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Hello there,
it has been a while since I was part of a Fan-Forum, but well I had no choice. ;)
I am from Germany, so be aware of some mistakes.

I am very new to the Cosmere, I just started reading the novels of Brandon this March with Mistborn and it was a blast. Need to finish ther seires with Hero of Ages soon. I interrupted Mistborn because of a signing of Brandon near my Hometown in May, and because it was for Oathbringer (2. Book, we have a six-book-series here in Germany) I decided to challenge myself. So I started the Stormlight-Archive last Month and finished nearly all of the books (5 of 6) by signing-day, so I will not get spoiled. So although I am new, I have read quite a lot the last two months. And I will not stop till I read all of Brandon´s Books! :D

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@Mraize, I've merged all your consecutive replies into one. Please don't multi-post like that in the future.

@Cyfedia, welcome to the forums! It's awesome that you got to meet Brandon - he travels quite a bit, but non-US signings are still not exactly frequent, so it looks like you lucked out, and that's great! I hope you like it here, but if you prefer a snappier less structured to talk with people, we also have a Discord server you could hop into.


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Thank you for the welcome.
Sorry for beeing quiet the last week, but life happens and I had a lot to do, so I totally forgot to answer.

Yeah I was really lucky, because usually no one interesting comes to my hometown. And it was really amazing and funny :D
Sure, thats cool. I will have a look.

My favorite character so far is clearly Dalinar, because he don´t have so much depressions...like Kaladin, or a multiple personality disorder like Shallan ^^"

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On 5/21/2019 at 6:09 PM, Argent said:

@Mraize, I've merged all your consecutive replies into one. Please don't multi-post like that in the future.

@Cyfedia, welcome to the forums! It's awesome that you got to meet Brandon - he travels quite a bit, but non-US signings are still not exactly frequent, so it looks like you lucked out, and that's great! I hope you like it here, but if you prefer a snappier less structured to talk with people, we also have a Discord server you could hop into.


Woah you can do that! I mean your a moderator but still wow.

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