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Long Game 56: Discord in Elendel


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7 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I mentioned this in the dead doc already, but this is one of the most fun LGs I've played recently. Many thanks to Striker and Mailliw for running the game!

I definitely agree. This game was really good all around.

8 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

And so it is decreed that a single random coinflip decides the game instead of a best 2 out of 3, so as to not drag the game on for up to six more days. At least, I really hope we would have won with five against Stick, or six against Stick if she wanted to leave open the possibility of an evil Ventyl.

I don’t think there was a random coin flip.

EDIT: Ninja’d by Devotary.

Edited by Straw
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1 minute ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

The Straw/Snip tied lynch D5; if Snip/Coop had been randomly lynched instead of Straw, Stick would be the only elim left against six villagers. If Stick chose to hardclear Ventyl by killing someone(though probably by killing Ventyl to avoid this), there would be five villagers left against her. I don't know if you used an actual coin to decide who died though.

Ah, now I understand. That was an unfortunate one for the village. I'm not sure if Striker used an actual coin or not. 

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5 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I don't know if you used an actual coin to decide who died though.


5 minutes ago, Straw said:

I don’t think there was a random coin flip.


4 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

I'm not sure if Striker used an actual coin or not.

I used an RNG for all tied lynches. Sometimes I used google's coin toss thing, other times I just assigned a number to each player and had RNG take it from there. I didn't use an actual coin though.

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Preface: I'm not good at RP. Now to continue with the post: (xD)

Ok, more thoughts to come after reading the other docs. (For those who don't normally read docs, I heard good things about the entertainment quality of the elim one.)

Basic preliminary stuff:

  1. I absolutely love all of you, and have not meant to sound sharp/snappish/rude/anything to any of you recently.  As several of you know from my status updates and comments in discord, I am going through a lot of stuff IRL right now.  Spectating these games has been a huge blessing with allowing me to partake in the game without having to commit at all.
    However, I know this is no excuse for how I have been recently. Therefore, this will be my last game for the next... 1-2 months at the very least. This will hopefully let me focus on my real life and get into a healthier mental state, which will allow me to treat you all with the respect you all deserve.  Once summer ends I am hoping I'll have more time, but even then, there is no guarantee. 
    However, this brings me to my second point:
  2. @Ventyl, it was an absolute joy to play with you this game. And while I hope to play another game with you where we can interact more closely, if you choose to stay, I believe I can feel comfortable stepping back from these games with you to replace me. (But really, seriously, no pressure : P )
    You really impressed me this game, and if you choose to stay, I look forward to seeing you grow as a player. (also, if you read my comments about you in the dead doc, don't take the compliments too personally.  : P )
  3. @Fifth Scholar, just so you know, I did an almost 2 page analysis on one of your posts in the dead doc. I already knew you were village at that point... But my conclusion to that analysis was... You're an elim. : P
    Even after knowing your innocence 100%, beyond the grave, I still elim read you SO HARD xD
  4. I want to point out how funny I found it once I realized I publicly called out both Aman and Stick for being elims, and then village read them both in my player analysis. Granted, that day wasn't the best for me mentally. So idk what my conclusions actually would have been.

Speaking of that analysis, most of you never saw it. In fact, only 3 players ever saw my analysis that game. Those players were Drake, Aman, and Stick.
I trusted Drake 100%, but I made the poor choice to PM all the people I suspected. So I had PMs with Fifth, Aman, and Stick... And probably would have PMed Lum the next turn had I lived. Idk if I am allowed to quote PMs after the game, but hopefully if I am not allowed, it will be accepted in this instance. Because I want to share what I sent to Drake in our PM before I died.:


I started writing this about 4 hours ago I think... so hopefully everything in here is still good data. Sorry for length.
I have sent similar data to some others... Or maybe I didn't...

I don't feel like breaking the tie against Devotary to save me. I kind of want me to die so that what I say will be taken more seriously. So I will tell you what I know, as my only solid Village read. (If you don't count Fifth, but it is hard to count him when my read isn't consistent between posts.)

My knowledge on PMs:


D1 PMs: you->me, Rath->Devotary/me, me->Fifth ||||| Lum->Aman, Aonar->Aman, Fifth->Devotary
N1 PMs: me->Aman ||||| Rath->Fifth/Stick
D2 PMs: me->Stick ||||| Ventyl->Aman, Stick->Aman

Stick-Fifth (Have a PM, that's all I know)

My knowledge on roles:


Fifth - Claimed Smoker (Right after I claimed Seeker)

Aman - Not-Claimed Seeker (He wouldn't roletrade, so we claimed roles we weren't. I claimed Hazekiller (first), then he claimed Seeker)

Rath - Says he can't kill anyone (Um, hardly worth putting on this list, but whatever)
     Also thinks the most likely roles to be doubles are: Tineye, Smoker, Seeker, Thug, Soother, Rioter, Hazekiller, Coinshot, Mistborn. (in that order)

Stick - Has roleclaimed to Fifth

Devotary - Thinks the most likely duplicate roles are: Soother, Tineye, Smoker, Thug, Rioter, Seeker, Hazekiller, Lurcher, Coinshot, Mistborn. (in that order)

My PM stuff:


mostly me complaining about how I am getting lynched,
Fifth writing essays about how suspicious I am.

Mostly banter,
Devotary asking why you semi-trust me,
them talking about why they don't want to roleclaim to me :'(,
and Devotary asking for guesses as to what the double roles are.

I said I was suspicious of Aman the entire time,
both of us accuse each other of backpedaling in the PM,
refuses to roletrade and says its sus that I am willing to roletrade after saying I wouldn't do it with people I suspect.
Calls me out on flip flopping on Fifth after saying I wouldn't anymore
Implies their role is much better the fewer people know about it
Refuses to tell me any info on their PM contacts.

Described in detail who PMed whom
Voluntarily gave additional info on who PMed him start of the day
Says you[Drake] is his strongest village read.
Says he won't role trade, I propose a not-role trade. I told the truth while I think he legitimately lied like we agreed we would.

Alignment Thoughts, by player:


Amanuensis - Neutral
Honestly idk. They have said a lot the has got my warning bells going, but also has seemed to have the intent of solving the game. 100% tunneling on me, but that is what is keeping him neutral rather than going to slight elim.

Lumgol - Elim
If Lum turns out to be elim, I definitely think Aman will be. I think her vote on me was forced. She mostly asks questions, that imply I should be Maf, she never says anything.


Asking Mistborn to claim to them in PM's. Then asking other roles not to?

What does this mean to you Lum? you are just asking a question, there is no conclusion!


Starting off by saying that tonight's kill was definitely not a WGG. Instead of listing the options and analyzing each one, Fura straight-up said (I'm paraphrasing) "This was definitely not a WGG because [Fura's reasoning]".

Although I have reasons to believe that tonight's kill was likely not a WGG, and I tentatively trust Aman, this sounds... too much like a cover-up?

So... What makes me suspicious is I say it wasn't a WGG? What should make me suspicious is my reasoning.
And then she says it wasn't a WGG, but, "I have my reasons" isn't questioned by anyone in thread?


People have argued that Fura is sounding TWTBAW, but why? If someone's village, why couldn't they just sound village? If someone is sounding suspicious, I'll still find them suspicious even if it seems like "too much".

First question means nothing.
Second question is a bad question. Of course villagers can't just sound like villagers all the time... If they did, we would always lynch Maf in the first 3/4 cycles of a game.
What does Lum find suspicious? there was nothing in this post to indicate anything about Lum's opinions whatsoever... Other than the vote.

Lum also never sounds like a villager when one, so she of all people knows that. She has been lynched D1 twice iirc because of her tone.

Fifth - Elim?
Says in my PM that I am his best lead/strongest suspicion right now, yet in the next post says he would rather lynch Aman than me. He has done no analysis on Aman, and almost everything his analysis about me said was NAI...
Every game I play with Fifth, I get a strong village read, this game, I get strong village, then strong elim, back and forth with each post. I have never played with an elim Fifth before, but I think this may be my gut telling me he is playing different than normal.

No idea

Ventyl - Village
Idk what Aman's non-meta reasons are, but once I saw the meta reason, I just stopped analyzing Ventyl. Not hard cleared though.

Fura - Obviously an elim
Did you see how suspicious Fura's posts are?

Rath - Slight village
Generally sounds village in thread. I like his analysis posts as well.

Devotary - Slight Elim
Suspicion of me seems to have come from no where in our PM. Fits well with a Straw team, as Straw is trying to make sure Devotary isn't lynched... Other than that I've got nothing. I just can't read Devotary.
Just posted something in our PM speculating who the Tineye is. (as I told them I was in contact with one, hoping they would roleclaim :/)

Sart - Neutral
No idea. Probably AI content, but I haven't been paying attention.

Stick - Slight village
Idk, I found them suspicious in-thread, but their PM seems genuine with the attempt to find elims.

Bard - Neutral
Has yet to post, though has been in thread a couple times.

Aonar - Neutral
Haven't looked at him, but there is AI content I think.

Snipexe - Neutral
No Idea

Straw - Elim
Inactive all game, until he sees easy prey (me) to make me misstep. After my post condemning myself, NOW he wants to come in and say why I am so suspicious. This seems very much like an elim trying to make sure of a mislynch.

Drake - Village
Has a good tone, I like their analysis, seem to be trying to solve... I stopped looking closely at him sometime into N1, so idk.

xino - Neutral
No idea

I sent my reads list to Stick and Aman, but nothing else.

As I go into detail in the dead doc, I actually PMed Aman a bunch after I sent this PM, and ended up leaving out some valuable AI info about him due to it.

@_Stick_ You did really well in our PM. I prize myself in my ability to PM, but you completely fooled me. I still suspected you a bit due to what you said in-thread, but I generally trust my PM reads more than my thread ones. Looking back on the PM, you only ever said NAI stuff, but your tone just sounded very village to me. You did really good.

Also, @Rathmaskal proved he is a god at village in this game. I analysed a bunch of his posts as well, but he posted tons of AI village content with a village tone. I wanted Rath to be an elim so bad this game. But regardless, I loved watching you get torn to shreds despite how village you were. xD

@Amanuensis While congratulating Rath, I really have to call you out as well. Rath had almost less than a 0% chance of being an elim this game (which is why I wanted him to be one). You being able to get him lynched was... incredible? extrordinary? I honestly don't know. So infuriating and facinating to watch at the same time. I'll leave it at that. xD
You did some other great stuff this game, like claiming Kandra and such... And while many people might remember that as your big moment this game as it was flashy, getting Rath lynched, I believe, was a much, MUCH more incredible feat.

Anyways, after Drake and Rath died, I started rooting for a Hazekiller Final 2... But you had to let me down on that by killing Straw. :'( Anyways, thanks Stick for carrying the HK legacy on with you.

And of course, a huge thank you to @StrikerEZ and @Mailliw73. This game was fun to play, and just as fun to spectate (probably more, but only due to my circumstances). I loved being able to talk to you both as well about the game, theories and such as well.

1 hour ago, StrikerEZ said:

Huge shout out to @Fifth Scholar @Devotary of Spontaneity @MrakeDarshall and @Furamirionind for all the amazing analysis (though most of Fura's was mostly in the spec doc). Even if you guys were often pretty wrong, your analysis was awesome and is the kind of stuff I aspire to be able to do someday!

It feels so weird to be called out for my analysis... That never happens! xD

Death to the Allomancers!

Umm, everyone? Well, let's just say that seeing the future isn't just from "Him"


After the narrow defeat, the three cursed shall be bound.

In loss as in win, they shall be together.

In life as in death, they shall unite.

One born of Village, one born of Neutral, and one born of Eliminator.
The Analyser, the Devourer, and the Herder.

They shall remain, until jointed, they overcome.


Edited by Furamirionind
spelling, grammar... etc. you know how these long posts are. xD
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Good game everyone! I will say that I wasn't as committed to this game as I would have liked to be, and I generally could have played a lot better, but it was quite fun nonetheless. It was kind of disappointing that I was never killed, for some reason? Because I could have actually used my protection ability?

And yeah, I was basically wrong about everyone's alignment in this game... :)

Yeah. Great job elims, and thank you @Aonar for taking out half of the elim team. Thank you @StrikerEZ and @Mailliw73 for GMing! @Ventyl, thank you so much for coming out and playing with us for the first time. It was really fun seeing you break the game and being... probably the one person whose alignment I was right about XD

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7 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

I absolutely love all of you, and have not meant to sound shard/snappish/rude/anything to any of you recently.  As several of you know from my status updates and comments in discord, I am going through a lot of stuff IRL right now.  Spectating these games has been a huge blessing with allowing me to partake in the game without having to commit at all.
However, I know this is no excuse for how I have been recently. Therefore, this will be my last game for the next... 1-2 months at the very least. This will hopefully let me focus on my real life and get into a healthier mental state.  Once summer ends I am hoping I'll have more time, but even then, there is no guarantee. 

I'm sad to see you go, but if that's what you think will be best for your mental state, then you should go. I'll miss you!

7 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

And of course, a huge thank you to @StrikerEZ and @Mailliw73. This game was fun to play, and just as fun to spectate (probably more, but only due to my circumstances). I loved being able to talk to you both as well about the game, theories and such as well.

You're welcome! And thank you for playing, and all the commenting in the spec doc. It was so much fun getting to talk with you in there!

@Lumgol You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed playing it!

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Ah nice. Good to now I was stressing out in the doc for no reason xD

GG everyone! And thanks are due to Striker and Maill for GMing - the role distribution twist was my favourite.:P 

twas fun working with fellow Rebels Xino, Aman, and Snip/Coop (btw thank you SO much Coop for subbing in for Snip). Aman’s ploys were great and entertaining as always. XD

And kudos to Fura for very good analysis in the dead doc! 

27 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Anyways, thanks Stick for carrying the HK legacy on with you.

You’re always welcome B) What’s this Hazekiller legacy about though?:P 

Straw you could’ve claimed to be the hazekiller that allowed the kill on Aman to through during that day you got lynched - certainly would’ve helped your case.:P 

26 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

It was kind of disappointing that I was never killed, for some reason? Because I could have actually used my protection ability?

Basically, yeah. :P 

Btw this game just HAD to end just when my finals did, didn’t it xD I was looking forward to giving it more time than I had been.

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3 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

And thanks are due to Striker and Maill for GMing - the role distribution twist was my favourite.:P 

You're welcome! I had lots of fun messing with the role distribution, even though @Mailliw73 still wishes I'd gone crazier with it. :P 

4 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Btw this game just HAD to end just when my finals did, didn’t it xD I was looking forward to giving it more time than I had been.

Sorry about that. :P If you'd kept Ventyl alive, the game would've lasted a little longer. xD

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Wow, reading the docs goes way faster when most of the text in one of them you contributed. :ph34r:

In all seriousness, I spent my entire lunch break at work today trying to figure out how to make a program in google scripts that would tell what colours the text is in a doc and what percentage of said doc is each colour. I couldn't figure it out though... so if any of you know...

1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:



1 hour ago, _Stick_ said:

You’re always welcome B) What’s this Hazekiller legacy about though?:P 

Umm, I made it up. : P
I don't know if you plan to read the dead doc, but basically, I was rooting for Drake to win... Then he died... So I was rooting for Rath... Then he died... And I needed someone else. I didn't know who to pick, so I picked you and the other HK as the two I would root for. That's basically all there was to it. xD (I also thought Araris was the village HK by the way xD)




Storms, Aman. You indent the docs? :PI think I saw somebody else do this too in one of the docs from LG55...Fura I think?

I don't indent very often, but I do occasionally. It all depends on the kind of content I am making, how closely related the ideas are... etc.
My analysis on FIfth's post is very heavily indented in this dead doc.


I think I may be able to start a lynch on Fifth next turn, or Fura.

The latter could work rather well, especially with the mb pm request.

Fura just PM’d me now so maybe not the best choice.

This was what I was hoping would happen, which is why I PMed those I was suspicious with. However it seems that it didn't have as big an effect as I expected... Which makes sense. You had 4 times the likelihood of getting PMed, and 4 times the PM creation ability... :facepalm:


According to Rath they did discuss you in their group PM (fura, rath, devotary), so maybe Fura did express their suspicions.

I didn't want to send the info I had just to Drake, as I was concerned he would die... And I got really paranoid I didn't have a good case to trust him with so much. But the only people I trusted other than him was Rath. I forced Devotary as an elim in my read, but I wasn't confident. She should have been neutral.
After reading this though, I am very glad I didn't share in that PM.


Fura’s asking for a role claims swap...

Once I decided to publicly claim, I just went to everyone and asked for a roleswap. I was going to feed as much info to Drake as physically possible before dying.


Fura says they’ve never been mislynched before...and now I feel bad. xD

While it's true, I said that specifically to see how you'd react. I started by talking about the game, and I liked how you reacted.  So tried to do something different to see how you'd react in our PM and thread (ie. telling you this is the first time I was mislynched)... But you passed that reaction test too.


And they also asked devotary and rath for a 3-way roles swap...There’s also something about a tineye claim. I’m so confused. Ok, a tineye claimed to Fura. What were fura’s PMs again? Rath devotary drake aman and fifth. Right. I know it’s not aman or fifth, and it can’t be rath or devo. That leaves Drake. Drake’s the tineye. Unless there’s something else going on. This tineye targeted either me or fifth last night, because Fura knows about the PM between fifth and me.

Oops, sorry Drake! Really didn't think sharing that would out you. xD
Perhaps you all can see why I was collecting PM data now? xD


Yeah seems like he sent us the same reads.

Okay. I wondered if they might try sending people different things.

I seriously considered it. I'd put both of you as elim in Drake's PM, and to you, I'd put each of you as slight village and the other as elim. I also would have put Fifth as a Hard elim read in my one to Aman... But I just didn't have the time or concentration. xD


Also I want to be in the dead doc so bad right now. Fura is reading the thread and I’m sure they are going NONONONONONONO or something to that effect :P

Yeah lol that’s why I asked if the doc was spoiled.

(This was when Aman was about to be lynched and people switched to Rath)
Um, yeah. That was me exactly... Lets see if I can find me... If you're interested in seeing the dead reactions (specifically Mine and Drake's I think) to when the lynch started turning on Rath, that can be found on page 63 xD


Yeah fake analysis posts are boring to write

WHAT?!?!?! Since when??? Why?!?!

Saying the right words at the right time... I don't know. I find it super fun. What I did in LG55 is just zone out and write my genuine thoughts. I'd try to forget I was an elim/villager, and anything I learned from the doc. Then after I had something written, which was in a sense genuine analysis, I'd tweak it to get the desired effect. It was incredibly fun and super time consuming.


We gotta catch up to the spec doc somehow :Pcatch up how? Xd They’re 20 pages ahead. The spec doc has like 70+ pages Dangggg really? Who are the big talkers? It’s your fault for killing Drake. :P He joined Fura and they added over 20 pages last night when Striker and I were also on with them. :PThe doc was like 4-5 pages before Fura joined, and a couple days after she died, it was at 25 I think

xD Honestly super proud of that. That's a reputation I hope to be able to maintain.
Speaking of which, when am I going to be in a doc with El?


This was all just from me ctrl-fing my name. I'll have to do a thorough read over the weekend. (I think this is my first and last free weekend of the summer! Yay!)

Edit, wow. I didn't realize how long this was. I'm gonna throw a couple spoilers in here to decrease the length.

Oh, if you want to get a good laugh at my expense, just ctrl-f Aman/Fifth's names in the dead doc. xD

Oh, I also had a theory for a bit that Devotary was the Kandra, Rath was Elim, and I was village. That would have been amazing.

Edited by Furamirionind
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2 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

Umm, I made it up. : P
I don't know if you plan to read the dead doc, but basically, I was rooting for Drake to win... Then he died... So I was rooting for Rath... Then he died... And I needed someone else. I didn't know who to pick, so I picked you and the other HK as the two I would root for. That's basically all there was to it. xD (I also thought Araris was the village HK by the way xD)

Oh yeah I read the whole thing. Was just wondering if there’s more to it than that lol xD 

2 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

Perhaps you all can see why I was collecting PM data now? xD

Oh I always knew why you were doing it.:P Villager!Stick wouldn’t have, so that’s how I played it off. 

2 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

WHAT?!?!?! Since when??? Why?!?!

Saying the right words at the right time... I don't know. I find it super fun. What I did in LG55 is just zone out and write my genuine thoughts. I'd try to forget I was an elim/villager, and anything I learned from the doc. Then after I had something written, which was in a sense genuine analysis, I'd tweak it to get the desired effect. It was incredibly fun and super time consuming.

Normal elim!posts are fine, it’s just the player analysis ones that get me. They just get really boring when you know exactly what to say and you’re not trying to actually decipher anything, but you still have to go through each of their posts xD

2 hours ago, Furamirionind said:

Speaking of which, when am I going to be in a doc with El?

Oh no...:P 

Not relevant but I’m glad that I managed to maintain my little record of never being lynched as an elim ^_^ Somehow I nearly always get lynched as a villager though..

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I find myself agreeing with many of the sentiments laid out in this thread, but one thing I want to add is how grateful I am to have gotten the chance to get to know so many players. In the past I haven't really interacted much with Fifth, Devotary, Fura, or Lum, but I really enjoyed seeing them play and conversing with them outside of the thread! I managed to even learn a few new things about Araris, who I've always imagined as an ephemeral shadow in the vague shape of a pooh bear. And, of course, I want to praise Ventyl again for being the legend that he is. Such a welcome addition to our crew and I really hope to see him in more games! (Also sorry for betraying you and everything :P you and Magestar should exchange stories some day).


Oh, and of course, thanks for your hard work Stick, Snip and Coop! Without you three we wouldn't have been able to win the game!


And especially thank @Snipexefor this glorious piece of art! Make sure to upvote his next post you see if you like it!





Edited by Amanuensis
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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

And especially thank @Snipexefor this glorious piece of art! Make sure to upvote his next post you see if you like it!

  Reveal hidden contents




On my phone that pic under the spoiler shows up as quite a bit vertically stretched xD 

I agree that it’s very artistic and symbolic. Even though I have no idea what it means.   xD 

Edited by _Stick_
(I know words)
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Note: I’ve not yet read the docs, so this reflection will be a little incomplete until I do. 

...good job, Elims. That was a great deal of fun, and you all played very, very well. Especially Aman. I hate how I knew from the start how slippery and devilish Elim!Aman was, but still let myself be taken in. Gah. And Snip/Coop too. I called both the Eliminator Tineye and that Snip was evil back in C2, and never acted on that either. Gah again. And Stick...just well played. 

Devotary, I feel like I owe my biggest apology to you, as had we worked together instead of constantly mistrusting each other, this game could have gone a lot differently...but seriously, @StrikerEZ, why did we have a backwards Smoker? I felt...betrayed when Devotary flipped village. 

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6 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

Straw you could’ve claimed to be the hazekiller that allowed the kill on Aman to through during that day you got lynched - certainly would’ve helped your case.:P 

I would have done that if I was on later during the turn.

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2 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

but seriously, @StrikerEZ, why did we have a backwards Smoker? I felt...betrayed when Devotary flipped village

Not to speak for Striker/Maill, but they mentioned this in the dead doc.

First of all, and most importantly, the Kandra. If they kill a vote manip, the smoker can protect the village. Or if the kandra kills the smoker, they can protect from the vote manip.

Second, I've definitely seen misplays from village vote manips. A village smoker can protect from those misplays.

Also, I am curious as to why every role has to be useful in combating the opposing faction. Roleless is a role that is not useful, so if you replace roleless with... Smoker... you basically have a slightly better roleless now.

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2 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

but seriously, @StrikerEZ, why did we have a backwards Smoker? I felt...betrayed when Devotary flipped village. 

Because I wanted to mess with people. :P 

Plus, I felt like the elims always get vote manipulation roles, so since I wasn't giving them those roles this game, having a village Smoker would make people think they did. 

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Right. So, rereading the docs, I feel as though I should clarify a few things: 

-I did not lynch Fura because of the Seeker false-claim. I did so because of the analysis I posted in-thread. 

-My gambits were basically designed to get better reads on people, and I mostly claimed Smoker to have a consistent fallback. I claimed Thug to Aman in the end in hopes of getting the Kandra, and to mislead him if he was evil. 

-Stick, I’d like to again congratulate you on your play. 

-My focus on Devotary at the end of D6 was both due to Araris’ flip, and because I felt I was being set up for a mislynch when Devotary claimed the Hazekiller. 

-My analysis actually wasn’t awful this game. I just need to re-learn a distrust of Aman, and that if I find a player suspicious C2 for working with a known Eliminator (Snip), I should look further into that instead of dropping it and hunting elsewhere. I was kind of thrown by the end of the game because everyone seemed suspicious, and I couldn’t sort through it all coherently despite doing more and more analysing and rereading the thread (which was responsible for my brief suspicions of Lum and Ventyl). 

-Thanks to Striker and Maill for running this, and putting up with my disfocused ramblings. :P 

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3 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Note: I’ve not yet read the docs, so this reflection will be a little incomplete until I do. 

...good job, Elims. That was a great deal of fun, and you all played very, very well. Especially Aman. I hate how I knew from the start how slippery and devilish Elim!Aman was, but still let myself be taken in. Gah. And Snip/Coop too. I called both the Eliminator Tineye and that Snip was evil back in C2, and never acted on that either. Gah again. And Stick...just well played. 

Devotary, I feel like I owe my biggest apology to you, as had we worked together instead of constantly mistrusting each other, this game could have gone a lot differently...but seriously, @StrikerEZ, why did we have a backwards Smoker? I felt...betrayed when Devotary flipped village. 


1 hour ago, Furamirionind said:

Not to speak for Striker/Maill, but they mentioned this in the dead doc.

First of all, and most importantly, the Kandra. If they kill a vote manip, the smoker can protect the village. Or if the kandra kills the smoker, they can protect from the vote manip.

Second, I've definitely seen misplays from village vote manips. A village smoker can protect from those misplays.

Also, I am curious as to why every role has to be useful in combating the opposing faction. Roleless is a role that is not useful, so if you replace roleless with... Smoker... you basically have a slightly better roleless now.

Fura basically took what I said in the dead doc here. Add what Striker said about confusing people and you basically have it. When I’m a Smoker, I almost always Smoke myself so people don’t mess with my vote. I voted where I wanted to, I don’t want them to mess it up. 

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6 hours ago, Rathmaskal said:

You know, for being as inactive as I was for a couple cycles, I had a blast playing this game.  Aman...I still can't believe how well you pulled that off.  Congrats to the elim team.

I'm glad you still had a good time despite me throwing you under the bus like that! Hopefully people will be more reluctant about following "cop" roles in the future :P you were 100% right that turn and had I been village, I would have gone for the self-admitted kandra, first :lol:

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5 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I'm glad you still had a good time despite me throwing you under the bus like that! Hopefully people will be more reluctant about following "cop" roles in the future :P you were 100% right that turn and had I been village, I would have gone for the self-admitted kandra, first :lol:

Wouldn't have been fun if it had been easy to win that battle :P Definitely the type of situation that can improve everyone's game play (except yours :P) moving forward.

To follow up on that, I literally started loling during one of the breaks where I actually kind of caught up with the thread once I realized what you were doing.

Edited by Rathmaskal
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Well played, folks.

Village, I think we had our good moments, even if we never lynched any evils :P Shout out to Sart for blocking the elim's first serious attack (not biased at all by the fact that it was specifically saving me, no siree) and to Fura for sending a really good infodump PM before dying (even if I carried it with me to the grave not long after). If nothing else, we had one of the better dead docs :P Also, sorry Ark.

Kandra!Aonar, you did good. Even in the dead doc you had us stumped for quite some time. I'm also quite impressed that you got people to buy a coinshot claim, even with role analysis in this game being of questionable value.

Elims, what a beautiful execution. This is really the kind of defeat that makes me want to try again all the more.

And lastly a big thanks to our GMs. Keeping these things running smoothly is a lot of work.

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On 6/28/2019 at 4:18 PM, StrikerEZ said:

I didn't use an actual coin though.

Blasphemy!  One must always use an actual coin when deciding who lives and who dies.  :P  I personally have several coins and dice next to my computer exclusively for SE.

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6 hours ago, Alvron said:

Blasphemy!  One must always use an actual coin when deciding who lives and who dies.  :P  I personally have several coins and dice next to my computer exclusively for SE.

I am sorry for offending you by being too lazy to grab my wallet from my side table to get a coin to flip. :P

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