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Mafia Cosmere Style

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FT glared at Handerfle. "Will you make me speak before you end me? So that you may be sure that the last one to know your secret goes to the grave?" FT squared his shoulders and planted his feet. THe smoke stung his eyes, but he would not look away. He raised his chin and shouted above the crowd. "Let all know this: There is a reason Handerfle wears shades."

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FT smiled raising a finger in the air. "You wear shades, because--" His mind went blank. Why did Handerfle wear shades again? She had a rare condition that made the photoreceptors in her eyes susceptible to light? No that wasn't it. She had a strange skin disease that left the skin around her eyes dotted with purple spots? No! He wracked his brain. It had something to do with something...that he couldn't remember....

Spikes, cold hard, steel spikes.

Oh, right.

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