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Trails of Cold Steel (and the Kiseki series in general)


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1 hour ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Its because it switched to NISA. Xseed actually voiced a lot more cutscenes than were voiced in the Japanese versions of 1 and 2 and they voiced whole scenes when they did. 

Doesn't CS1 still have a few scenes like that? Is it worse in 3 and 4?

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The real answer for why there are so many half-spoken conversations is because that's how it is in the Japanese version too and when the games are localized the code is already set up for voiced lines to be inserted in those spots and not others. Given that voice acting isn't cheap (and Falcom can get big names to do their characters) plus Falcom being a small company and you have your answer for why they don't do full voice acting. When their games do have it, it's in the form of in-house ports where they didn't need to spend much money on anything else (Oath in Felghana PSP) or much more commonly because they were partnering with another company that paid for the studio time and actors (the Evolution games).

1 hour ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Its because it switched to NISA. Xseed actually voiced a lot more cutscenes than were voiced in the Japanese versions of 1 and 2 and they voiced whole scenes when they did. 

But only in the PC ports (which got added to the PS4 ones as well by extension) and not the original games for PS3/Vita. Which is analogous to Falcom being able to add more voice acting to the Oath port. They'd already done all the hard work, had a good idea how it would sell and could afford to spend a bunch of money on extra voicework and do the insertions themselves.

Maybe if NISA did one port at a time they could do likewise but instead they appear to prefer simultaneous Switch and PC ports. Though they have gone back and done very nice things in their ports (look at adding a co-op mode to Ys VIII) so it's not like the ports are entirely straight jobs.

Edited by Weltall
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1 hour ago, Eluvianii said:

Doesn't CS1 still have a few scenes like that? Is it worse in 3 and 4?

I don’t remember any half and half’s in 1. It was either or. 2 had a section where everyone was talking but one person was text only which felt off as hell. Here in 3 though yeah it’s very common with the half convos. 

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1 hour ago, Briar King said:

It throws me off big time lol

So I bought a shining Pom bait for $100 and the next jumped to 10K. I bought that one also just to see how much the next would cost but it was last one. Just doing some dialogue rounds and bonding events before my eye appointment.

Oh right btw, Jingo is also a character in the Crossbell games. Her mom runs a black market place in Crossbell and you buy things from her all the time, and Jingo is manning the store very often. It really explains why Jingo is so weird.

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And by 'weird' we mean that she wants to try shooting rainclouds to see if that will make them go away. She also doesn't approve of genius musicians attempting to use her store's roof as an impromptu venue. :D


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Phew man I’m getting some flashbacks of the long CS3 start after getting back from my field study. It’s taking hours chipping away at all this. I want to get in Keep asap so I can fight awhile and it’s looking like that won’t happen till tomorrow. :(

well I guess I kinda got my fix. CS3 ch 2 bonding stuff

im in Keep with Laura but I don’t think it will be for very long at all. Good place to end for the night.

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I’m not what the problem is on this site with editing once you do a spoiler tag. I can never get it to go below the box once it’s there..maybe because I’m on a phone instead of pc? 

Anyway I was going to add to that last to see if it was just me but it feels like with CS3 the “in between” stuff takes quite a bit more time than 1&2. It’s cool when I have the time for it but I frequently don’t so it can wind up stretching out 2-3 days IRL before I’m back to fighting.

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21 minutes ago, NattyBo said:

Whose got 2 thumbs, a new PC power supply, and is playing Trails from Zero right now? This guy!! :lol::D

Nice! Crossbell is the best arc imo. I don't really have a right to talk since I haven't finished with Erebonia, but Ao is extremely difficult to top for me. 

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Geofront just released the 1.1 patch for Trails from Zero, which includes a whole bunch of edits following the work on Azure and the official localization of CS4 (so all the terms now match for example), graphics improvements and all sorts of behind the scenes stuff intended to make it an even better experience.

Sounds like Azure is probably not going to release this month, but April is looking pretty good.

2 hours ago, Briar King said:

I’m at 61 hrs. Next field study sounds interesting. I really need to speed up as I want CS3 ch 2 stuff

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Ash and Musse in my class already. I thought it would have happened last chapter.. beyond ready for the new blood though.


Haha, enjoy Chapter 3!

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I'm not sure I agree with Class VII collectively deciding... 

CS1 Chapter 4


...that Rean was at fault during his discussion with Elise at the Academy. Sure, Rean was not the most sensitive guy here, but Elise just kept him guessing and getting mad he didn't know exactly what she was talking about and a that he kept misunderstanding her and her family's feelings. I say they're both equally at fault here and that this is just a typical "Siblings are bad at communication" situation. 

(I'm aware she doesn't exactly see him as a brother but to me in this scene she does act like a sister on some level) 


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1 hour ago, Eluvianii said:

I'm not sure I agree with Class VII collectively deciding... 

CS1 Chapter 4

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...that Rean was at fault during his discussion with Elise at the Academy. Sure, Rean was not the most sensitive guy here, but Elise just kept him guessing and getting mad he didn't know exactly what she was talking about and a that he kept misunderstanding her and her family's feelings. I say they're both equally at fault here and that this is just a typical "Siblings are bad at communication" situation. 

(I'm aware she doesn't exactly see him as a brother but to me in this scene she does act like a sister on some level) 


Might be Japanese cultural thing that doesn't work well in a Western styled setting. Apparently it's rude to straight up tell people something that maybe insulting/disrespectful/insinuates that they are messing up, so you indirectly dance around the issue? But yes, it does feel weird.

To me, the most bizzare part wasn't how Elise handled it, but was that Class VII was eavesdropping on the conversation (WTH guys!), and then they're acting all judgmental. ... What?

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1 hour ago, Val the Moofia Boss said:

Might be Japanese cultural thing that doesn't work well in a Western styled setting. Apparently it's rude to straight up tell people something that maybe insulting/disrespectful/insinuates that they are messing up, so you indirectly dance around the issue? But yes, it does feel weird.

To me, the most bizzare part wasn't how Elise handled it, but was that Class VII was eavesdropping on the conversation (WTH guys!), and then they're acting all judgmental. ... What?

Oh yeah, that's about the worst part here. My point with Elise was that she didn't handle it perfectly either but the entire class still ganged up on Rean like he was the only one making mistakes. But yes, for some reason, eavesdropping is something accepted within the group. Sometimes it's like they know it will happen, so they simply decide to have private conversations with the group already present. Given that, I'm just starting to take these things for granted. 

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I like it. Soooo much better then that dumb as rust Blade which I didn’t care if I won or lost. 

Anyway CS3 ch 2 stuff

Im FINALLY ready to leave Leeves! I’m on the save screen and ready to continue on in the AM when I wake up to head off to Crossbell for 2nd field study.

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