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The Newcago Court


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"I dunno." Pirh admitted. "Should I throw it at them?"

"Why not?" Coal suggested. Pirh did that. It exploded in their faces and then one of the dragons ran around screaming "Purple! Purple! Purple!" Another yelled. "Squirrel! Squirrel!" A group of 5 black wolves leapt onto another dragon. The scouts of the Midnight Pack.

"Thanks, Blacksky." Pirh called. "Glad you could come." The biggest wolf, Blacksky, nodded. Pirh was the alpha of the Lordship Pack, initiator of the Domination Pact. She wasn't really glad. It was their duty. 


"Thank Pirh! Keep it up!." Queen Elsa began to throw ice shard at all the dragons and summoned more ice dragons. "If this is only the beginning, I really don't want to know what else waiting for us.:

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"Is the Dawn Pack here?" Pirh asked. "And where is the rest of the Midnight Pack?" 

"Fighting a demon." Blacksky shrugged. "Anyway, Dawn Pack is on its way. The farther away packs might take anywhere between twenty minutes to an hour. 


As the Queen stuck her shardblade into the heart of the last dragon she turned back to Pirh. "Hurry! We don't have much time!" and they began to race into the dark, gloomy dungeons.

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A pair of silver globs with sharp blades sticking on top of them leapt at them. One of them formed into a chain around the Queen's legs. Coal slashed the other one. 


The Queen struggled with the chain, but the more she moved, the tighter it became around her legs. 

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Pirh stumbled as the one that had wrapped its way around the Queen attached itself to her. She tried to shift, but she couldn't. Something with this silver chain prevented her from shapeshifting. The other one attacked the wolves. Coal fell down, unconscious after a cloud of silver mist fogged the air. Her mind was getting foggy. She tried to get out, but the chains expanded and wrapped their way around her.


Then everything went black.

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"Pirh!" she screamed, but the words simply floated out her mouth, useless under her control. The Queen tried to struggle with the chains once more but with a final movement the chains flew up into the air and smacked down on the ground, with the Queen smacking her head on the cold hard dungeon floor, and fell into unconsciousness in an instant. 

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Pirh opened her eyes. She was in a small room. The bars were black and she was chained to the bars with the silver stuff. The sword was gone. Her wolves, were they dead? She had lost connection. The pack sense was something she had taken for granted. Her weapons were missing. So were her spikes. How did they get rid of her spikes without killing her? That was crazy. The Queen was still unconscious next to her. 

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Slowly and wearily, the Queen regained consciousness. "Delightful?" she said, looking around. Her hand went to her head. "Ow. My head is killing me." She noticed she still had the chains around her legs and the cuffs up to her wrists on her hands and most of her armour was gone and her shard blade was missing. She looked around, "Pirh. You're here too?" We are in the darkest and most remote part of the dungeon. I only send the most serious of criminals here." Queen Elsa tried to get up, but almost instantly fell over again. "Smacking my head didn't exactly help with my balance. How are we going to get out?"

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"I have no idea. It is your dungeon." She shrugged. She hit the wall with her fist, frustrated. "What happened? What was that silver thing?" A snake slivered in front of the cage. Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet disappeared. Pirh grabbed a bar, but her strength from the pack sense was gone. Her dominance was over. Would Dustvoid and his faction rebel against the Pact with her gone? She fell too, dangling by the chain. They were hanging above a pool of...something. It was black and purple. People walked around the edges, occasionally looking up and jeering at the two.

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"I have no idea. It is your dungeon." She shrugged. She hit the wall with her fist, frustrated. "What happened? What was that silver thing?" A snake slivered in front of the cage. Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet disappeared. Pirh grabbed a bar, but her strength from the pack sense was gone. Her dominance was over. Would Dustvoid and his faction rebel against the Pact with her gone? She fell too, dangling by the chain. They were hanging above a pool of...something. It was black and purple. People walked around the edges, occasionally looking up and jeering at the two.


"After that chain wrapped itself around me, it wrapped itself around you and you lost consciousness. Then It flew me up and smacked me back down, and I smacked my head on the dungeon floor. But we need to get out of here, that pool is full of poison. I've seen it before! Pirh. I have an idea. Can you somehow start swinging on your chains and I'll swing on mine to gain enough momentum to grab onto something on the other side of the pool and break the top chain?"

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"But you just told those people bellow, those watching us, what we intend to do!" Pirh hissed. She tried to do what the Queen suggested, but she couldn't. More chains came and secured them down to the ground, besides the poison. "We are in trouble. Are they going to toss us into the pool?"

"Former Queen Elsa Steelheart of Newcago!" A man's voice called up from the ground. "Former Wolfkind of the Dark Alley! Do you have anything to say for yourself? This is your trial before the Circle of Judgement." A group of men and women sat down in chairs around the pool. "If you answer any of our questions falsely, you shall be lowered lower."

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BreathTaker and his two undead Cuervos burst in to the room, the King cut through one of the Dragonkin guarding the two women while the Huginn and Muninn mobbed the other guard. Behind those three came Geri and Freki as well as Pirh's entire pack, killing or maiming most of the remaining Dragonkin. 


Finally after all the enemies had been dispatched the Raven King started for the imprisoned women but before he could make it, a large snake lunged at him. Before he could react Munnin was there in it's black plate armor being squeezed to death by the serpent, without thinking BT slammed his Shardblade against the snakes body but the blade was deflected off of the now metallic creature. Munnin was crushed like a can within seconds, it's animated skeleton sparking as the magic left it, after the spell wore off a large raven climbed out of the crumpled armor.


Enraged at the loss, the Raven King's armor began to glow with black flames in sigils etched into the armor. The man reached out, grabbed the snake's head in his mighty paws and began to tear it in half from the mouth all the way to the tail. 


After BreathTaker dropped the body he continued on his path to Elsa and Pirh when he heard the booming voice, he stopped and thought for a moment before speaking, "Who speaks against these two and for what crimes?" The King's helmet melted away and reformed into his silver crown, his sword shifted into a long bladed spear, both of his Cuervos had reverted back to plain ravens and alighted on his shoulders while Freki and Geri sat at his side. Again one eye remained black while the other glowed a fierce red.


"Who speaks?" The booming voice asked after a moment, "I am BreathTaker, King on the Raven throne, Son of Durin and Grandson of Odin! I am King of the dead and those who prefer the shadows! I demand to know what crimes these women have committed!" BT's voice also boomed now, matching the unseen judge's volume in a rumbling bass. 


(son of Durin not son and grandson of Odin... ew)

Edited by BreathTaker
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BreathTaker and his two undead Cuervos burst in to the room, the King cut through one of the Dragonkin guarding the two women while the Huginn and Muninn mobbed the other guard. Behind those three came Geri and Freki as well as Pirh's entire pack, killing or maiming most of the remaining Dragonkin. 


Finally after all the enemies had been dispatched the Raven King started for the imprisoned women but before he could make it, a large snake lunged at him. Before he could react Munnin was there in it's black plate armor being squeezed to death by the serpent, without thinking BT slammed his Shardblade against the snakes body but the blade was deflected off of the now metallic creature. Munnin was crushed like a can within seconds, it's animated skeleton sparking as the magic left it, after the spell wore off a large raven climbed out of the crumpled armor.


Enraged at the loss, the Raven King's armor began to glow with black flames in sigils etched into the armor. The man reached out, grabbed the snake's head in his mighty paws and began to tear it in half from the mouth all the way to the tail. 


After BreathTaker dropped the body he continued on his path to Elsa and Pirh when he heard the booming voice, he stopped and thought for a moment before speaking, "Who speaks against these two and for what crimes?" The King's helmet melted away and reformed into his silver crown, his sword shifted into a long bladed spear, both of his Cuervos had reverted back to plain ravens and alighted on his shoulders while Freki and Geri sat at his side. Again one eye remained black while the other glowed a fierce red.


"Who speaks?" The booming voice asked after a moment, "I am BreathTaker, King on the Raven throne, Son of Durin and Grandson of Odin! I am King of the dead and those who prefer the shadows! I demand to know what crimes these women have committed!" BT's voice also boomed now, matching the unseen judge's volume in a rumbling bass. 


(son of Durin not son and grandson of Odin... ew)


A look of happiness and relief crossed the queen's face. "Raven King! I can't thank you enough!" But the queen knew, it was escape first, and chat later. 

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Pirh was glad, everything would be okay. Her pack sense still wasn't there, but that would come back. It had to. Except...Were the chains loosening? She looked up and then the two fell. Blue lightening flashed all across the room.

"Death to the false Queen!" Yelled a large group of flying...pandas? The pandas flew across the room, straight towards the falling pair. Coal leapt across the pool, knocking Pirh out of the way. Moonstorm, a silver wolf, grabbed the Queen. However, a panda grabbed Moonstorm. The panda started to strangle the wolf. Pirh ran towards Moonstorm, but she was locked in combat with the panda. 

"What's up with the Pandas?" Pirh muttered. "Anyway. Pack, protect me!" The pack surrounded her, the pack sense rekindled. She transformed, growling in annoyance. "Attack and kill pandas. Has the other packs arrived?"

"Yes." Coal nodded. "They're waiting outside. Those cowards thought you were already dead." 

"Dustvoid." Pirh growled. "I am going to make an example out of him."

"Of course." Coal nodded. Suddenly, a bright yellow flash illuminated a giant panda across the room. 

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Pirh was glad, everything would be okay. Her pack sense still wasn't there, but that would come back. It had to. Except...Were the chains loosening? She looked up and then the two fell. Blue lightening flashed all across the room.

"Death to the false Queen!" Yelled a large group of flying...pandas? The pandas flew across the room, straight towards the falling pair. Coal leapt across the pool, knocking Pirh out of the way. Moonstorm, a silver wolf, grabbed the Queen. However, a panda grabbed Moonstorm. The panda started to strangle the wolf. Pirh ran towards Moonstorm, but she was locked in combat with the panda. 

"What's up with the Pandas?" Pirh muttered. "Anyway. Pack, protect me!" The pack surrounded her, the pack sense rekindled. She transformed, growling in annoyance. "Attack and kill pandas. Has the other packs arrived?"

"Yes." Coal nodded. "They're waiting outside. Those cowards thought you were already dead." 

"Dustvoid." Pirh growled. "I am going to make an example out of him."

"Of course." Coal nodded. Suddenly, a bright yellow flash illuminated a giant panda across the room. 

The Queen looked a little uneasy as Moonstorm grabbed her. She wasn't used to riding on wolves, but she was glad she was being rescued from the weird looking pandas. As the queen hit the ground after Moonstrom started to fight the Panda, her cuffs broke and shattered and her hands were free. A nearby wolf bit through her leg chain. The fight had began. 

With her blue eyes glowing with rage, she floated on a ice cloud towards the judge and shot a shard of ice at him. Looking into his eyes, she said "If it is an ice queen you want, then an ice queen you shall have." She picked him up amounst a mound of snow and flung him across the room. There, in his coat, was Elsa's shardblade and Pirh's spike. 

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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BT burried his face in his hand, he had everything under control... with a sigh he jumped into the pit, blade reforming in to the BlackShard. He threw the blade and knocked Elsa's ice spike wide, the man was dazed enough that she recovered both items but BreathTaker took the man and slammed him against the wall, "WHO ARE YOU?!" his voice boomed, his Shard reforming as a large black spike with the tip almost touching the man's throat.

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BT burried his face in his hand, he had everything under control... with a sigh he jumped into the pit, blade reforming in to the BlackShard. He threw the blade and knocked Elsa's ice spike wide, the man was dazed enough that she recovered both items but BreathTaker took the man and slammed him against the wall, "WHO ARE YOU?!" his voice boomed, his Shard reforming as a large black spike with the tip almost touching the man's throat.


The Queen retrieved her shard blade and stood behind BT in front of the man. "And how DARE you call me a false queen and danger my life!" The man trembled in front of the Raven King and the Ice Queen.


Slowly, the man began to speak. "I'm the leader of the Heralds." He said.

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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Shadows began to puddle at BT's feet and rose from the ground like living oil. The darkness formed into chains, a mockery of what his enemy had done to his friends The shadow chains wound their way up the stranger's legs, up his torso, around his arms and finally circled his neck without strangling the man.


The King smiled at the terror  on the man's face, "First, you will call off your ridiculous assault. Second, you will tell me who you are and what you are doing here. If you lie the chains will tighten and I will claim you as one of my Muertos." This time the King did not yell but talked in a low, calm voice which was more frightening if that was possible.   

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Shadows began to puddle at BT's feet and rose from the ground like living oil. The darkness formed into chains, a mockery of what his enemy had done to his friends The shadow chains wound their way up the stranger's legs, up his torso, around his arms and finally circled his neck without strangling the man.


The King smiled at the terror  on the man's face, "First, you will call off your ridiculous assault. Second, you will tell me who you are and what you are doing here. If you lie the chains will tighten and I will claim you as one of my Muertos." This time the King did not yell but talked in a low, calm voice which was more frightening if that was possible.   


"Never, Your Majesties. I shall not tell."

Queen Elsa leaned in closer, her shardblade aimed directly at the man's head

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