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Trails of Cold Steel (and the Kiseki series in general)


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It was good but very predictable.

i knew it was gonna be someone with a C for name or title to be Kylo Ren, I knew there had to be some kind of nuke like super weapons if that tiny place stood any chance stuck between two giants. Only surprise was the gundam things even though the game had AI mechs. The final bit frustrated me cause it was so obvious so much was going over my head compared to most parts of the game. It was a nice basic payoff for a 1st timer/entry but a lot falls flat because of this to.

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Trying to transfer over to CS2 and it’s a no go. How do you “upload data”? I have no clue what they want me to do. I’m doing that I think but when I get to CS2 load screen it says I have nothing there. I’m lost. Sure don’t wanna start fresh..want to flow into it. It even is on auto upload.. I’m not sure what the deal is. I’m just going to start. I guess I will either have items from 1 to let me know it’s auto or not and there’s a bug...

Edited by Briar King
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I’m not convinced he is cause of the thing from earlier in game.

Managed to figure it out so it started seem less. I am now wearing Reans unspeakable costume and it looks really cool. For some reason only him and Alisa have this option. Hmm. Kinda looks like Kirto from SAO. Starting me off on lvl 40. I seem that like CS1 my game clock still ticks even if I press the home button instead of pausing. I imagine the others do this as well if it’s going on in this one to. I’m actually kinda thrown by the tweaked and elongated menu txt and the very large battle damage numbers. It’s the same but different...so tweaked.

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The thing when CS1 endgame and CS2 start location and story hope 

Rean and Ozzy made eye contact when the train was zipping by and Rean had one of his chest/power/voice moments, but they also said in game he was being taken somewhere afterwards and not that he was dead. The 1st thing thing needs further explanation though and they can’t really do that if he dead. It was to random to not explain to me.

Im loving Ymir/Esingard mountains. Glad I was able to read the cd. I’m loving the thought that Trista is occupied cause I really don’t want to go through year 2 of teen school stuff, then Toval says some teachers escape so I fully sadly expect a temporary school. Sigh

and bruh I love the intro pic and film. 1 was mostly sun shine and rainbows feeling but 2 looks stormy and heavy. Awesome

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If you think that CS2 is going to have 'school stuff' I have to question whether you've actually paid sufficient attention to the context in which the game is taking place. :P

But yes, as mentioned it's not a thing. CS3 has it again but it's treated slightly differently than CS1. Oh, and a lot of your 'I saw this coming' things are, wait for it, things we already knew thanks to the Crossbell arc happening side by side, with Ao's ending happening in parallel to CS2. Except one obvious thing that wasn't introduced until CS1:


No comment for the fact that your classmate and friend (and party member) was C? Really, that didn't provoke more than a 'oh, huh' from you?


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Meh not really...it is so basic and common a move in books/movies/games.

CS2 stuff..

man I really hate when the games have brain farts in dialogue. There was so many times something would be explained and then repeated the already known info back in the form of a ?. I’m not sure if this is a translation thing or not but it is highly annoying. Now I just had Celine not have a clue who Elise was despite the fact she lead her down in schoolhouse in 1 ch4. This could be a dialogue/transfer glitch though if you didn’t play 1 1st maybe..pretty eye rolling though. What is also annoying is that Elise, Alfin and Toval express ZERO shock they are talking to a rusting talking cat. It’s just not even an issue from what I saw so far.

Still loving Ymir even though the graphics are so basic this snow is wonderful to see considering I’m going through a brutal extra hot Louisiana July.

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34 minutes ago, Briar King said:

Meh not really...it is so basic and common a move in books/movies/games.

CS2 stuff..

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man I really hate when the games have brain farts in dialogue. There was so many times something would be explained and then repeated the already known info back in the form of a ?. I’m not sure if this is a translation thing or not but it is highly annoying. Now I just had Celine not have a clue who Elise was despite the fact she lead her down in schoolhouse in 1 ch4. This could be a dialogue/transfer glitch though if you didn’t play 1 1st maybe..pretty eye rolling though. What is also annoying is that Elise, Alfin and Toval express ZERO shock they are talking to a rusting talking cat. It’s just not even an issue from what I saw so far.

Still loving Ymir even though the graphics are so basic this snow is wonderful to see considering I’m going through a brutal extra hot Louisiana July.


According to Hatsuu (one of the people who worked on the localizations of the Trails games), "a lot of Japanese text tends to repeat information, even when it's not necessary", and during the localization process they tried their best to track down each instance and remove it.

As for the apparent non-reaction to Celine, it was offscreen. She was explaining stuff to them and blowing their minds while he was asleep.

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Got some confusion on what game is telling me to do vs the big I looked up on guide. I’m gonna have to lvl a bit cause I got spanked. CS2 Act 1

the game tells me to go ask Valimar for help against the incoming Knight so I back tracked back to Ymir to try to go do this and the game is stopping me from taking the other path out of town... The guide tells me to press on and confront with no mention of seeking aid from Valimar. I pressed forward and got stomped hard. I quit instead of saving or weaken(I want to try to avoid this unlike CS1s 2 fights) and I plan to try and do some grinding in the AM. Not sure why they have such different txt between the two.

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The game isn't actually telling you to do that, it's telling you what the ultimate solution to your current problem is. You'll see what that means shortly.

Also, given the amount of times you've talked about needing to grind, a tip that should help you greatly for the future: The game's EXP scaling makes it very easy to tell when you're at the level you're expected to be. If enemies are still giving you good experience per fight, you're underlevelled. If you're getting very little experience per fight and the next level will take a ton of grinding, you're overleveled.

17 hours ago, Val the Moofia Boss said:

According to Hatsuu (one of the people who worked on the localizations of the Trails games), "a lot of Japanese text tends to repeat information, even when it's not necessary", and during the localization process they tried their best to track down each instance and remove it.

Yeah, it's a very Japanese thing. The intro of CS2 contained a very good example of this which the localization (thankfully) excised:


The intro flashback had everyone repeating 'Rean' about a dozen times. XSEED replaced it with reasonably fitting lines that had been voiced from CS1.

Every so often something will still slip through the localization, if for no other reason than that the scripts are ZOMGHuge! CS1 for example weighs in at about 1.4 million characters and Japanese is a very compact language so once you translate even a single game you're looking at a mass of text that's comfortably bigger than even the thickest doorstopper Brandon has ever released.

Edited by Weltall
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Banged out another 2 lvls and got passed it. That was a head scratcher for me thinking I was missing something. Interesting things happened afterwards and my son has actually been all over me from end of 1 to where I’m at now demanding me to play and what goes and happens out of the blue today.....my niece from Houston schemed her grandmother to bring her over today and we had all of a 20 min warning it was happening. So now I’m out of my den for the night right as I’m supposed to be CS2 Prologue

going back to Ymir after Vita holograms us and we hear gunfire back towards town...

ugh and I have no idea when I ll be able to press forward with the extra child here.

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Kind of off-topic but has anyone played Dragon Quest VII? Because it's giving me some serious Kiseki vibes.

The world is nowhere near as detailed but it's really focused in the towns, the NPCs and their stories, and in general so far it's just been mindless adventure with a tiny little bit of what might be a bigger story every few hours, I love it, it's like Trails in the Sky all over again.

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I played the original PSX version but haven't played the remake yet, though I really should. Funny enough, there was a spoof article ages ago about 'Chrono Trigger 2' that talked about how big the game was going to be and time travel and this and that with Toriyama doing all the designs again... and at the end they revealed they were just messing with the readers and talking about DQ7. But yeah, I had a lot of fun with that one, it's probably the single worst game in the series to start with given the incredibly long 'start to first battle' wait time but it's a really good game as long as you're willing to give it that time to get going.

EDIT: Got our Hajimari update early this week, or at least the first leaks and (moderate-quality) scans. Some fairly heavy spoilers for the back half of Cold Steel involved.


Alisa's helping out in Crossbell as the province moves towards becoming an independent power again and is friendly with Elie. Her connection to the Gnomes will be a major element.

Elliot's continuing his interrupted tour and also teaching at St. Astraia. There's also something about a newly-visited ancient ruin associated with 'a certain person' which he's involved with somehow.

Laura's continuing to train and helping support Rean who's lost some of the power he was used to having. Also, Tio is working on converting her into a Mishy fan.

Machias' info is nothing new, Jusis is continuing to work with other nobles to find a way forward for Erebonia.

Elise is training with Orie to improve her swordsmanship. Alfin is continuing her political outreach to keep tensions down within Erebonia while still worrying about what happened to Cedric.

The St. Astraia scene we saw in the trailer is confirmed to be an Episode where Juna, Musse and a crossdressed Kurt investigate a mysterious sickness. A new Episode was also revealed, involving the recurring Happiness Stone, Jingo's shop and somehow, Shirley.

Beryl's quiz minigame (Who Wants To be A Mirannaire? Beryl Version) is formally introduced as is the watermelon-splitting game from the trailer. Another Mishlam-based minigame involving water sledding is mentioned.


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Oh gosh, I would love to read that article. I hear a lot about how the remake was streamlined, and sure enough, I don't think there was more than an hour between the start and the first battle. The general opinion about which version is the best seems to be evenly divided though so I'm planning to play the original some time. I do kind of wish I had started with this one.

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So excited! CS2 Act 1

in Lunara/Celdic region and realizing that they kept the same landscape paths from CS1. Anyway Valimar beamed us there to find one of the 3 groups of 3 of my classmates he can detect thanks to the schoolhouse bonding. Me and my son are super excited to see which 3 I’m gonna meet. I haven’t even looked at the guide in case it reveals their names before I see them. We seriously stoked to see the reveal. Bad thing was my ambien hit super early and I had to shut off after getting out of the park so we will have to wait till my 4pm session to continue. 


sigh but Ghost of Tsushima hit today to so it might be even longer then that

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Oh, hey, there's a Kiseki fandom here. Learn something new every day. Anyway, time for introductions. ahem "It's me! Everyone's favorite history teacher, Thomas Lysander!" I think that covers everything about me, right? There's nothing I forgot to say? Excellent.

I'm an old(ish) fan of the series, I'm currently caught up with all the games that are released in the US, I have a decent knowledge of  Ao no Kiseki and Zero no Kiseki, but I know nothing about CS IV (and would like to keep it that way). Not to mention that, since I play on PC, I won't be getting CS IV until 2021. But I am looking forward to playing the Geofront translation patch on that score.

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Yep, welcome to the Kiseki Nerd Corner. xD Love the avatar choice by the way. Have you played the Geofront translation of Zero yet? It's out right now if you need a fix during the wait for CS4.

And speaking of Kiseki, there have been some updates to the Hajimari website since the last time I commented on them. They added character pages based on the last round of magazine scans, some more details about the Episodes, a page for the quiz minigame and the next chapter of Three and Nine. Commentary spoil-tagged for some indirect CS4 stuff:


For some reason they're playing coy in the Astraia-centric Episode's description about the fact that the girl with the long blue hair is blatantly Kurt, while one of the screenshots outright says it. And Musse is clearly enjoying herself waaaaay too much.

I shudder to think what Shirley is doing in a quest involving a Happiness Stone.

The shot of Noel (and her bike) with George and Crow made me realize how much we need to see a scene between Noel and Angelica. I'm quite sure the two would bond over their shared interest in speed.

The page for Who Wants To Be A Mirannaire has a sample question that involves either looking really closely at character models or being really familiar with the soundtracks. And called my attention to the fact that the smaller patch on Juna's CS4 outfit is also readable, which I'd never noticed before. I'm crossing my fingers for more questions like we had in The 3rd where the commentary you'll get from a correct answer will sometimes reveal neat behind-the-scenes info or confirm theories, like how the Enforcer Number=Major Arcana thing got confirmed to the majority of players who don't own a copy of the Special Collection Book. Or how we found out what Renne's S-Craft was supposed to mean, since in Japanese it was really hard to work out the pun. And by really hard I really mean outright impossible due to how they broke up the katakana..

And lastly there's now a teaser for the Mini OST that's part of the limited edition of the game. There shouldn't be any spoilers in there for anyone who's finished CS3 and is familiar with the ending of Azure.

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