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The Newcago Court


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Swimmingly smiles, for a moment, as he collapses. Then his form fades to a wisp of blue-white flame that lingers in mid-air, flickering fitfully.






On three, a blast of furnace-heat light smashes out to send Joe wheeling through the air, form scorched and broken. It rebounds, incinerating the axe , before Swimmingly reforms, clad in flame, lines of hemalurgic spikes glistening down his ribs and spine. He is clad in incandescent flame, a pair of brass bracelets locked around his wrists and an axe of pure flame glowing in his hand. He hurls it casually, staving in Joe's skull with a hammer of pure energy that disperses about him, sending a stench like roasting pork into the air. Swimmingly leaps forward, tackling Chaos, and bludgeoning him about the ears with glowing metalminds. Each strike sends a burst of foul smoke into the air, scarring and burning the tissue.

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Joe quickly Sweeps his Blade through Swimmingly's Throat. Swiimingly Collapses to the Floor, with Feathers sprouting From his Eyes.


"My Lord Chaos. My Lady feather has seen fit to Bestow Featherblades on her Subjects. Do you have any Chaos Blades that I may claim as well?"


Is this a D-Gray Man reference?


Yay! More fun to watch.

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Immediately, I heal from the wounds.

"Hah. Adorable. Spikes, eh?"

With an incredible flaring of brass, I Soothe Swimmingly.

Meanwhile, the axe reforms from mist in Joe's hands.

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Joe Compounds FeGold and FePewter, easily Regaining His Body. He Quickly Feather Casts His Axe back into Reality, and Summons his Feather Blade.


An Amubulatory Fish, and the Stay-puft Marshmallow man? That's what you send At me?" Joe Sucks in Featherlight, and And Transports himself into the Heart of  Marshmellow. Then he Compounds FeBrass, creating enough Heat to Melt the Snowman, as well as the Entire Frozen Land of Newcago. He walks out of the Slush and goo, to where Swimmingly is attempting to Beat up a Feathercast Image of Chaos.


He Sinks his Axe deep into the Body of the Fish, then Feathercalls the Body Far above the Upper reaches of the Atmosphere. "Try Surviving that!"


EDIT: Ooh, Chaos changed History befor it was written!. (Ninja'd)

Edited by Hello. My name is Joe
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Joe Compounds FeGold and FePewter, easily Regaining His Body. He Quickly Feather Casts His Axe back into Reality, and Summons his Feather Blade.


An Amubulatory Fish, and the Stay-puft Marshmallow man? That's what you send At me?" Joe Sucks in Featherlight, and And Transports himself into the Heart of  Marshmellow. Then he Compounds FeBrass, creating enough Heat to Melt the Snowman, as well as the Entire Frozen Land of Newcago. He walks out of the Slush and goo, to where Swimmingly is attempting to Beat up a Feathercast Image of Chaos.


He Sinks his Axe deep into the Body of the Fish, then Feathercalls the Body Far above the Upper reaches of the Atmosphere. "Try Surviving that!"


EDIT: Ooh, Chaos changed History befor it was written!. (Ninja'd)


She walks on to what was her balcony and screams with a ear splitting yell. 

she stamps her foot in the middle of where she is standing. she has a city to recreate.

This one will be made of steel and ice. heat proof steel. Towards my enimies i have a hard heart of steel.

Rising her hands, Steel and Ice buildings rise from the ground, more magnificent than anyone has ever seen.

"Today," Elsa says through clenched teeth, "Is a new day for Newcago. Today is the day Newcago will be victorious. Today is the day for victory.

For her palace, she makes another level than what it was before, As a final touch she adds ice statues of her, the princess and her lords, knights and ministers. Everyone will now know who is with the Newcagos. 


She walks up to Swimminly and revives him. Today is a new day for Newcago.

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Your Majesty, Elsa Steelheart, First of Thy Name, Titan of Ice, Snowwarden, Frozenborn, Queen of Newcago and all Lands of the Seventeenth, I, Erai, do swear my humble, undying fealty to thee. I shall forevermore serve thee and thee alone with the utmost fervency, till last I draw breath.

And so, it is done.

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Another One?!?! When will they Learn?


*Sweeps Featherblade at Erai*


*Steps back with calmness*

Hello Joe, My name is Erai.

You attacked our keep. Prepare to die.


Wise decision, Erai. Hands him a ice sword and steel armour. 

Will you serve me and me only?

I accept this sword, this armour. By my life, i will serve and protect.

Death will not be an option. What is frozen shall never change.

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What is Frozen will never Change? I melted Newcago an Hour Ago. That was Frozen. And By the Way, FeDuralumin FeBendalloy!


Time Froze in a Bubble around Joe and Erai. A one on one Duel. An Ordinary Knight of Newcago, vs. a Full Feather Born, Feather Knight and Knight of Chaos? Phh. The Battle lasted 2 Seconds, and ended with Kurkistan feasting on the Corpses of Erai and Joe.


Wait, What? Joe Quickly Feathercalled to the Front of the Court, healing as he Went. Yup. That was definitely Kurk. Where did he come from?

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Alright, Joe, you want to play this?

Swimmingly lashed out with an iceblade, score a spray of metal flakes from the steel floor of the Newcago court - they flashed blue in the air as he caught them in each hand, holding the handful of dust up to the light. He stored a burst of speed in them, slowing for a moment, then sprinkled them into his mouth and burned them.

ColdSteel. While other metals gave a sensation of warmth in the chest as they were burned, this reached tendrils of ice into his throat as he compounded the frozen speed, filling it back into the floor of the court itself, smashing dust into the air to be inhaled and compounded, faster and faster.


Swimmingly stopped a few minutes later from his perspective - barely a microsecond to anyone else. The compounded speed pulsed through the floor of the steely court, sustaining him in that single moment of infinite time. Speed compounded from coldsteel wasn't like anything else - it crystallized the moments, like a Plank-scale clock that ticked at a steady purr in his head. Every frame of the universe was distinct, coated in an icy rime that expanded from the concentrated Investiture.


He dived forwards in a smooth roll, keeping a hand anchored to the glistening floor, slipping through moments like a puppet through it's show. Down, slipping under Joe - and he reached for the other resevoir. Allomantic coldsteel. A ripple of ice swirled out as several billion joules of Investiture were rerouted in a single blast of absolute zero, twinned to the metal as it sought to launch the unfortunate through the steel roof, his armour chilling and cracking around him.

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I wish I could write that Well


Joe Smirked, and Burned Steel and Zinc His Mind expanded, allowing him to see everything with Minute Clarity. Swimmingly was obviously doing the Same. He waited as Swimmingly Dashed, and then Slide underneath and past Joe, letting loose a Massive blast of Ice. When will these people learn? Ice and snow are Ineffective as Weapons. Joe Reached inside, and Flared his Brass, Compounding his own Body Heat a hundred fold, then a Thousand Fold, then by a Hundred-thousand. A miniature Sun. The Ice created by Swimmingly Disappeared in a cloud of Steam. As Swimmingly slide by, Joe reached out, grabbing him by the Ankle, and flared Chromium. He could feel it as Swimmingly's Metals all disappeared in a Flash. all he had left was Cold Feruchemy.


"Halt!" A voice Rang out. A Lady, obviously of High Rank, walked Gracefully into the Courtroom. "I call a Halt to this War! The Image hath been changed!" Queen Delightful? So she had given in.


"My Lady, As Our Demands have been met, I shall stop this Duel, until My Lord Chaos Orders me to Continue. it Warms my heart to see you so Changed. Sir Swimmingly. Let us Cease this Fight for now, we can continue this another time."


"My Lord Chaos. Do we Stay our Hands, or Continue?"

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