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Quick Fix Game 38: ZOMBIES


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So how do we want to deal with the Zombies in our midst? I see we have one suggestion that we let the farmer deal with them. I doubt the farmer would help us if he survived, and would possibly kill Ian and anyone else who plans to walk towards the farmhouse.

Another pressing issue is food. @I think I am here., what did you eat last cycle such that you are able to take three actions this cycle? We can't afford to let our actions dwindle away to nothing. I think we need to make peace with the farmer, and try to convince anyone else living in that house to come with us to safety in exchange for taking the chickens with us and borrowing the gun to ward off Zombies. We will not be able to make peace if our first encounter is us leading a horde of Zombies towards the farmhouse.

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If the zombies kill him we get his gun and the zombies are fed. We can also get supplies from the house and kill chickens without fear. Maybe he’ll even get rid of some zombies for us!

If he kills the zombies that’s all the better, we get rid of them with out any zombifications!

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
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If we let the farmer kill the zombies with his gun, we risk two things. First, he could mistake some of us as zombies and shoot us. Second, the sound of his gun going off could alert more zombies to our location. You know, considering there are graves nearby. 

I say our best bet is to send people who are willing to put down their weapons so as to not appear threatening and attempt to go explain to the farmer that we're going to try and see if the zombies can be reasoned with.

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2 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

If we let the farmer kill the zombies with his gun, we risk two things. First, he could mistake some of us as zombies and shoot us. Second, the sound of his gun going off could alert more zombies to our location. You know, considering there are graves nearby. 

I say our best bet is to send people who are willing to put down their weapons so as to not appear threatening and attempt to go explain to the farmer that we're going to try and see if the zombies can be reasoned with.

I still have 3 actions. I'll talk with the farmer. 

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Just now, Kidpen said:

I still have 3 actions. I'll talk with the farmer. 

Make sure one of your actions is to set down your weapons, if you have any, and walk towards the farmhouse with your hands up. That way, he'll know you aren't trying to threaten him.

And, if you can, tell him specifically about the zombies in our midst and that we believe that they can be reasoned with. Plus, he shouldn't shoot them or any of the rest of us or else he might attract more zombies.

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Just now, Butt Ad Venture said:

Question @Alvron can we make our actions change weather something happen like “if ___ happens then ____ otherwise _____”

I'll allow it so long as it's reasonable.

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1 minute ago, I think I am here. said:

I ate my fruits and berries, as well as milk which was passed to me.

The milk was not enough food to satiate a day's worth of hunger, so if you didn't go hungry it was because of the fruits and berries. Did anyone other than you receive fruits and berries?

Does anyone object to an attempt to convince the farmer to come with us? That would allow us to bring the chickens along without having to get the farmer killed. Along with that, I'd rather not provoke a fight today. Zombies, I realise you have some motivation to attack us given that Lum specifically attacked Fifth, but is there a way you could not attack us or the farmer?

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34 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

I say our best bet is to send people who are willing to put down their weapons so as to not appear threatening and attempt to go explain to the farmer that we're going to try and see if the zombies can be reasoned with.

If we could be reasoned with? The presumptuous attitudes of this race would never cease to amaze him. Were not they the unreasoning ones, singlemindedly attaching themselves to the irrelevant status of “humanity” when their own survival would be assured if they simply consented to being, as they themselves put it, “infected?” What a blessèd disease to have contracted! Clearer sight and purpose, amicable relations with one’s fellow beings, longer life and enhanced mental acuity—were not all these qualities which men themselves sought? Why, then, did they resist them so? Yet Friedrich would persist. Negotiations would work, if undertaken. He now hoped only that the people had the wisdom to see it. 

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Day 4 : 4+4=Horde

The Day grew long and the discussion only seemed to be heating up on not only what to do with the Zombies that only seem to be growing in number but also how to deal with the farmer that might have supplies the refugees sorely needed.

It was Ian Tiah, Leon and Meta Character that made the first move.  They laid aside their weapons and slowly walked towards the farmhouse with their hands raised to show they were no threat.

The farmer opened his door and cautiously stepped out, a little girl clinging to his legs in fright.

“Stop right there.  I don’t want no trouble but if you’re thinking of stealing from me I’ll do to you what I did to the last group.” the farmer growled while indicating towards the graves with his shotgun.

“Good sir,” Ian started, “We are foot weary travelers heading east and are hoping you have some food you could spare, perhaps a chicken or two?”

“Or if you wish,” Leon pipped in, “You can come with us.  We don’t have much but we do look out for each other and surely it’s safer on the move than staying here.

“If it’s the Zombies we are traveling with…” Meta started.

At the word Zombies the little girl let out a piercing scream and bolted back into the farmhouse.  The farmers face paled and he raised his shotgun once more pointed directly at the group.

“You travel with those monsters!” he demanded. “Get off my land this instance!  I want nothing to do with you and you will get nothing from me!”

With that he slammed the door shut and a large thunk could be heard as he lowered a heavy wooden bar behind the door.

Meanwhile Butt Venture the Second was slowly leading the Zombies towards the farmhouse with promises of brains inside.

When the farmer bolted his door the Zombies realised that they weren’t getting the brains they were promised and now with their hunger stoked, they turned to the refugees for what they needed.

Butt Venture the Second was the first to fall but not the last.  Once they had stated their hunger, the Zombies numbers had doubled.

As the now shrunken group of refugees slowly plodded onwards toward their destination, they munched on corn they had gathered from the fields.

The sky began to darken and the wind picked up in force.

As the wind howled each refugee could swear they heard a voice layered over the wind
“Flesh so fine, so fine to tear, to gnash the skin; skin to strip, to plait, so nice to plait the strips, so nice, so red the drops that fall; blood so red, so red, so sweet; sweet screams, pretty screams, singing screams, scream your song, sing your screams…”

No one was lynched

Devotary of Spontaneity - Leon is now a Zombie!
Butt Ad Venture - Butt Venture the second is now a Zombie!
Coop772 - Anonymous Refugee #1 is now a Zombie
WeebTrash - Subaru is now a Zombie

Everyone dined on cooked corn.
Cycle will last 23 hours followed by a break for me to repair my mind do the write up.

Important Information:
Terrain: A very small (abandoned) village
Weather: Heavy rain
Wind: Strong eastern (Headwind) gale (One less vote needed for the lynch minimum)
Wildlife:  You can hear dogs barking and growling

There are no refugees holding Maps.  A player can use an action to instantly reveal what possible areas of interest there are.

Player List:


Elandera - Kyler O'Malley
Straw - Gustavus Adolphus
Rathmaskal - Rash Williams
Mailliw73 - Manny Darovious
Devotary of Spontaneity - Leon
StrikerEZ - Lachlan McZombie
Ventyl - Sean McSean
Butt Ad Venture - Butt Venture the second
I think I am here - I. Tiah
Cadmium Compounder - Andrew Andrewson
Snipexe - A. Pear O’Scissors
Hemalurgic Headshot - Bill Woodsman Refugee
Fifth Scholar - Friedrich
Lumgol - Tanky Boi Zombie
Ax's Boyfriend - Murder Hobo
Coop772 - Anonymous Refugee #1
Kidpen - Meta Character
xinoehp512 - Dr. Eibmoz
Sart - Sarah
WeebTrash - Subaru


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Ian’s eyes widened and he scrambled away from the sudden surge in zombies, careful not to slip as the wind howled and rain flew down on him like bullets, trying to keep himself as far as possible a distance from them.

There were only two plus sides to last night. One, Ian had learnt how to communicate with zombies. And two, he’d eaten corn.

The rest, he’d have to say, were all cons. Meta Character had squashed their chances of alliancing with the farmers, the zombies had increased in number, and although he had learnt to talk to them, the GM had told him that they weren’t interested in listening.

But he could try.

“Zombies!” Ian said, putting his sharp stick away and putting his hands up, keeping his distance. The pelting rain and high winds soaked him. Due to his recently learnt skill he knew they could understand him, and he’d be able to understand a response.

“What do you want? Maybe we can accomplish it without turning more people into zombies!”

Edited by I think I am here.
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Okay, I think it’s pretty obvious by now that this game is like Wheel of Time but with zombies. The voice in the wind is almost certainly the Black Wind from the Ways. I’m not sure how it managed to get out, but I don’t think that’s a good thing. 

Anyway, seeing as about half of us are now zombies, I think we should focus on finding ways to prevent the rest of us getting zombified. It seems at this rate that each zombie has its own kill/conversion. So we need to gather up the zombies and keep them away from everyone else. I’m thinking that anyone who has a weapon can use it to corral the zombies into one of the abandoned homes in the village, and then we can lock them in there by putting like a stick or a chair or something to block the door. 

And, in the meantime, we should probably take shelter in another of the houses so we can get out of this rain. 

Also, I’m gonna use my first action to reveal what areas of interest might be nearby. 

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"So much for negotiations", was Leon's last thought before the Zombie knocked him over and bit him in the ankle. Jeans were proof against Zombie bites, but woolen socks were not. He arose, now a Zombie. What else had Friedrich lied about? He did a quick self-diagnostic. Pain? No. Speed? Unaffected, but would surely decrease as rigor mortis and muscular atrophy set in.  Endurance? Improved, no ill effects from three hard days of walking. Logical faculties? Surprisingly intact. Hunger level? ............................................................... Infinite. Fish, milk, corn, protein bars were no longer sufficient.

7 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“What do you want? Maybe we can accomplish it without turning more people into zombies!”

Fooooooooood? Help! Help food, help shelter.

Speech? Poor.

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O'Malley here. Sorry I got distracted. I had some writing to do. Books might still be needed in the zombie apocalypse, right? Hopefully, or all that work would be useless. Give me some time to figure out what's going on, and I should be able to do more than just stand around. 

Is there a reason we can't kill the zombies so they don't attack any more of us? Decapitation seems to work. At least from what I've noticed.

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4 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

"So much for negotiations", was Leon's last thought before the Zombie knocked him over and bit him in the ankle. Jeans were proof against Zombie bites, but woolen socks were not. He arose, now a Zombie. What else had Friedrich lied about? He did a quick self-diagnostic. Pain? No. Speed? Unaffected, but would surely decrease as rigor mortis and muscular atrophy set in.  Endurance? Improved, no ill effects from three hard days of walking. Logical faculties? Surprisingly intact. Hunger level? ............................................................... Infinite. Fish, milk, corn, protein bars were no longer sufficient.

Fooooooooood? Help! Help food, help shelter.

Speech? Poor.

Wait, what kind of food do you need? Are brains the only food that will satiate your hunger? Or could we help you by gathering food for you so that you don’t infect us?

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Friedrich smiled softly to himself. The capacity for amusement had not been lost on him in his transition, and seeing the humans coming closer, turning to their higher natures in droves, was truly wonderful. He looked at Ian, who seemed to wish to negotiate while remaining human. Friedrich frowned. Couldn’t they see that the terms on his side involved the removal of their older, inferior natures? He spoke to Leon, who had come to his senses and joined him. 

“That fool,” he rasped, pointing to Ian. “He will soon be one of us, and no better for his resistance. Can they not see that by fighting, they only enter into their new states weakened and disadvantaged?”

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Gosh dang it I seem to have made a mistake. 

Alright, I'm back and off my flip phone that types painfully slowly and can't even use brackets. Time to actually do helpful stuff.

... eventually.

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