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Trails of Cold Steel (and the Kiseki series in general)


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Sooooo I think I have all the options viewed or am going through the process now barring

Duvaile if she was even a possibility.


CS4 Eventide spoilers

I liked Alfins. Elise is weird. The amount of sibling love in these games is strange, don’t care if they are all step siblings either…it’s nuts. Really liked Sara’s and Juna’s. Altina was meh. That’s all I’ve done but I like that so far all the students run to Rean but Rean went to Sara. I’m taking it that will be the pattern from old to new C7.


Back to it now.

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Finished the hearts.

Eventide stuff

Alisa and Towa were okish to meh I suppose. Never really liked the hard sell to ship Alisa and Rean from the start though that breast in face bit in CS1 and the awkwardness for a good chunk was gold. Fie just felt strange. She is like my game sister so yeah no.. Laura now is my favorite of all the skits. That was straight awesomeness and I’m tempted to go back and choose her… Musse is just such a firecracker these past 2 games and she is probably my favorite shipper just because she is so bold and honest with her approach and it played out great with Rean’s dialogue. Extremely tempting to go back and choose her… I decided a long time ago back in CS1 though that Emma is my number one gal though. Chose her.

Someone please link Duvaile’s. I believe she is the only one I’m missing.

I hope my choice doesn’t affect much dialogue with the spurned gals.


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Really? Well guess I saw all then so that’s good.

On Final Day segment now but I’m going to do the massive dialogue round before pressing on with quest but good news is that I’m back playing as my main now that Hogwarts lost its charm and I have straight up deleted Forspoken. Ugh I’m gonna go trade that crap in for sure and use it to knock off some for FF16.

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Taking a break from this massive dialogue round and triggered a side quest. CS4 Act 3 Finale stuff

im in Hamel with the Liberal gang and it’s all red and rather cool looking. Dealing with some Halloween type stuff. Ash’s name is Johnas. Or was I should say. He’s sticking with Ash. Should finish this up tomorrow then back to dialogue round


Also saw today that the Crossbell games are fully released as of 2 weeks ago! Hopefully a Big in Japan sale hits soon with them on it to knock a bit off the $39.99 tag and then I ll snatch them. I won’t get to them till after FF16 though. That game is going to be my main after release. I believe Reverie is dropping in July also. I will snag that at full price most likely and it for sure be played before Crossbell arc also.

Good times homeslice’s!

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9 minutes ago, Briar King said:

Also saw today that the Crossbell games are fully released as of 2 weeks ago! Hopefully a Big in Japan sale hits soon with them on it to knock a bit off the $39.99 tag and then I ll snatch them. I won’t get to them till after FF16 though. That game is going to be my main after release. I believe Reverie is dropping in July also. I will snag that at full price most likely and it for sure be played before Crossbell arc also.

Should probably mention this. Can't exactly confirm it as I haven't personally played it, but from what I heard Reverie is in a way considered to be the third Crossbell game, as it continues (and hopefully closes) some plot threads that were left hanging after the Crossbell games. 

If you don't mind getting the story out of order then that's ok but I thought you should know. 

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1 hour ago, Briar King said:

Rusting rust!

Really need that Japan sale asap then…But for real how much would I even be missing out on with all the context clues and interactions with those people playing through CS?

Its more that you'll be missing out on all of the emotional catharsis of the game. It assumes that you've played all of the Crossbell games and it is the end of that storyline, and a lot of the emotions would fall flat without playing them. I say the same for CS3 and especially 4, but Reverie is another level.

Plus it casually spoils a lot of things from those games too (then again you already have no less than 5 major Crossbell spoilers already so)

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Those Crossbell games are pretty hefty to I assume?

I have a choice to make that’s for sure.

Hopefully I can keep my fishing for droplets down to a minimum for Finale but it’s so fun stat building 100’s of points. I can’t help myself!

Is there any word on the Liberal 3 coming to PS5 at some point in English?

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15 minutes ago, Briar King said:

Those Crossbell games are pretty hefty to I assume?

I have a choice to make that’s for sure.

Hopefully I can keep my fishing for droplets down to a minimum for Finale but it’s so fun stat building 100’s of points. I can’t help myself!

Is there any word on the Liberal 3 coming to PS5 at some point in English?

They're less hefty than the later CS games. CS definitely goes far longer than Crossbell.

Also I doubt we're gonna get an English release of Sky any time soon. It was localized by a different company.

Also, if you have a Switch or like playing games on PC, I'd recommend those versions of Crossbell to Playstation. Playstation is faithful to the original Kai versions, but that means it doesn't add several quality of life things added to the Switch and PC versions.

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4 hours ago, Briar King said:

Idk what that means but yeah I do have a Switch. Dang I need to finish up Xeno 3 once the last dlc drops to. I paused my play to wait on them all.

The Switch and PC ports were handled by Durante, best known for making a mod that fixed the Dark Souls PC port. He's a pretty big name, and he does all of the Trails porting, and he goes above and beyond with them.

Some of the changes he does includes:

Making textures better (and I mean remarkably better, there are some signs that are unreadable on PS4 that you can read on PC and Switch, this isn't a minor thing).

Adding several game options, including the ability to turn off random encounters if any of your party members come into contact with an enemy (because your party follows behind you in these games), change exactly how fast you want the high speed mode to go, change the scale of the UI to be bigger and the ability to show what BGM is playing at any given time

It also adds a backlog, and if you're like me and just press buttons at complete random sometimes, that's a godsend because it let's you look back at the text.

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Crossbell in particular is better on the Switch. It was a bit of a controversy last year, how PS got weirdly excluded from getting the good version.

Cold Steel is the other way around, resolution and textures are a tad worse on the Switch. I even heard there were crashing issues for CS3 but I think those got fixed. 

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4 hours ago, Briar King said:

So is CS better on Switch then?

IDK if Switch has the good sales that PS does.

CS isn't particularly better or worse on any console. It's really just Crossbell that got big changes across consoles.


Trailers are speaking Japanese. This isn’t in English except the text?

Yeah, they didn't dub Crossbell. The reason is probably related to the games being fully voice acted, unlike the CS games

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Ok I’ve put ‘em on wishlist on Switch but I heard not to expect to much in the way of any significant discount like I’d get on PS. We will see which winds up winning in the end.

Idk if he was supposed to be hard but I rearranged some cards in my deck and took out the last VM player. I had 1 hp left after the final hit lol. Took them on my 1st round.

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For reference, apparently lowest discount CS3 has had is 58%, so Zero and Azure might get into that zone at some point. So far Zero has already reached 20%.

For me VM did feel like it was getting consistently harder iirc. Pom was the weird one, it had a few scattered hard opponents with a lot of easy ones. Final boss included among the easy ones. 

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I let my daughter handle all Pom opponents. Now that college is here she hasn’t really been doing it so I have like 3 or 4 waiting for her when she can. I hate Pom.

I also will have to take a few sessions to read all the books once I get ‘em. That’s going to be nuts. Only read the Imp chronicles as I get ‘em.

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I still love Red Moon Rose. Was awesome.

Ok so I don’t hardly get on my Switch these days but this would change if I somehow sped through Finale and got back to Xeno 3..I don’t expect to but it’s not impossible.

Sooo I would ask for y’all’s help even though I have them wishlisted…if y’all see that they are on sale and I haven’t mentioned getting them please tag me! I would hate to miss cause my Switch wasn’t turned on.

Finale stuff

im still in the dialogue round and I have much more to do on it but I triggered another side quest. I’m currently in one of my least favorite areas of the games. Geofront..and it’s red just like Hamel was. I may get to finish it tomorrow weather permitting.

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