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Quick Fix Game 38: ZOMBIES


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8 hours ago, Butt Ad Venture said:

“Who made you the boss! If anyone it should be me! I’m the coolest and I have a pool noodle!”

“I did!” Ian said, still on his crate. A man brought out a gun and began shooting the zombies, and Ian approved. He also approved of them hacking the body up.

“I have a shovel!” Itiah said, holding his shovel high above his head.

“We can dig a place to bury their remains so they don’t come back from the dead, figuratively of course. Last I checked they’re already dead.”

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Meta Character (Pronounced May-ta Car-actor), an insane man who believes himself to be only a character created in a collaborative story is signing up against his better judgement. He doesn't approve of the plan to shoot the zombies, and would instead suggest either chopping them up with a sword or running away and observing them to discover their physical capabilities.

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"We don't know how Zombies organise, but it seems like a bad idea to let these two let the rest of the horde where we are. Back home, we never bothered to find out whether Zombies had any vital organs that could be affected by guns. We never had access to many firearms, and it was never necessary to pick off Zombies at long range; just to prevent them from entering our town. Up close, it was far more effective to cut them into pieces with blades or crush them oblivion with heavy machinery. Regardless of whether we plan to shoot the Zombies, and I don't think we should unless we have some way to smother the sound of a gunshot, we'll still have to engage them physically. With my armour, I am willing to be one of that latter group. Meanwhile, if we want to bury their dismembered corpses, we'll have to start digging now". 

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Murder Hobo grimaced, hobbling along on his cane.

He was missing one eye, and the other was a milky white. But he didn't let that stop him.

He gripped the knife on his belt, and hobbled up to the rest of the group.

"Me... stab. Stab zombie." His eye rolled in his head, and he cackled, shaking back and forth.

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As usual, Leon seemed to have most of the military sense which seemed to be sorely lacking in this country. “Indeed, a melee combat would likely be most effective in dealing with these undead,” Friedrich chipped in. “I will volunteer to do my next proposal, if others will do the actual killing of the zombies; though the smell of burning flesh is truly wretched, lighting a torch and setting fire to the corpses may be the most efficient way of permanently dealing with the undead. It does come at the cost of revealing our relative location, but I can take the corpses further away to burn, and then run back to catch up with you if we have a rendezvous. I’ve been running for fifteen years, and putting a few miles on an undead horde shouldn’t present much difficulty. It would decoy them, and involve little danger to my person.”

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How did I miss this?

Signing up. I think.

EDIT Okay phew, it looks like things haven't started yet. On another note- Alvron, what the storms did you do when you posted this? Did you, like, pin it automatically or something?

Edited by xinoehp512
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So our current plans are:

Throw a molotov cocktail: Sean
Shoot them: Manny/Li(rifle), Bill(pine cone)
Cut them to pieces: Gustavus(sword), Leon(machete), Murder(knife)

Eat them: Lorenzo
Bury the remains: Ian
Burn the remains: Friedrich

"This is not necessarily consistent, and may include actions that were not intended and may have omitted actions that were. The first three are means of dealing with the Zombies and can all be used. The latter three are means of disposing of the remains, and might be more difficult to use all of them. There are also actions intended for future survival, such as building fortifications and handing out ammunition(Tanky) or handing out wooden spears(Lachlan)".

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Bill remained perched in the tree. Frankly, he’d never been close enough to a zombie to know what happened when one attacked. Trees are convenient that way. But he wondered what would happen to those on the ground. 

“Y’all can do what you please with the zombies. Just make sure they don’t get up. Friedrich, burning them is your problem if that’s what you want to do.”

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A grizzled man walks up "I've seen more than my fair share of shooting. I'll side with those who slice, but I ask that you go for the neck. These things were human, and may still be human. We should do our best to respect that."

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Well, if y'all don't want them shot, I guess decapitation would be the next best option. Do we have two people who can do it? Without guns, all I've got are my crochet needles, and I don't know how effective they'd be with decapitation. Maybe stabbing an eye socket.

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Cycle 0.5: A close call

With the decision made to cut the zombies down the action took remarkably little time.  19 vs 2 is hardly fair odds after all.  Both zombies were systematically dismembered and the parts scattered in case they somehow could recombine.

Thankfully no shots were fired as unbeknownst to the refugees there was a group of zombies well within earshot that surely would’ve come running at the sound of gunfire.

With the grizzly work done, the refugees continued on their way with their hearts buoyed knowing there were two less zombies between them and their goal.

Admittedly, I really didn’t think this event through.  I just threw it in right before the game opened for sign ups as a way to encourage RP (which has been wonderful) as well as give fair warning that there may be some similar events that could happen mid cycle while the game is playing.  I honestly didn’t expect there to be 15 players joining in 48 hours given the slow sign ups we’ve had in the last few games.

I’m glad you didn’t shoot the zombies as that meant I would’ve had to start the game early.

Sign ups are still open but the zombies are closing in.  Join sooner rather than later.


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1 minute ago, Alvron said:

Cycle 0.5: A close call

With the decision made to cut the zombies down the action took remarkably little time.  19 vs 2 is hardly fair odds after all.  Both zombies were systematically dismembered and the parts scattered in case they somehow could recombine.

Thankfully no shots were fired as unbeknownst to the refugees there was a group of zombies well within earshot that surely would’ve come running at the sound of gunfire.

With the grizzly work done, the refugees continued on their way with their hearts buoyed knowing there were two less zombies between them and their goal.

Admittedly, I really didn’t think this event through.  I just threw it in right before the game opened for sign ups as a way to encourage RP (which has been wonderful) as well as give fair warning that there may be some similar events that could happen mid cycle while the game is playing.  I honestly didn’t expect there to be 15 players joining in 48 hours given the slow sign ups we’ve had in the last few games.

I’m glad you didn’t shoot the zombies as that meant I would’ve had to start the game early.

Sign ups are still open but the zombies are closing in.  Join sooner rather than later.


"Hey guys. Thanks for saving me." panted Sarah.

In case it wasn't clear I'm joining.

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Zombies 101: Field Guide

What Do We Know?

Zombies exhibit tendencies to move towards large groups of the living. Whether this is the result of scent, heat sense, or sound, we know not. However, firearms are one of the surest ways to draw any nearby undead.

Why? Again, this isn’t quite sure. The explosion from the gun creates a flash of heat that may be obvious to nearby zombies, or perhaps the sound alone is what draws the zombies to the gun fire. Now, zombies are only reanimated humans, and common sense would indicate that some new heat sense is out of the question. How could a dead human do something a live human cannot? The answer lies with the scientists that brought this doom upon us.

If only the riots hadn’t killed them first.

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“Throw it away!” Butt says, “Fire is useless against Zambies! It just attracts more of them! It was me and my water guns that defeated the Zambie attack! Yes, you may all bow down now.”

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
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