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39 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Araris or I could have bribes if we made an active choice to conceal that fact. Not impossible, but somewhat less likely.

Since the Lantern needs to be activated for it to reveal you taking a Day action during the Night, it's actually the other way around.  It would take an active choice to not conceal your actions.

I suggest that whomever took the Bucket of Acid, for them to use it today and claim it once the Night starts so that we will have a better idea how much Chalk we need.  Using the Acid asap is far better than wasting our Chalk unnecessarily. 

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2 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

@Snipexe It's possible that CadCom has the Thief role, which was in the last couple of Rithmatist games, and in the most recent version, required some number of Bribes to be held to win. I'm reconsidering my village read on him, although not enough to guarantee his lynch. I think I'll move my vote from Lumgol to Snipexe. It seems reasonably likely that one of CadCom and Snipexe is at least not village, so I'm happy with them both being lynch targets this cycle.

I’ve started doing a reread of the thief mechanics, as I had completely forgotten about them. However, from what I now remember, the thief is usually against the village correct? So wouldn’t it make sense to lynch them anyway? (Also, considering that CadCom has a bribe, you are effectively just voting on me, rather then tying the lynch.)

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Well, I tried to stop this from happening, but I have failed, which means my best chance of survival is to come out with the truth.

I am a thief. My goal is to obtain five "important" items. When I complete my wincon, i am removed from the game, and the game continues.  As far as I know at this point, the only "important" items are the gun and bribes, and I currently have two. D1 and N1 I took a bribe.

It is in my best interest that the village survives long enough so that I can get these 5 items, yet it is also in my interest that they dont kill off the elims too quickly. 

My original plan was to pick up items in the day and help the village at night, since I have no idea who the eliminator are. thinking that I had a piece of chalk like everyone else. (I read the rules and saw that rithmatists and forgotten both started out with a piece of chalk, and so assumed that I also started with one. I was wrong, and found that out when I submitted an action early in the night turn to use a line if warding, and told it wouldn't work, because I have no chalk. But by this time, I had already revealed to xino that I would be protecting the camp that night. 

I then immediately set out to working on getting two other people to offer to protect to me, and I got two people to offer this, and a third who said if no one else came forward, then they would do it. So i revealed in the thread that i had gotten a second person to help,  when really i had two. 

Then i wanted to make sure that i could stop any rumors getting out there, so as soon as I could, I posted "my version" of what happened, to hopefully answer all the remaining questions, before they had to be asked. 

I wasn't counting on Snip to have chosen to scan me on the first night.

38 minutes ago, Snipexe said:

Another thing that bothers me is why did CadCom automatically assume that it was necessary to pm me, rather then just lie in thread. He couldn’t have known that I had taken an action to look at his actions, and if I had not then the lie would have been undetectable.

The way you asked the question sounded too accusatory to me. I was fairly certain that you had scanned me, due to I stated that I had claimed that I would be using a line of warding. Then you specifically stated that you wanted my confirmation whether or not I used a line of warding before you responded. 


At this point, everyone knows my role, my plan is to help the village while simultaneously attempting to get the items I need. This will allow the village to get extra help for a few cycles, and the elims wont have to worry about killing me because I'll disappear on my own. 

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4 minutes ago, Cadmium Compounder said:


Yeah, but how do we know that when you complete this goal, you are removed. It’s in your benefit to conceal that in reality you win the whole game, especially at this point, in order to ensure your survival no matter what.

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Okay, so that revelation makes Snipexe look a lot better. However, I have a really bad taste in my mouth about letting claimed neutral players get away with things, so I'd rather not have a thief running around. I can fairly easily see some new item coming up that we need that CadCom also wants, and think it will be easier if he's gone. Also, if he is the thief, then lynching him won't increase the amount of defense we need this Night.

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41 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Since the Lantern needs to be activated for it to reveal you taking a Day action during the Night, it's actually the other way around.  It would take an active choice to not conceal your actions.

I suggest that whomever took the Bucket of Acid, for them to use it today and claim it once the Night starts so that we will have a better idea how much Chalk we need.  Using the Acid asap is far better than wasting our Chalk unnecessarily. 

Concealment is the default, but there's still a choice between visibly taking an item or not.

Currently, all three people who are up for the lynch are choosing to take books. None of us(Sentry, Duelist, Silencing) have any backup, and the Book of the Guardian is still unclaimed.

And here comes CadCom claiming that unlike other iterations of Thieves, he does not have a game ending win condition. This essentially confirms Snipexe's claim of targeting CadCom with a Line of Making, which would seem to be a very odd thing for elim!Snipexe to do.

34 minutes ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

I then immediately set out to working on getting two other people to offer to protect to me, and I got two people to offer this, and a third who said if no one else came forward, then they would do it. So i revealed in the thread that i had gotten a second person to help,  when really i had two. 

Then i wanted to make sure that i could stop any rumors getting out there, so as soon as I could, I posted "my version" of what happened, to hopefully answer all the remaining questions, before they had to be asked. 

I wasn't counting on Snip to have chosen to scan me on the first night.

What was your plan to stop one of your two claimants from killing you instead, allowing the camp to be overrun and hiding their identity?

Claiming not to have a hostile wincon was always going to be a hard sell, even if you had claimed before being outed. Having the thief be hidden does support a non game-ending win condition though, as secret lose conditions aren't really fair to everyone else. Having a player who collects items for five turns, dies, and may or may not return items to the supply is also an odd mechanic.

If we don't vote for you though, then what's the best target? Snip is out, and I'm not going to vote for me. I really don't see why Araris is voting for Snip; lynching the accuser in a 1v1 situation isn't a good idea except at LyLo.

Aha, and now my post is nearly useless, but I'm not going to rewrite it. I'm still wary of Araris, but the choice is making sure CadCom dies or starting a new lynch on Araris and allowing CadCom to hammer a lynch. I guess lynching CadCom is safer.


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The camp was quickly turning on Caden. He had admitted to being a Thief, and that he was hoarding Bribes. However, he had an ace up his sleeve. There was lingering resentment about Jenoue, and suspicions he might have been a Forgotten. A well-placed Bribe did the trick, and Caden was able to get the town to turn on Jenoue. Sadly, Jenoue was merely a loyal Rithmatist, further weakening the Camp.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the Forgotten known as Ecnelis made his move, and summoned more chalklings to devour the Village. However, a gunshot rang out, and Ecnelis dropped to the floor. Out of his body flowed dozens of Wild Chalklings. The cabin was no longer safe, and the remaining soldiers bid a hasty retreat.

Vote Count:
Cadmium Compounder (2): Devotary of Spontaneity, Araris Valerian
Devotary of Spontaneity (3): StrikerEZ, Cadmium Compounder, Snipexe

Devotary of Spontaneity was lynched. He was a Rithmatist.
Xinoehp512 was shot. He was a Forgotten.

Camp Supply:

  Hide contents
  • 4 Pieces of Chalk
  • 1 Bucket of Acid
  • 1 Lantern
  • 1 Spring-Powered Crab
  • 1 Map
  • 1 Book of the Sentry
  • 1 Book of the Guardian
  • 1 Book of the Duelist

Items Taken:

  • StrikerEZ took a Piece of Chalk
  • Butt Ad Venture took a Lantern
  • Araris Valerian took a Book of the Bouncer
  • Ventyl took a Book of the Artist
  • Snipexe took a Book of the Silencer

Player List:

  Hide contents
  1. StrikerEZ: Wardell
  2. Dr. Dapper: Rick Rithmatist
  3. Devotary of Spontaneity: Jenoue Rithmatist
  4. Xinoehp52: Ecnelis Forgotten
  5. Butt Ad Venture: Nathaniel
  6. Araris Valerian: Elysian
  7. Cadmium Compounder: Caden
  8. Lumgol: Character TBD
  9. Ventyl: Jerm Apple
  10. Alvron: Blackbane
  11. Elandera: Brodie Fields Rithmatist
  12. Shqueeves: Jeeves
  13. Snipexe: Snip

The Strength of the Chalklings is at 3. This Night will end on Sunday July 14 at 7:00 PM CDT.

Edited by Sart
Missed an action
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Sorry, devotary, and sorry Snip for moving your vote. I still had a chance to meet my wincon, so I had to take it.

So here's what I know about Xino. They are one of the people that said that they would protect the camp N1. I told them what I told the thread, before i told the thread. I also said that if i die at night, Snipexe was the only other one who knew. 

Now everyone knows, so that's probably null and void. I'll see if I have a chance to read more into xino and determine who he associated with. 

I wont have time to coordinate another defense of camp, so someone will need to do that.

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I’m not sure if I should do a LoW tonight, since I’d prefer to read the book I grabbed. Also, using up my only chalk would make my book basically useless. I’ll reconsider if we haven’t heard in thread that enough people are defending.

Also, nice shot Alv, although it looks like we didn’t get a decrease in the defense requirement from the Gun kill.

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Dang, I saw Devotary’s response when I had a bit of a break during work and was about to take my vote off before I had to go back to work. I should’ve just taken the extra minute it would’ve taken to remove my vote. Oh well. 

Anyway, good shot Alv. I have the day off tomorrow, so I’ll be able to go back through the thread and see if there’s anything I can get knowing that xino was a Forgotten. 

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Well, now I'm further from my wincon, to collect 5 bribes/guns, as i used one to survive. So now i only have 1 bribe. 

At this point, I think the most helpful for the village to do is either lynch me when you dont k ow who else to lynch (making the chalking strength not go up or down), or keep me alive to help keep the voting power against the eliminators higher. 

We still need to worry about defending the camp. It's obviously best to defend it, but unless something is either coordinated in secret, or at least a couple people have announced someone's willingness to protect the camp, I would not reccommend putting in lone lines of warding, as if we dont protect the camp, it can become a waste of chalk. You should either completely defend or save your chalks for when you are better able to coordinate. The better option is always to better coordinate. 


Elims, if you dont want to waste an action trying to kill someone who can leave the game in another way, keep submitting the kill, and have the other elims pass me bribes or guns. But beware, I will let the village know how many things I have. 

I'll be going for chalk tonight, since there isnt anything else I need. Available to me at this time, then in a future cycle, if there still isnt anything else available to me, I'll be able to help protect the camp. 

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Quick Reminder that we need to be thinking about defense. I suggest that people don’t coordinate through CadCom, (obviously), though I don’t know who a potential alternative might be, though if I had to pick, right now I would probably choose Alv.

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27 minutes ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

I'll be going for chalk tonight, since there isnt anything else I need. Available to me at this time, then in a future cycle, if there still isnt anything else available to me, I'll be able to help protect the camp. 

That's not entirely true though is it.  You're a Thief so shouldn't you be able to just steal the Bribe back from Snip?

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1 hour ago, Alvron said:

That's not entirely true though is it.  You're a Thief so shouldn't you be able to just steal the Bribe back from 

I am not doing good at reading the rules. I can steal items, so I will probably do that.

Edit: Originally I was going to go for chalk. I had put the action in and everything. Now I will be stealing a bribe. 

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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Alvron- Village: He killed an Elim

Butt- Obviously village

Striker-  I’m guessing village. I have a Pm with him and he’s been helpful, but so was Xino...

CadCom- I don’t know where to put him. He seems like it could go both ways.

Shqueeves- I’m suspicious, he’s constantly lurking and not posting. Elim read

Everyone else I’m relatively neutral on.

Take all of this with a grain of salt though, I’m inexperienced and am probably falling for multiple deceptions.

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
It’s night, no voting
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I'm doing absolutely awful at reading my role rules. It turns out I steal a random item. For now, I'm planning on stealing something random from snip. But if I find out that he has a lot of items, I may switch to taking something from the middle.

It would be a piece of chalk if I do that .

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9 minutes ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

I'm doing absolutely awful at reading my role rules. It turns out I steal a random item. For now, I'm planning on stealing something random from snip. But if I find out that he has a lot of items, I may switch to taking something from the middle.

It would be a piece of chalk if I do that .

Please don’t. I’d rather not lose my specialty book to someone who might not even be able to use it, no offense.

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