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So three people (Araris, Vent and Snip) claimed to use LoW last Night and the camp was overrun with the chalkings on the strength of 3.  Since none of those three claimed to have been roleblocked, one of them must be lying.  Question is, which one.

Vent is currently up for the lynch (along with CadCom) but I wouldn't mind seeing them and one of the other two tied for the lynch.  Perhaps even all three on the line.  As such, Snipexe, how about you join the votes.

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10 minutes ago, Alvron said:

So three people (Araris, Vent and Snip) claimed to use LoW last Night and the camp was overrun with the chalkings on the strength of 3.  Since none of those three claimed to have been roleblocked, one of them must be lying.  Question is, which one.

Vent is currently up for the lynch (along with CadCom) but I wouldn't mind seeing them and one of the other two tied for the lynch.  Perhaps even all three on the line.  As such, Snipexe, how about you join the votes.

Of course you prefer to see us all tied for the lynch :D. That might not be entirely a random event though given the possibility of a Line of Silencing (although that would pretty much give away who the elim is for next cycle).

Also, I read Snipexe rather strongly as village after his interaction with CadCom.

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8 hours ago, Alvron said:

So three people (Araris, Vent and Snip) claimed to use LoW last Night and the camp was overrun with the chalkings on the strength of 3.  Since none of those three claimed to have been roleblocked, one of them must be lying.  Question is, which one.

Vent is currently up for the lynch (along with CadCom) but I wouldn't mind seeing them and one of the other two tied for the lynch.  Perhaps even all three on the line.  As such, Snipexe, how about you join the votes.

I hadn’t noticed that, and that might be nearly enough to switch my vote to Ventyl,  though I think a reread of his posts are in order before I decided.

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5 hours ago, Ventyl said:

Would you mind explaining which post exactly?


This post is just a pointless acknowledgment of the write up, and posts like these basically always read as elim to me because they feel like an attempt to get in the village’s good graces.


This post just in general reads really bizarrely to me. There was a lot of evidence previously presented that implied that CadCom was not the thief. First of all, there was my scan of him taking a non-rithmatic action the same night, and the lack of bribes the following day, which he has stated are vital for his wincon. Then there’s just the fact that it would be stupid for an elim to pm someone saying they were going to draw a line, and then not do so. If the camp was over run, they would have the perfect target. Additionally there’s also the fact the Xino flipped elim. It wouldn’t make sense for an elim to pm another elim in the scenario, seeing as it doesn’t really provide either of them the benefits they would get from pming villagers.

Another thing that bothers me about that post is the way it calls for a lynch on CadCom, but today you only just now voted for him.

Once again, something in this post just feels off. You talk about there being four elims, three left, and then line of vigor-ing their targets, but then immediately transition to talking about what Striker was doing, even though I had stated earlier in the thread that he had been pm contacting people.


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I'm going to be offline until the end of the cycle, and I think I'll switch my vote from Ventyl to CadCom. I was really hoping we'd get more discussion, but lynching CadCom lets us stall things another cycle. It's also possible that he's pulled an Aman and is actually Forgotten, but I don't think that adds up.

Vote Tally:
CadCom (3): Ventyl, Araris, Snipexe
Snipexe (1): Alvron

There are still ~30 minutes left for people to get their votes in. It would be nice if more than half the players could participate in the lynch.

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"Okay," said Caden. "I know I may have been stealing from the camp supply, but is that really such a big deal. I mean, we're all against the Forgotten, right?" The remaining soldiers stared at him in dead silence. "Okay, why don't I offer you these Bribes to change your mind." Again, there was silence. "Uh... well... crud. I'll just be going then?"  Unfortunately for the Thief, Caden would not be going anywhere anymore.

Vote Count:
Cadmium Compounder (4): Araris Valerian, Ventyl, Shqueeves, Snipexe
Snipexe (1): Alvron

Cadmium Compounder was lynched. He was a Thief.

Known Roles:

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  • Rithmatist: They win when all Forgotten are dead. Each Rithmatist starts the game with a Piece of Chalk
  • Forgotten: They win when the Camp is Overrun for the third time. Each Forgotten starts the game with a Piece of Chalk. As a Night action, one Forgotten can kill a player. They also have a standard Google doc to collaborate in.
  • Thief: They win if they have five Valuable items. The Thief winning does not end the game, and all Items the Thief was carrying are removed from the game. Once per cycle, as an action, they can Steal a random item from a Player. Only the Thief knows which items are valuable.

Camp Supply:

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  • 5 Pieces of Chalk
  • 3 Bribes
  • 1 Bucket of Acid
  • 1 Lantern
  • 1 Spring-Powered Crab
  • 1 Book of the Guardian
  • 1 Book of the Duelist
  • 1 Ornate Clock

Items Taken:

  • Butt Ad Venture took a Piece of Chalk
  • Araris Valerian took the Shadowblaze!
  • Alvron took the Radio!
  • Snipexe took a Piece of Rainbow Chalk

The Strength of the Wild Chalklings is still at 3. This night will end on Wednesday July 17th at 7:00 PM CDT.

Edited by Sart
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20 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I have no Chalk, so the best I can do is grab an item or read my Book. I'm not sure which I'll do, since I'll likely be a target with the Shadowblaze.

You should grab some Chalk.  In fact everyone should be grabbing Chalk as our starting supply is likely gone and we will need more if we want to survive much longer.

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1 hour ago, Alvron said:

You should grab some Chalk.  In fact everyone should be grabbing Chalk as our starting supply is likely gone and we will need more if we want to survive much longer.

Sounds like a plan. We shouldn't have a hard time defending the camp tonight.

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In a couple of hours, I'll be starting a double shift at work and won't be around again until well after rollover but if someone is willing to protect me this Night, hopefully I can use the Radio to find a Forgotten.

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12 hours ago, Snipexe said:

If someone could get a forbiddance on Shqueeves, that would be lovely

Why does Shqueeves need protection? Unless you meant Alvron or Araris?

Question for those holding fragile items: If there was a risk for a lynch on you would you be willing to pass your item so it is not lost?


Nathaniel looked out at his...well, not friends, but comrades. It would be difficult, but with the power the Master had granted them, perhaps they could extend their lives until their last mission was completed. 

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
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1 hour ago, Butt Ad Venture said:

Why does Shqueeves need protection? Unless you meant Alvron or Araris?


Because he had the ability to create enhanced lines of warding, which I predict will be very helpful, and certainly make him a target for the elims.

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@Butt Ad Venture Are you referring to anyone in particular? Alvron, Snipexe and I all have fragile items, but I'd bet Alvron and Snipexe plan to use theirs tonight, so you must be talking about me, as one of three possible liars about the LoWs last cycle.

Edit: @Shqueeves could you tell us exactly what your enhanced LoWs do?

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Fortunately, a LoR only has a 33% chance to make me drop the Shadowblaze, since I also have my Lantern and my Book. Also, Alvron's Radio might make him a greater target for the kill, so that he can't share his results.

Edit: @Sart If I died, would the Shadowblaze add to the camp's defense before or after my demise?

Edited by Araris Valerian
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57 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Fortunately, a LoR only has a 33% chance to make me drop the Shadowblaze, since I also have my Lantern and my Book. Also, Alvron's Radio might make him a greater target for the kill, so that he can't share his results.

Edit: @Sart If I died, would the Shadowblaze add to the camp's defense before or after my demise?

Before. All Defense actions happen before kills. So if a Rithmatist died while holding a Shadowblaze or drawing a Line of Warding, their contribution would still count.

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