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The Bleeding Spike Tavern

Elend  Venture

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Eve Tacet-Yin-Dove peered over her glass of water at the group speaking. They were a fair distance away, but from her perch in the corner, she still had a decent view and reasonably good hearing of their conversation.

Candidly discussing assassination. Theorizing how to create a guild to overthrow and rival every guilds. Confidently boasting of their abilities.


They certainly had little knowledge of the importance of tact, of doing things in the underground. Like TUBA in its golden days. She suppressed a smirk, recalling the time she'd tried to pick up an order of cookies at their bakery and wound up waiting hours to get through all the paperwork. They'd fallen. Everyone did. It was the work of Investiture. It led to one feeling overly confident, led to carelessness. It corrupted.

She regarded them warily, curious as to where this would lead. She did not expect nor want them to notice her, the small young woman seated in the most shadowed (though, admittedly, not nearly as dark as she'd like) spot in the room, booted feet barely reaching long enough to brush the floor. 

Eve enjoyed watching those seeking to institute reform. It meant she'd be better prepared to deal with the fallout, the victims, of their actions.

Someone had to.

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On 1/13/2021 at 10:11 AM, Channelknight Fadran said:

"You can't take over the world with only three members."

The Shadow smirked, shifting in her seat. And she had tried something similar all on her own... what a fool. Then again, she never really wanted to take over the world...

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1 hour ago, Scarletfox said:

The Shadow smirked, shifting in her seat. And she had tried something similar all on her own... what a fool. Then again, she never really wanted to take over the world...


Is the Shadow referring to themself as a fool or to Jessica? 'Cuz Jessica's a freaking Mastermind. I just don't know how to write a character that's way more intelligent than I am.


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  • 2 months later...

Caulef stumbled into the tavern, he still couldn't wrap his head around Worldhopping , there were very few books about it. He knew he should be in the Alleyverse but that was also all that he knew.

Well, everyone has a first time. His spren, Mystery told him, its pattern swirling profusely. Caulef snorted. 

"Sure," Caulef whispered, What an entry, come in stumbling and then start whispering to yourself. He thought.

Do you think, you would find anyone who could help you understand about all of this, Alleyverse, was it? Caulef nodded. Well he did hope so. 

He hoped he looked appropriate, after all one did not expect a person wearing all black, with a halberd held in his hand, he really wished there was a way too sheathe it, he would have used a spear if the halberd wasn't so effective. 

"Everyone's gotta start somewhere, I guess." He sighed and stepped up to the bar.



Me and Caulef are new, help us!


Edited by Bridge-Four
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, bees? said:



The person right above me is new, I was referring to interacting with them. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just remembered that I have a second character that I'm not doing anything with. Might as well send her over here.

Acacia strolled into the tavern. She was bored. Work had been slow lately, strangely so. Most of her colleagues were still on leave for the festival week, and there had been no communication from the Scholar's Guild in days. Usually that Guild woman stopped by every day to pick up the latest reports (Acacia enjoyed finding new ways to misfile her paperwork each time). Probably she and that fellow with the jewelry had just gotten distracted with some new research project; the pair of them could be practically oblivious to the passage of time when they got into something. 

Acacia tripped over a barstool and staggered, off-balance, a hand flailing through the air. Somehow her elbow found a bowl of peanuts and sent it clattering onto the floor, the nuts rolling haphazardly in every direction. Acacia regained her balance and chased after the bowl as it came to a stop beneath Vis's seat. She grabbed it, stepping on Vis's foot in the process, and collapsed triumphantly into the adjacent chair. Turning, she smiled brightly at the other patron. "What brings you to such a seedy establishment on such a lovely morning?"


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