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Quick Fix Game 38: ZOMBIES


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Hmm...so that went both really well and really badly. @Elandera You were the one who advocated for the plan to lure the zombies into one of the house and set it on fire. What do you have to say now that you're a zombie? :P 

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11 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Hmm...so that went both really well and really badly. @Elandera You were the one who advocated for the plan to lure the zombies into one of the house and set it on fire. What do you have to say now that you're a zombie? :P 

Human is good. Good for eats. Cooked human gross. Cooked zombie bad.

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Once, long ago, Steel was a simple scientist, working with proteins. 
But then, he made the horrible mistake of adding telomerase to chinchilla cells, creating immortal chinchillas. These immortal chinchillas became overwhelmingly powerful. 
So, when the zombie outbreak occurred, rather than dying and becoming zombified, the chinchillas were infected and trapped between life and death, unable to die, or even decay like a normal zombie would. And one day, his experiments finally caught up with Steel, and just like Vortaan predicted on Discord, Steel was consumed by his 30 chinchillas, and turned into a zombie. 
It was an ignoble end to a young life. 
And now he’s going to end yours. 

Midcycle Event activated!

Someone has explored the lab and discovered Steel and his pack of Zombie Chinchillas.  Players have little over 3 hours to decide if they want to attempt to rescue the player who stumbled into the Lab or leave that person to their fate.  If enough players vote rescue then the Lab becomes explorable.  If left to fate, that player dies and the lab is off limits for any actions.

@Mailliw73 @StrikerEZ @Straw @Ventyl @Snipexe @Kidpen @Sart @xinoehp512 @Butt Ad Venture @Devotary of Spontaneity @Elandera @Rathmaskal, what say you?

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1 minute ago, StrikerEZ said:

Umm...I'd say we should attempt to rescue them. Mainly because I'm them, and I'd rather not die. :P 

Is that an official vote?  It needs to be in purple to count. :P 

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Zombillas edible? Make me immortal? Yum! Wait, what if cure hidden inside? That not good...um...never mind, NO RESCUE! My friends help me! Cure bad! No rescue evil! We have chance for peace. If we stop them we get brains!

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
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4 minutes ago, Straw said:

Gustavus would rather not risk being eaten by zombie chinchillas. Leave.

Uhhh...that wasn't really an option? It's either rescue me or not rescue me. :P I'm the only one in danger right now.

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54 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Someone has explored the lab and discovered Steel and his pack of Zombie Chinchillas.  Players have little over 3 hours to decide if they want to attempt to rescue the player who stumbled into the Lab or leave that person to their fate.  If enough players vote rescue then the Lab becomes explorable.  If left to fate, that player dies and the lab is off limits for any actions.

@StrikerEZ leave you to your fate is one of the options.

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Lachlan McZombie hung his head as the chinchillas approached.  His yells for help had fallen on deaf ears.  Death came for him is the form of small fluffy bodies.

"Well, at least it's better than being killed by a cow."

Lachlan's scream of a mix of delight and horror lasted but a moment as the chinchillas descended upon him, muffling it with their wonderfully fuzzy bodies.

Lachlan McZombie has died.  They were a Refugee.  He was two votes short of living. :( 

The Laboratory is no longer able to be searched/interacted with.

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