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Well that reminds me of a pihrana, which reminds me of Swimmingly, sooooo Squiver?

Or how about DelIver- Delightful/Quiver. :ph34r:B):lol::D:P;):o:)

A ship of Quiver and I, should it exist, would have to be a pairing of highwaymen. Stand and Deliver! .

Or it could mean "give me an organ" (de-liver, geddit? :lol: ). And neither of those options are quite befitting for a princess, so I shall have to ship.....Twyver/QuivLyght. Because ponies.

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Sorry if i am a bit low on boots right now.

He who is offended when offense is not intended is a fool. He who takes offense when offense is intended is als a fool.

And if said offense is in a joke then they become a laughing fool.

Edited by Matrim Bloody Cauthon
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As i have said before a noble would have boots for everything. I am no noble so i have a pair for farmwork, a pair for day to day stuff, a pair for walking, and a pear for lunch. You cant have any of those.


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QuivLyght is approved by best Pony.

That therefore makes QuivLyght best Ship.

Because logic.

And Leftfinch that picture is very...Spawn looking. I had no idea Trigun was animated by Todd McFarlene.

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(Is anyone else here a Jelsa shipper? I ship it)

I remember you shipped yourself with Jack Frost already, Child. 


Jelsa, I believe.

Jelsa Steelfrost. I like it.  :)



(Jelsa fanfic Queen Elsa Steelheart and myself wrote a while back, so unfortunately Newcago does not feature)

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Now the Moment You've all been waiting for:

Jelsa Fanfic: Arendelle's Hero! Part 1


The Blue writing is from Elsa's perspective and the black writing is from Jack's


Queen Elsa trembled and sobbed as she walked through the snow. There had to be someone else who had powers like her, someone who understood her. Her kingdom was in danger and there was one person who could help. No one else understood. She had heard of this ‘Jack Frost’ and was determined to find him. She slid down the snow and used the ice cloud to travel a couple of kilometres more to find him. She stopped the cloud and looked down. This seems to be the place. she frowned as she looked at her map. It was a large pond, covered in ice.

 Jack Frost slid over the slick ice, bare feet perfectly comfortable in the cold. He never felt the cold. It was one of the advantages of being a Guardian. But that doesn't mean everything was an advantage. He'd spent the past years of his life playing with children, creating snowmen, brightening up their day. But now, it was summer, and he had time to think. He wasn't just a kid anymore. The wind blew through his shoulder-length hair and he threw his head back, arms spread wide, staff as always held firmly, the rough texture of the wood comfortable in his palm. Life should be perfect. And yet, he missed his old family. He missed doing something really worthwhile. He paused, staring down at his toes, looking into the depths of the ice from where he come to be a guardian. The moon reflected into the layers of ice. "What do I do now?" he whispered into the chill air. "What do I do now?"

Elsa noticed the boy, with his white hair and blue jumper, covered in ice, holding a large staff. “Jack!” she cried, “I finally found you!”

An echoing call faintly reached his ears. Jack lifted his head from the mesmerising image of the moon encased in ice, to see a beautiful woman in a sleek blue dress approaching. Flying. On....some kind of cloud? He stared in shock. Was this the moon, coming down in human form to speak to him? That impressions shattered with her next words.

“Jack? Are you Jack Frost? The Guardian with ice powers?”
Elsa looked unsure. Had she found the right person?

"I--uh--yes." He blushed, then cursed at himself and gripped his staff more tightly, hoping it would make him look more impressive.

"Well then I need your help. My name is Elsa, Queen of Arendelle.” She looked down on him. “You look nothing like a Guardian Jack, just a little boy. I’m not even sure I'm in the right place.” She stood on her cloud, which was on the ground and tried to look powerful. On the inside she felt extremely weak.

Jack felt like he'd been slapped in the face. Anger rose in wave of heat from his toes up his legs and into the crashing of his heartbeat. His eyes narrowed. "If I don't look like a guardian then I guess I can't help you then, can I?" He pushed off against the ice into the air, turning his back on her in the wind that whipped his hair around, and settled down again against a tree branch around the corner and out of sight. He turns his head back up to gaze at the moon, but couldn't stop himself glancing over his shoulder. What the hell was the woman's problem?

Elsa was extremely frustrated. Back in Arendelle she was so used to getting her own way. She summoned her courage, and walked up to Jack. "Jack! No! Okay mighty Guardian or whatever! I have you know I am a queen.” She used her ice powers to trap him in an ice rope. “Jack, please. I have been cursed with this my entire life. My kingdom is in danger. Please Jack, help me."

About to break his bonds in anger, Jack paused. Her desperate words struck a chord deep within him somewhere. Hadn't he just been looking for something more to do? Instead he just let the ice ropes slither into pieces, and they fell gently to the glacier's surface with the tinkling of wind chimes. He tilted his head to the side. Now that he was closer, he could see the desperation in those wide eyes, in the way she clasped her hands nervously. Still....
"Okay, first things first," he said. "You want my help, no attacking me! No binding, nothing. It obviously doesn't work anyway. Secondly, you may be queen, but if you're going to insult me the answer is no. Where did you say you were from, again?"

“I'm Queen Elsa of Arendelle.” Elsa gave a weak smile. She was finally getting somewhere with him. 
“Will you help me Jack? Please? My kingdom is in danger. I’m afraid they may starve!”

"I'm a busy man, you know. Maybe I'll see what I could do." He swung his staff over his shoulder. "What exactly seems to be the problem?"

“Well, I made these snowmen, and they went mad and they are holding the town under siege and my people will starve! My reign with be over!” Elsa fell to her knees begging, almost in tears.


Jack Frost raised an eyebrow, then leaned down and pulled the queen to her feet. "Calm down. Seriously." He met her eyes and saw pure terror reflect there. She wasn't as strong as she was pretending. " Now, you worried about your reign or about your people?"

 Elsa looked up in surprise. “Of Course I am! I'm the queen for goodness sake, if I do not look after my people, who will? Plus I actually want Arendelle to survive cause you can't be the queen of no country" Elsa frowned at him.


"Don't give me that look, lady. I'm Guardian of people who need protecting, and that doesn't include helping Queens keep their power just because, especially a Queen who's endangered her own people. That was downright irresponsible, creating snowmen you couldn't control." He knew he was being mean, but he had to push her, had to see if she was genuine. He held her gaze with steady eyes.

Elsa looked at her feet. She felt stupid and idiotic. “Jack, I am sorry, it was me who put Arendelle into chaos and only you and I can stop it. I would give up my entire crown if you did not come with me. I would do it for you. Only you understand me Jack, Arendelle called me a monster. That is why I came to you, no one else. The only other person with ice magic.”

Jack felt as if her words crystallised into a solid purpose, one that filled the gap in his soul. Maybe she was the moon's emissary after all. Of a kind.
"Well, of course I'll do what I can then," he said softly.

“Thank you Jack, I promise to reward you for your kindness after we restore balance to Arendelle. But I don't know where to start!”

Jack's mouth curled into a small grin. What kind of reward did she think he wanted? He was a Guardian. Apparently she didn't understand that. He bowed, partly to hide his smile. "Maybe we should go have a look at the problem then, Your Majesty?"

“Oh, please.” Elsa giggled. “Call me Elsa. We will go to Arendelle. If you will be so kind and step on my ice cloud, we can fly there really quickly. LET’S GO SAVE MY KINGDOM!!” Elsa smiled with a determined look.

"Alright then...Elsa. I'll follow you." He lifted his staff and bent his knees slightly. "Nothing personal. I just don't trust ice clouds. I'm more of a blizzard kinda guy." He pushed off and spun into the deliciously cool air.

“Ok Jack, You probably don't know the way to Arendelle anyway. Just act normal when we get there. My people are very judge mental to icebenders.


People who have Ice powers like you Jack” said Elsa. She raised an eyebrow at him. They skimmed across the blue sky. Elsa starred straight ahead while Jack flew in a different and completely differently way, carefree and getting distracted by the landscape.

Jack laughed. "Yeah, no kidding when you set evil snowmen on them!" He lay on his back, arms folded behind his head as he shot along backwards.

Elsa quietly giggled and turned toward him. "We are here Jack." Arendelle was looking quite different than how she had left it.

What's with this girl? Jack thought, One moment she's insulting me, the next she's laughing at something I'd expect her to be offended at. Whatever. He flipped upright in the air to see a large castle, absolutely covered in a chilling layer of snow. He sighed. "ahh, the cold. Gotta love it!". He leaned forward and swooped down towards the rooftops. The snow was just asking to be played in. But he quickly noticed there were no children outside, and the smile dropped off his face. He turned to Elsa, who was just behind him. "Where is everyone?"

“They are hiding Jack. Underground, they are too afraid to leave it. Only I and Princess Anna and her husband Kristoff and a couple of servants are some of the only people living above ground. Some have even fled.”

"Did anyone make it past the snowmen?" The thought of people squashed by frozen snow made him shiver, even though he didn't feel cold. Winter was supposed to be for fun, for playing and for freezing things. Not for destruction.

 One did, but we haven't heard from them since. I doubt he got far. Now you see how desperately we needed your help”

 "Well," Jack spread his hands out to the sides. "This is your home. What do you suggest we do? What do you know about your magic and what's caused the snowmen to go wild?" It seemed a strange conversation to be having suspended in the air, but as always Jack felt perfectly at home there.

“ Let’s go speak to my sister Princess Anna. Maybe she can help us. I hardly know anything about my magic. My powers are crazy!” Jack and Elsa flew down and landed on the soft snow. They turned around and made their way into the front gate. The gate was beautiful blue coloured and the tall towers were icy blue. The guards were delighted to see Queen Elsa again. They opened the gate to let her in. Jack stared in awe at all the huge hallways. They made their way into the throne room. In there was Anna, Kristoff and Sven surround by guards looking more and more worried. Her face lit up when she saw Elsa and ran to give her a hug. "Hi Anna, I'm back! And I bought someone who can help us.


 "Oh Elsa, thank goodness!" Anna ran forward and threw her arms around her sister, then stepped back. "Elsa, it's bad. A few hours ago Micka and Len tried to sneak out. They haven't been seen since. A few people living on the outskirts have taken refuge in the palace, and we're doing what we can for them, but....". She looked hopefully up at Jack. He stepped forward, standing straight, yet somehow still exuding a casual air.

 "I'm Jack Frost," he said. "Queen Elsa said you could do with some advice"

 Anna nodded emphatically. "Can you help her with her powers?"

Jack glanced sideways at Elsa, slightly nervously. “I thought your people didn't like ice-powered people" his gaze seemed to say.

"Anna is different, Jack, said Elsa. She would never hurt or judge me. She is my sister. Some respect my powers, some don't. I'm the queen and I must deal with it."

 Jack nodded. "Ok, so what do we know about Elsa's powers? If we don't know what's wrong, it's dangerous to try anything that could go wrong."

 "They are very unpredictable and can cause lots of terrible injuries,” said Princess Anna. “There is light in her powers but there is darkness and hate in them as well –“

“QUEEN ELSA!! I MEAN YOUR MAJESTY!" A guard suddenly ran in, very out of breath. Elsa turned around, "What ever is the problem sir?” she asked.

“ Y- your majesty. The snowmen have captured two young boys and a woman. Some people tried to follow them but they were thrown back. Quite a few of them were badly injured. The people of Arendelle are very distressed. You must help them Queen Elsa!" He fell to the floor out of breath. She looked at Anna shocked, then serious. "Anna, this has gone too far! I am not reigning and having this in my kingdom!" She looked at the nearest servant. “Bring me my ice armour and my horse. Organise the guards, we are rescuing those people"

 The guard paled. "Your - Your Majesty...the guards...they cannot fight snowmen with their swords. Those who have tried were surrounded and suffocated by the snow. We are forever loyal and will support you with anything, but please do not ask this of us."
The servant paused, Elsa hesitated.
"Of course then," Anna said, waving the servant towards the guard instead. "Help this man up, get him defrosted and tell the cook to give him good soup. You have done good work this day, guard of Arendelle. Now," she turned back to Elsa and Jack. "We need to work this out quickly so we can fix the situation. Elsa, has anything, anything at all changed about your powers recently? Has something happened I don't know about? Mr. Frost, is there anything you can think of?"
"Well," Jack said, "it could really be any number of things. Likely lack of practice - I've been the Winter Guardian for years now, and I still learn new things and make mistakes all the time."

Elsa clenched her fists and grit her teeth. Anna wasn’t supposed to be giving out the orders, She was! The guard had asked for HER, not Anna. She was back now and still queen! Elsa suddenly felt very frustrated and angry. "OF COURSE ANNA, JUST GO GIVE OUT THE ORDERS, ITS NOT LIKE IM THE QUEEN OR ANYTHING, NO NOT AT ALL! She then turned to the guard. “I DONT CARE THAT YOU CANT FACE THE SNOWMEN, DEAL WITH IT!” The guard’s eyes widened in fear, faced in front of his very angry queen. “IM GOING OFF ON MY OWN! AND JACK,
MIND YOUR OWN BEESWAX! I DONT NEED YOUR HELP!!" Elsa stormed out of the room with a hot head and slammed the door of her room.

Anna's eyes opened wide, and she stumbled backwards for a moment before catching her balance. Her face bleached of all colour. "No, Elsa...!" she breathed. 
Anna turned on Jack.
"You have to help her! Please!"
Jack ran a hand back through his hair. "Uh, Princess? I don't think she wants my help."
Anna fell to her knees at Jack's feet. "Please! You have to!"
"Have to what exactly?" An inexplicable frustration rose in him. What the hell had he gotten himself into? They were just a bunch of madwomen! He met Anna's pleading gaze with a frosty one of his own. "No. When she wants help, she can come back and beg for it. Your great queen is irresponsible, and she's acting like a child. Elsa is no ruler." He spun on his heel, and strode away, yanking the massive door open to the freezing blizzard outside. He leapt into the air, and disappeared in an instant.
"What about the children?" Anna whispered, the words barely audible as they were snatched away by the wind. "What do we do now?"



Elsa had no time to loose. She rummaged through her cupboard and grabbed her ice amour. She put it on, along with her ice dress and cape. Elsa grabbed her horse from the stable. She was about to get on but then she heard an ear-piercing scream

She gasped and ran as quickly as she could to the palace gate. When she got there, she stood there in shock. How could her kingdom come to this? She pushed the people aside and ran right in front of the two snowmen. Like a heroine she shot out the sharpest piece of ice she could make.

Elsa jumped and kept shooting and shooting. It didn't have much effect because the snowmen were covered in impenetrable snow. Elsa wasn't going to give up so easily. She fought and fought until she felt like it was the last of energy. With the last of Elsa's energy, she pushed herself forward and shoot multiple times. By now the snowman had had enough. The one with a purple carrot nose lifted his hand up and released a rock- hard snowball. Elsa tried to dodge it but it hit her in the head and knocked her unconscious. Too scared to move, the people stood there in shock. The snowmen simply scooped up Queen Elsa, while she was still unconscious, and walked away. The citizens were horrified. Who was going to help them now?


EDIT: Some of the colors have messed up. Delightful and I will fix them later.

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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