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What's YOUR Talent?

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Maybe you don't exist while you're daydreaming? Maybe the things you daydream about actually occur?

I can see how it would be useful for defense, though.

The enemy just randomly starts daydreaming whenever you get close.

"I'm going to kill you, even if it's the last thing I--Butterflies! Pretty butterflies!"

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I'd have the talent of breaking laptops. I've seriously been through four in the last three months. My last one lasted 4 days. 

That or the talent of never remembering faces. Including my own. Maybe my face would change doing a kind of disguisers lenses thing, and i could make other people appear different. LIke, they'd all look the same, like the do to me.

Edited by Callsign: Necrosis
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  • 3 weeks later...

If unfortunate real world talents were translated into Smedry talents, mine would have to be accidentally hurting myself while doing the dumbest things, especially in situations when one would think that it would be impossible to get injured. With the extreme escalation of effects in Smedry talents, I'm not sure how long I would last, but I would definitely go out gloriously. 

Edit: Oops, I just realized the post directly above mine is along the same lines. We should be friends!

Edited by Squallwing
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  • 1 month later...

The talent of not knowing/remembering what I have with me. Like, a microsecond of panic that you forgot your phone before you realize you're watching Netflix on it. Smedry application, if I think I don't have something, I have it. Basically the opposite of Alcatraz's father's power.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My talent would be never having what I thought I had in my pocket. Smedry application: I pull out whatever I need, not what I want. (Ex: wanting to get something from a vending machine in the middle of battle, reaching for the dollar I had in my pocket, and bringing out a crystin sword or something).

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Talent would be being really bad at small talk- so utterly awkward that nobody gets close

Smedry Application: Force field of Awkwardness. None of the Librarians would be able to get close to because I would repel them with awkward small-talk

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Mine would be mispronouncing things. It isn’t too evident when I am typing, but I do it all the time irl. It could actually be kinda useful- “Wow, that robot is so powerful!” could turn into “Wow, that roobot is so powerful!”, and the robot literally becomes a roobot (a friendly baby kangaroo bot).

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Talent: worrying about things that never happen.

Use: looks slightly into the future, so people know what to prepare for. So they never happen, but they could.

Also, has anyone seen my socks? I can't find them anywhere. Maybe they've been taken by household animals and put on  a stock-exchange like system so I'll never get them back ever.

Or, they're under my bed.

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