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Quick Fix Game 38: ZOMBIES


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“Well this is nice” Butt thought, “life certainly is better as a zombie. No aging, no fear. Everyone should be a zombie!”

“Hm...what is my goal here?” His stomach growled.

“Oh” he said “I’m hungry....I want.... FOOD!”

He starts munching on his arm, “Blech...I want living food”

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Alright, here's a question. The zombies obviously still have motivations to do things, including convert and eat. They also seem to generally be happy with their position, other than lack of food. They also are encouraging us all to become zombies. So I don't see any disadvantage in just making everybody zombies?

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16 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“If we lynch one of the song inactive humans,” Ian said. “Would that satisfy you?”

"No kill. No kill! Peace, patience"

14 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

Alright, here's a question. The zombies obviously still have motivations to do things, including convert and eat. They also seem to generally be happy with their position, other than lack of food. They also are encouraging us all to become zombies. So I don't see any disadvantage in just making everybody zombies?

"Zombie, friend? Harmony, happy together. Help food?" 

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A player has used their Action to scout the following areas of Interest.

A small veterinary clinic lies down a dead end street
A petrol station and garage is on the main street
A corner dairy can be seen.  It appears to have already been looted
There are several abandoned houses here

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You can thank me for that.

I'm starting to rethink my initial thoughts about what to do in regards to the zombies. Maybe it would be for the best if we all turned zombie? I don't think the first post ever stated that we all had to be normal by the time we get to shelter....

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I'm going a little meta here, but if we look at this like a normal conversion game, we shouldn't be trying to be converted. We should be trying to stop the spread of the disease. 


Win Con for Refugees: Survive until Day 8 and you reach safety
Win Con for Zombies: Turn/Kill/Infect all the Refugees before they reach safety

Our win-con is still to stay alive and reach safety. It kind of breaks the game to just accept the zombie plague.

Alv might have something planned for that (knowing Alv), but it will probably just end the game. 

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1 minute ago, Elandera said:

I'm going a little meta here, but if we look at this like a normal conversion game, we shouldn't be trying to be converted. We should be trying to stop the spread of the disease. 

Our win-con is still to stay alive and reach safety. It kind of breaks the game to just accept the zombie plague.

Alv might have something planned for that (knowing Alv), but it will probably just end the game. 

But, also talking meta, if we become Zombies, we therefore win as Zombies. :P 

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58 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“We lynch them, but we use the zombies. So you guys get to eat them alive, we just vote that you do it to an inactive.”

"We ... eat inactive? Living, no kill. Help you." 

19 minutes ago, Elandera said:

Our win-con is still to stay alive and reach safety. It kind of breaks the game to just accept the zombie plague.

Alv might have something planned for that (knowing Alv), but it will probably just end the game. 

"Pyramid, no bottom. Pyramid has all." 

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11 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

"We ... eat inactive? Living, no kill. Help you." 

Eat inactive yes. Food for all? No...no food for all. Me go hungry me eat. Is simple!

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
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Just now, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

"One atop. Make more. Each layer help more. Pyramid win. Bottom, no pyramid, lose. Pyramid all.

So...if we all become zombies, we win? :P 

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“He’s saying that the more zombies that get converted, the more that can be converted, since each zombie can convert one person.” Ian looked up to the zombies and raised his sharpened stick.

“We want to help. We want peace. And call me stupid, but I want to remain human. I’d be willing to herd food for you if you agreed not to attack me. Together, we can make peace, and both of us can be happy.”

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Just now, Coop772 said:

"Mmmmmm. Peace. If fed. If not ..." The zombie gives you a toothy grin "Brains"

“Well, you all claim about you’re so smart, don’t you?” Ian said. “So why don’t you hunt for your own food? You’re awfully picky for the undead. You want your food to be meat you want it to be alive, and threaten to throw a tantrum if he don’t hunt it for you.”

Ian raised his sharpened stick, still keeping his distance. “What if we decide we don’t want to do that anymore? Every time we try to help you, from trying to get cow brains to trying to mention you to the farmer, it always ends up badly.”

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Okay, I just feel really out of the loop here. I feel like the zombies know something the rest of us don't. There's something about this game that only makes sense once you've become a zombie.

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Uggh, Zombie meta! Zombies know we must convert or kill to win.

Friend right, You get brains or we get brains. And you won't like how we get brains. We get rigor mortis. We become lazy. You not. So you feed us, your choice on how.

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1 minute ago, Butt Ad Venture said:

Uggh, Zombie meta! Zombies know we must convert or kill to win.

Friend right, You get brains or we get brains. And you won't like how we get brains. We get rigor mortis. We become lazy. You not. So you feed us, your choice on how.

“If you tell us to feed you,” Ian said. “You can’t complain if it’s dead or not.”

He looked ahead.

“And yes, it does seem like things make sense when you’re a zombie, but that doesn’t want to make me become one. Can the current zombies confirm what Striker has said?”

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