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Trails of Cold Steel (and the Kiseki series in general)


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Popcorning intensifies!

15 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:
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Joshua called Renne their sister instead of their daughter. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


I mean, if you think about it for a few seconds this shouldn't be too surprising...


Renne is only five years younger than Estelle after all, so of course she's now an adoptive sister rather than daughter. Besides, Cassius wants grandkids and he isn't about to let Estelle and Joshua cheat and just adopt a family. :P

Oh yeah, still waiting for my LE to arrive. When it does I figure I'll play on Easy and just plow through because I just came off a month and a half of playing Hajimari on Hard and that was surprisingly punishing (in a good way) and now I really just want to see how the CS4 was localized and enjoy the story and the dubbing without having to think too much about the gameplay.

Edited by Weltall
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Just now, Weltall said:

Popcorning intensifies!

I mean, if you think about it for a few seconds this shouldn't be too surprising...

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Renne is only five years younger than Estelle after all, so of course she's now an adoptive sister rather than daughter. Besides, Cassius wants grandkids and he isn't about to let Estelle and Joshua cheat and just adopt a family. :P



Yeah but they treated her like a daughter and she is a small bab and should have Estelle and Joshua as parents because precious. 


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Did everyone hear about the botched digital release of the game where no one could download it for like an entire day because Sony had the wrong product ID attached to the game? NISA's Twitter was a dumpster fire for awhile there. Now the game works for everyone, but people are still having trouble downloading the free dlc. I was able to get mine no problem luckily. 


Also this first act is so ridiculously long. I'm like 20+ hours in and on my way to Saint Ursula's in Crossbell and Rean still hasn't been rescued. I'm ok with it though because I enjoy playing as New Class VII a lot. Also beating the crap out of Cedric in his Divine Knight with just regular Panzer Soldats made me smile. Dude does a phenomenal job at pissing me off and watching him get flustered at getting beaten and retreat was so satisfying. 


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1 hour ago, Zurvanite said:
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Also this first act is so ridiculously long. I'm like 20+ hours in and on my way to Saint Ursula's in Crossbell and Rean still hasn't been rescued. I'm ok with it though because I enjoy playing as New Class VII a lot. Also beating the crap out of Cedric in his Divine Knight with just regular Panzer Soldats made me smile. Dude does a phenomenal job at pissing me off and watching him get flustered at getting beaten and retreat was so satisfying. 


If you don't mind a tiny bit of advice for some future content:


It will be very obvious when you're going to go rescue Rean. Make sure you have a good chunk of free time before you start it.

And yes, seeing Cedric get his ass kicked by ordinary Soldats was oh so satisfying. And Shirley is all 'Dude, really? This is my badass rifle's namesake and you're making me look bad by proxy. Git gud.' xD


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18 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

I'm at the first major character boss for Act 1. 

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WHY IS IT GILBERT?! WHY IS HE HERE?! Also I was unironically hoping that for his grand return he would be, like, an actual top tier threat, that would just make the joke complete. But alas. 


The series is still a long way from done so you never know what might happen in the future. I have a (totally serious) theory that something like this is going to actually happen at some point before all's said and done.

Also, would you really have deprived us of the chance to see that in glorious 3d? :D

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Didn’t go to Houston like planed. Have my sick son for the weekend instead but I’m getting my 4pm sessions in though. CS2 act 1 stuff

i had just warped into Legram surrounding area my 2nd fav and I cannot be more pleased! Can’t wait for tomorrow!


its also really strange that I only have 37 hrs clocked but have spent more time on this game rl time wise then CS1. Stupid double hurricanes messed me up so much. Should be on CS3 right now I’d think.

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Have you guys seen this yet? They even got the voice actors of Rean, Altina, and Machias to provide dialogue. It's actually a sponsored ad too. Sort of. It has spoilers for CS 1-3 tho so don't watch it unless you don't mind.

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6 hours ago, Zurvanite said:

Have you guys seen this yet? They even got the voice actors of Rean, Altina, and Machias to provide dialogue. It's actually a sponsored ad too. Sort of. It has spoilers for CS 1-3 tho so don't watch it unless you don't mind.

As a fan of the Cold Steel games, this makes me sad. But it was also very funny.

Took me a while to figure out who the Ouro guy in the left was during the Machias segment.

That was a good advertisement.

Don't watch if you haven't beaten CS2 yet!

Edited by Val the Moofia Boss
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CS2 Act 1 stuff

i have reunited with my home girls Laura and Emma! Man Legram has a lot of dialogue and I don’t mind a bit of it. Interesting place and now even more so with all the refugees. It’s like a southern Ymir. So another Divine Knight was in there! Maybe the woman who saved my bacon in CS1? Interesting.. Oh and right on there is some new blood joining the mix! Countess Le Guin and this Gaius looking General. Oh boy that was something! Bout to explore more now that off the main path and do some of these quest before heading off to find Jusis.


Guys and gals I’m absolutely loving CS2! Like SOOO MUCH MORE then CS1.

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On 10/31/2020 at 8:57 AM, Zurvanite said:

They even got the voice actors of Rean, Altina, and Machias to provide dialogue.

Sean Chiplock's been big on this sort of thing ever since CS1's release, doing clips of unvoiced lines on request as well as things people have handed him. He even ran with that silly Rean Coldsteel meme. And he's voiced a bunch of Memories of Celceta characters plus Hummel from Ys VIII for other Falcom properties. And his recent reaction to trying out the Age of Calamity demo and finding out that his character isn't in it was great. So yeah, cool guy all around. xD

Meanwhile I'm still waiting for my CS4 LE to arrive, but I've figured I'll just play on Easy and blow through the gameplay seeing that I've already beaten the game multiple times in Japanese and just came off Hajimari so a low-intensity story run is just what the doctor ordered.

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