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The Return of Old Friends - Oldtimers Light and Dark Bakery

I Am Witless

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I'll be fishing all day today, so @ElephantEarwaxis gonna have to lead, sorry.

Yzabet served Truthless, then glanced at a clock on the wall.

"I'll be right back. Ele, you take care of things on my side. No spikes." She hurried out the back door.

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Yzabet stuck her head back in.

"Are we gonna have anyone be raised from the dead? Hint hint, there are some people who I'd LOVE to see again." Overhearing Xinoehp, she nodded with a sad smile.

"I'm surprised more Dark aren't here."

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Gotta ping me on discord if I have to do something...I pop on here in consistently.

Taking his notes and using some sand to dry the blood, he puts them under the counter along with his writing implements.

He begins munching on a cookie, small metallic pings occasionally resounding from his teeth.

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On 7/29/2019 at 7:22 AM, Truthless of Shinovar said:

He then noted the rabbit-bird like thing in front of him, and hesitantly reached out his hand to pet it.

Ink jumped into his arms and curled into a ball. :wub:

On 7/29/2019 at 9:15 PM, I Am Witless said:

"Are we gonna have anyone be raised from the dead? Hint hint, there are some people who I'd LOVE to see again."

Ene sighed. "I've been trying to get Mraize's characters for ages, but they're all too busy in the underworld."

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Nohadon came back from his walk across continents. He foolishly forgot to let people know it was happening, but he came back, he always came back eventually, except for when he forgot to.

He sat down and looked around, spotting Ene.

”So, What’d I miss?” He said with a grin


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"Eh, not much," Ene said back, grinning. "The usual insanity, a war or two, I'm sure the GBs had another revolution or civil war somewhere in there - I wasn't paying attention. Were you here when cookies were banned in the intro threads? Oh, and I think we just got kicked out." She gestured to the bakery's disappearance into the greater cosmere. "Wanna go somewhere else before we get sucked into a black hole or a paradox or something?"

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12 hours ago, AonEne said:

"Eh, not much," Ene said back, grinning. "The usual insanity, a war or two, I'm sure the GBs had another revolution or civil war somewhere in there - I wasn't paying attention. Were you here when cookies were banned in the intro threads? Oh, and I think we just got kicked out." She gestured to the bakery's disappearance into the greater cosmere. "Wanna go somewhere else before we get sucked into a black hole or a paradox or something?"

“You lead the way.” A look of horror appeared on his face, processing this new information.

“the cookies were banned from the intro thread? I thought it was only guild advertising!”

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Ene found another bakery that wasn’t too different from the first and settled in, grabbing some cookies and placing a plate on the table. “Yeah, that was rough. Apparently the mods thought we were too overwhelming for new Sharders, so they asked us to tone it down, and then when some people didn’t do that, the Powers Who Be banned offering cookies in the intro threads. Chaos called them a meme.” 

She sighed and shrugged. “Maybe if things go well for a while and nobody gets too insane about it we’ll be able to give people cookies without referencing the Alleyverse and it’ll be okay.” She picked one up from the plate on the table and eyed it forlornly, then proffered it to Nohadon. 


I’m not passive-aggressively mildly unhappily salty at all ever what I don’t know what you’re talking about 

But in all seriousness I mean no offense to the mods - I can see where the decision was coming from, I just don’t agree with the extent to which it went. And I especially don’t think giving cookies to people is a meme. 


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On 8/11/2019 at 0:12 AM, AonEne said:

She sighed and shrugged. “Maybe if things go well for a while and nobody gets too insane about it we’ll be able to give people cookies without referencing the Alleyverse and it’ll be okay.” She picked one up from the plate on the table and eyed it forlornly, then proffered it to Nohadon. 

"I'm starving" Nohadon quickly finished the cookie in two bites, then picked up a second one.

"Chaos tends to do that. He doesn't want things to get out of hand."

Nohadon looked at Ene for a moment.

"These aren't spiked, are they?"

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