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Quick Fix Game 39: Corruption in the Senate 2: Allomantic Boogaloo

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2 minutes ago, DrakeMarshmallow said:

Vote Tally
Arraenae (2): DrakeMarshmallow, RayOfSunshine
little wilson (2): Alvron, Araris Valerian
Shqueeves (1): Elandera
Alvron (1): StrikerEZ
xxGaea (1): Fifth Scholar

Done :)

Didn’t someone vote on Ark?

EDIT: plus, you missed out on votes on Fura too.

Edited by StrikerEZ
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5 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

Alv. Mildly less suspicious of Fura, mildly more so of Elandera. 

I switched because you hadn't posted and I am about to get off for the night. It didn't seem anyone else was going to join, so I opted to move rather that have a 4-way tie.

Now that you have posted, Shqueeves Alvron 

That's it for me tonight. Goodnight. 

Edited by Elandera
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2 minutes ago, Alvron said:

We can always tie it up between me and Ark/Ray.  Let the Gods of Luck and Chance decide if I get my revenge or not.

Just now, Alvron said:

Ah, chull.  Still worth it imo.

Honestly, I kind of like this as it's kind of appropriate...

@Elbereth I'll respond to your stuff once this is over.

Everyone pls make a vote count when you vote. Too much vote changing lol

Rae(2): Drake, Ray
Fura(1): Elbereth
Wilson(2): Araris, Alv
Alv(2): Striker, Elandera

Gaea(1): Fifth
Ray(2): Hael, Fura


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6 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

Okay, I can see that argument. I may have to reread the rules though - I was saying elims would just use a search warrant on people with daggers. Why would that not work? 

Oh, right, that would work.

Still not something the eliminators are likely to start with very many of, but this is a fair point.


Also, what the heck is happening to the lynch. I'm confused.

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2 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Everyone pls make a vote count when you vote. Too much vote changing lol

Rae(2): Drake, Ray
Fura(1): Elbereth
Wilson(2): Araris, Alv
Alv(2): Striker, Elandera

Gaea(1): Fifth
Ray(2): Hael, Fura


You missed El’s vote on Alv, putting him in the (probably temporary) lead. 

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4 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Everyone pls make a vote count when you vote. Too much vote changing lol

Rae(2): Drake, Ray
Fura(1): Elbereth
Wilson(2): Araris, Alv
Alv(2): Striker, Elandera

Gaea(1): Fifth
Ray(2): Hael, Fura

You are missing Elbereth's vote on Alv.

Vote Tally
Alvron (3): Elandera, Elbereth, StrikerEZ
Arraenae (2): DrakeMarshmallow, RayOfSunshine
little wilson (2): Alvron, Araris Valerian
Ark1002 (1): Furamirionind
xxGaea (1): Fifth Scholar

As it is, Alvron stands to be lynched, and I don't really understand why we're lynching Alv.

EDIT: Okay, there are officially too many vote tallies :P This is almost more confusing than not enough of them

Edited by DrakeMarshmallow
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4 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

Rae(2): Drake, Ray
Fura(1): Elbereth
Wilson(2): Araris, Alv
Alv(2): Striker, Elandera

Gaea(1): Fifth
Ray(2): Hael, Fura

That's 3 on Alv, with El's vote. 

Now seriously. Yell at me if I post or you see me lurking. I need to sleep.

Edit: it's nice to see so many people on, but dang. The ninjas are out of control

Edited by Elandera
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1 minute ago, DrakeMarshmallow said:

Oh, right, that would work.

Still not something the eliminators are likely to start with very many of, but this is a fair point.


Also, what the heck is happening to the lynch. I'm confused.

Yeah. I could see Fura asking just on the off chance someone would claim, and the elims could steal and use said dagger. I don’t think it’s super likely honestly - especially given your fair point about people acting similar to their past selves regardless of alignment - but could see it if the elim team was eg feeling pretty pinched with daggers and panicked about not being able to win, or something? 

Also, I’m signing off. Hopefully this mess provides some useful analysis in the morning. >>

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1 minute ago, Furamirionind said:


Honestly, I kind of like this as it's kind of appropriate...

@Elbereth I'll respond to your stuff once this is over.

Everyone pls make a vote count when you vote. Too much vote changing lol

Rae(2): Drake, Ray
Fura(1): Elbereth
Wilson(2): Araris, Alv
Alv(2): Striker, Elandera

Gaea(1): Fifth
Ray(2): Hael, Fura


You missed El's vote on me.  Killed by my own daughter.  How sad.  Ah well, at least I'll be with your twin soon El.  I'm sure Burnt missed me at very least.

1 minute ago, DrakeMarshmallow said:

Oh, right, that would work.

Still not something the eliminators are likely to start with very many of, but this is a fair point.


Also, what the heck is happening to the lynch. I'm confused.

Last game they did start with at least one Warrant.  They used it to steal my Dagger.

At moment, I'm being lynched.  But I won't be alone.... Ark/Ray.  I had hoped to stab you with the Dagger I was passed last cycle but alas, I'll just have to settle for this.

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1 minute ago, DrakeMarshmallow said:

You are missing Elbereth's vote on Alv.

Vote Tally
Alvron (3): Elandera, Elbereth, StrikerEZ
Arraenae (2): DrakeMarshmallow, RayOfSunshine
little wilson (2): Alvron, Araris Valerian
Ark1002 (1): Furamirionind
xxGaea (1): Fifth Scholar

As it is, Alvron stands to be lynched, and I don't really understand why we're lynching Alv.

I’ve specified my reasons - I really don’t like the Rae lynch and don’t like how much Alv was playing up his love of the black market. 

Just now, Alvron said:

You missed El's vote on me.  Killed by my own daughter.  How sad.  Ah well, at least I'll be with your twin soon El.  I'm sure Burnt missed me at very least.

Not sorry. :P And I thought Burnt was the family pet! I do kind of regret you dying so early, but hopefully we’ll get to play more in the future. And it is a QF. 

Oh, besides, I can still PM you. :P 

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2 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

I can’t remember if I agreed to Alv’s proposal for this earlier, but here:  Alv  Ark 

Can I persway you to change back.  I'm kinda going down in a blaze of glory here and you're ruining it.

Edit: too many ninjas

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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

You missed my post where I changed it back :P 

I also said too many ninja's.  But I thank you for your willingness to ... lynch me so I can have fun before I die.

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Ugh. I just got on, and I have no clue what is happening.

I'm against lynching a constable today - we have one more shot and I think we should wait until we have a better idea - once we kill another person who is likely Elim, then we can see if they were defensive of a particular candidate - to that end, Alv is a useful candidate.

@Alvron and @DrakeMarshmallow, I don't suppose you could retract your votes so we could kill Alv without having a ton of votes on him, thereby making his alignment flip useless?

I think it's Drake and Alv, anyway - I have no idea what the correct vote tally is anymore. :P

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Ark(4): Hael, Fura, Alv, Rae
Alv(3): Elbereth, Elandera, Striker
Rae(2): Drake, Ray
Wilson(1): Araris

Gaea(1): Fifth

I am extremely confused as to why this had to happen so close to rollover, but it certainly seems somebody and perhaps multiple people are willing to let this lynch go to a tie. There's not a lot of boxings to go around for the people lynched, so killing multiple people isn't likely to make anybody any richer. Perhaps I should stop adapting this part of the post to everything that's happening. Why is Ark being voted on all of a sudden? Is this about revenge for Burnt's death, or honest suspicion that Ark is evil?

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