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Trails of Cold Steel (and the Kiseki series in general)


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Ok I was able to at least get enough exp that I should be able to lvl up at end of fight 1.

I will push on this tomorrow at 4pm. 

sucks that I had such a negative experience that stunted my progress for this long this late into the game.

cant wait to get back and past it.

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2 hours ago, NattyBo said:

Im not reading any previous posts for fear of spoilers, but just started Trails in the Sky on Vita. I have Trails SC, and trails of cold steel 1/2, and 3 on switch. Long trip ahead!

Great! It is a long trip indeed, but a worthy one, I hope you enjoy it. 

When the time comes I hope you consider playing the Crossbell games too. There's no official localization but they're awesome too and part of the bigger picture.

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No official Crossbell localization but there's a very good fan translation for the first of the duology and a... serviceable one for the second. There's also a chance that one of these days they'll get an official port since Falcom just ported both titles to PS4 (one of the reasons given was to put them on a platform that was viable for overseas releases), so maybe in the future that'll change.

4 hours ago, NattyBo said:

Im not reading any previous posts for fear of spoilers, but just started Trails in the Sky on Vita. I have Trails SC, and trails of cold steel 1/2, and 3 on switch. Long trip ahead!

Ooh, enjoy it! You've got a long but hopefully very rewarding trip ahead of you.

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The 4pm play didn’t happen like it was supposed to. I was only able to gear up for the coming battle before I had to turn it off to do some RL stuff, so hopefully later on and way before I take my meds my son will not be a turd blossom and let me catch back up instead of demanding to play fortnite or GTA.

it’s been a bad few days since Saturday’s incident bringing me to an utter halt.

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Oh my that was about 2 hours of sweat! I HATED THAT! I have not once weakened enemies but I had to do this not once but TWICE on Kylo Ren... I feel so dirty but I wasn’t about to restart that part multiple times only on lvl 63. I was getting stomped hard even with Faint working for me. Other people might have the skill to tackle this in one go but not I. 

phew that was a long bit I held off not taking my meds. I’m out. Will continue on finally in the morning.

end of ch 6

i see you

Sharon. Even more interesting now.

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That reveal gets even better when you have the full context for it. :D

Oh, since you've finished Chapter 6 it's now safe for you to check out the supplemental story that Falcom released with the original game, containing an episode that was planned but cut for time and turned into a drama cd instead. It covers the event mentioned in the transition between chapters and XSEED translated it in full. Heads-up that it's on the CS2 site so you probably don't want to go browsing to any other pages after finishing it.

Returning Home

<makes sure my popcorn supply is adequate. For Reasons>

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Oh, missed this earlier.

On 7/2/2020 at 7:21 AM, aneonfoxtribute said:

The Azurw translation is really good, not just servicable.

Having seen it and having played the entire series in both languages, I think we're gonna have to agree to disagree here. It's got inconsistencies with the official localizations (and where different, Falcom's own romanizations) for some proper terminology and typos and lines that are translated very literally, which don't flow like natural English and don't do a great job of conveying the intended meaning. But one example of a less-than-great decision, from the end of the Prologue:


English line: Why did the grand master have to pick her of all people...

Japanese line: まったく総長もよりによって何でコイツを

Issue: The line itself isn't bad, the issue is the word I highlighted. Every single time this line has come up in official localizations, it's been rendered as 'Commander'. So first, the Azure fan translation is inconsistent with what's come before. Second, it's incredibly confusing because there's already an individual in this series known as the Grandmaster and it's not the person being referred to by Kevin. The usage may be technically correct insofar as the leaders of chivalric orders are sometimes known as Grand Masters and that can be rendered in Japanese as 総長 but when it's already used for one of the most important characters in the series (none less than the leader of Ouroboros) you can hopefully see why the official localizations opted for the equally correct and non-confusing 'Commander'. The Azure translation causes confusion by using the same term for two different characters and it's not until much later in the game that anyone uses the phrase 'Grand Master Selnate' to clarify the matter.


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It's not perfect, sure, but it does get the job done. I feel that the complaint you picked out has logic behind it but isn't altogether a big issue, primarily for two reasons. 


First, it's obviously referring to Selnate, regardless of the terminology used, just because of who is saying the line and the context surrounding it. Second, it can be differentiated because it's in lowercase and split up whereas, as far as I can recall in the Azure translation, any mention of the actual Grandmaster is spelled how I just spelled it. Capital G, all one word. Inconsistency is an issue sure, but it's not too confusing taking those into account. 


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Like I said, that's one example. I could throw more out there with inconsistencies, confusing translations or just plan weird grammar. It does the job insofar as you'll get what's going on (and it's better than the pre-Geofront Zero translation that was floating around) but it's nowhere near as good as the Geofront translation of Zero or the official localizations of the rest of the series.

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Ok just saw that. It was highly apparent that something more was there. I did click link but it tells me I should be done with CS before I read it so I ll wait.

Also a ? on this final chapter I ll tag.

It appears Collete wants my Straps but on the guide it also says she wants Mishy thingies to..problem is I’m missing the one from ch 1 cause I just assumed at the time I’d be able to go back to Celdic and I didn’t really know what I was doing anyway.. so is there any point to even giving her my helpful Straps if I’m missing an item the guide is telling me she wants? I’m inclined to just keep and not risk losing em

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I think the straps and Mishy things are probably for different rewards. Just judge for yourself whether or not you want to get it by looking at what the strap thing does. And yeah later games make items like those that can be traded for stuff unmissable, by letting you go almost everywhere freely after a certain point in 2 and giving you a shop at the hub in 3 that sells rare items from places you've already visited

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It says that about the story, but really there's nothing in the drama cd transcription that will spoil you since it's literally meant to happen right at the point you were at before. Anyhow, check it out afterwards if you prefer but definitely do so before playing CS2. It's actually surprisingly relevant to stuff that happens in that game.

Yeah, if you don't have a full set of items there's no real reason to trade her because benefiting from the reward requires it. Colette will trade you for full sets of the Mishy accessories, the straps and the badges you get from fishing, and if you don't have all nine items on your first run there's not much point in trading. On NG+ it's different. It's one of those things where on your first run you either need a guide or you need to be obsessive; I missed it as well my first run so you shouldn't feel bad. It's not something unique you're losing though, just more of something you can get via other means.

Also, popcorn intensifies!

Oh, and unrelated to that, there was another update to the official website for Hajimari earlier this week. Mostly it's clarifying mechanics that they've previously talked about but there's one new detail the screenshots added, and one thing I hadn't seen before (minor Crossbell spoiler involved, plus Cold Steel 4)


There's a reunion between Garcia and Fie where he's telling Fie that they'll talk about 'the boss' after (whatever they're currently up to). Since she's now a bracer, they're in Crossbell and there's a Zaubersoldat in the background, it's a safe bet they're having some pre-fight banter before a great deal of Erebonian chull gets kicked.

There's also a detail that was technically visible in the last round of magazine scans but I'd missed, which is that Scarlet is using a bowgun instead of her old templar sword. I'm hoping that's a situational thing because I'd really love to see Falcom animate some templar sword skills in the current engine.

Speaking of the Gralsritter, I also wouldn't mind a bit if we saw more of Rosine in action. We know we're seeing more of Thomas already since his Merkabah is part of the group shot and we can see signs of his partitions helping defend some of the other ships, but more of his squire would be nice.


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Phew that dialogue slog was on 11!! Did it and my optional quest since my 4pm session yesterday and I’m just now getting into the school house to lvl up my class that wasn’t with me in ch 6. Not gonna do the required quest until they gain a few more lvls.

 I’m ready to be on CS2 already lol

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Got something strange going on in schoolhouse that I ll tag.

so I’m lvln up peeps like I said and I’m using a quartz I got in Nord called scent for the 1st time just to get the xtra spells for Jusis and I can certainly no longer sneak up on anyone down here. However this all goes away when I put Rean in control everything is running away from me. This is weird and I don’t have anything on to cause them to do this that I know of...but I did put Vermillion on him. Don’t sho that it causes fear though so is this just some end game perk? Also all exp points are the same barring the xtra that Milliums quartz grants her. This goes against the entire game up till now. Rean shouldn’t be getting the same as everyone else being 6 lvls ahead of them... so again...end game perk???


i have no clue what’s going on lol

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Okay firstly, Scent makes it easier for enemies to notice you so it's a lot harder to sneak up on them. Rean being put in the lead making them run away is, if I recall how CS works correctly, because he can just one shot every enemy meaning he's far more powerful than the rest. And I don't have any idea why Rean should be getting the same amount of experience as everyone else unless you have an experience boost on him. That's never been how Trails works, it's always been the case that higher level party members get less experience and vice versa. I can't really say I noticed anything like that myself

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That’s what’s thrown me off. Even with Rean they never had this reaction till now for me and yeah I noticed the huge difference with scent equipped. No exp gain barring that other characters master quartz I mentioned. This has all been so strange all the sudden. Thought this had to be some end game perks deal.

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Nope, something's definitely weird with your setup or you're fighting enemies that give so little EXP that the scaling reduces everyone to essentially the same amount. There's no main character perk or endgame perk that would account for that.

As for the encounters, there are two possible factors in play that are resulting in what you're seeing. First, enemies have always run away if you're significantly higher-leveled than they are, so if Rean is seriously ahead, his level will override Scent's effect. The other possibility is that Rean has Intimidation equipped, which makes enemies more likely to run from the party and overrides Scent if it's equipped to the lead character.

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I only did Emma's for that one despite doing every other bond event. I liked Emma the best (that's a lie I like Millium best idk why I didn't choose her) and I didnt know choosing nobody would get me Crow and I just sort of didn't want to go through them all.


Turned out to be a good choice in hindsight considering hers is probably the most relevant.


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