smoke that filled the court room, followed by what sounded like ghosts whispering afterthoughts. The smoke cleared revealing the unmistakable form of the Stranger. His crocodile-like grin gleamed, as did the spike in his left eye. He pulled a notepad and pen from the confines of his grey lab coat.

"I heard something about a looming darkness?"

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20 minutes ago, Fatebreaker said:

Without warning there was a loud bang and an explosion of smoke that filled the court room, followed by what sounded like ghosts whispering afterthoughts. The smoke cleared revealing the unmistakable form of the Stranger. His crocodile-like grin gleamed, as did the spike in his left eye. He pulled a notepad and pen from the confines of his grey lab coat.

"I heard something about a looming darkness?"

Elenion whirled, hands instinctively flipping his staff into a defensive stance, fire igniting on both ends. Realizing he was not in any immediate danger, he extinguished the pyrotechnics and lowered his staff to his side.

"And who are you to ask of such dark matters?"

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23 minutes ago, Fatebreaker said:

Without warning there was a loud bang and an explosion of smoke that filled the court room, followed by what sounded like ghosts whispering afterthoughts. The smoke cleared revealing the unmistakable form of the Stranger. His crocodile-like grin gleamed, as did the spike in his left eye. He pulled a notepad and pen from the confines of his grey lab coat.

"I heard something about a looming darkness?"

Elsa's body jumped as the explosion defended across the court room. "Hello?" She called out, her voice echoing. The figure decended and she recognised him. "Fatebreaker! It's nice to hear from you again!"

7 hours ago, Elenion said:

Elenion suppressed a grin as the sword slightly dipped inside of his body. He'd have to remember that for later.

Queen Elsa's eyes widened. "I pronounce you, Sir Elenion of the Newcago Court. Do you, Elenion, promise to serve the Court till you last draw breath, and recite the oath?"


Your Majesty, Elsa Steelheart, First of Thy Name, Titan of Ice, Snowwarden, Frozenborn, Queen of Newcago and all Lands of the Seventeenth, I, _______, do swear my humble, undying fealty to thee. I shall forevermore serve thee and thee alone with the utmost fervency, till last I draw breath.

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2 minutes ago, Elenion said:

Elenion recited the oath, grinning just slightly when he realized that he'd already drawn his last breath. Being little more than a ghost was humorous like that.

Queen Elsa chuckled and handed him the sword. "May you make Newcago proud until you draw your last....breaths." :D as a ghost :D

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36 minutes ago, Queen Elsa Steelheart said:

Queen Elsa chuckled and handed him the sword. "May you make Newcago proud until you draw your last....breaths." :D as a ghost :D

Elenion attempted to grab the sword, but his fingers went through the handle the first two times. Focusing intently, he was finally able to grip the hilt.

"Thank you, my queen."

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