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Thanks to Kas and Hael for running this - I'm staying in, with the same character, albeit one with strange feelings of deja vu every now and again. :P 

For what it's worth, when I saw Striker's claim, I was going to do everything I could to mess with the Elims expectations, and throw enough doubt that they maybe wouldn't want to risk using their one assassination on him this cycle (in fact, I was trying to figure out if the GM's were trolls enough to have an Elim Survivor, in which case, Reform Spy would be a great cover story). It almost certainly wouldn't have worked, though, so calling the game was the right move.

...Wait, Tess was an Elim? That puts the end of the cycle in a different light... o.O I'd convinced myself Tess was village. Well played to the Eliminators.

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2 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

....I forgot I was immune to the lynch. Oops :P

Keep calm and immune on :P I can definitely say we were prepared for every single lynch outcome except that one.

Edited by Kasimir
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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

Keep calm and immune on :P 

I was panicking because I was like “I don’t want to die without even doing any manipulating of people to lynch the elims” and completely forgot I couldn’t die unless I was killed or assassinated lmao.

EDIT: in response to Kas’s edit, I’d just like to give a quick PSA to everyone: don’t make plans the night before turnover when you’re so tired you can barely remember the rules. :P

Edited by StrikerEZ
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1 minute ago, DeTess said:

If it makes you feel any better about it, we kinda had some suspicions about you already ;)

You see, if I had remembered I couldn’t be lynched, I wouldn’t have been as brave in talking the reform spy and stuff. 

In case I get the reform spy again, what tipped you off? :P

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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

You see, if I had remembered I couldn’t be lynched, I wouldn’t have been as brave in talking the reform spy and stuff. 

In case I get the reform spy again, what tipped you off? :P

Mostly the way you seemed to tunnel on me. Also, with the way the lynch went we where also suspicious of Alvron and Elbereth because of the way they participated or circled around that lynch, either as handler for you, or you as handler for them

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22 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

Roashina had suspected that there would be a murder at this meeting. He'd even attempted to warn the others, without seeming like he knew too much. Of course, Urskevan hadn't been there to hear his warning. And now that Urskevan was actually dead, Roashina would have to be extra careful. 

Ngl, I read that as you attempting to subtly role-claim, so I was all, "Wow, Reform Spy's being bold today by roleclaiming in RP." :P 

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2 minutes ago, DeTess said:

Mostly the way you seemed to tunnel on me. Also, with the way the lynch went we where also suspicious of Alvron and Elbereth because of the way they participated or circled around that lynch, either as handler for you, or you as handler for them

I actually was kinda suspecting that @Elbereth was my handler subtly trying to tell me to stop acting like an idiot. :P

Just now, Kasimir said:

Ngl, I read that as you attempting to subtly role-claim, so I was all, "Wow, Reform Spy's being bold today by roleclaiming in RP." :P 

I actually didn’t mean that to be a RP roleclaim. I was just running off of the write up, which had the Grand talking about how they were all gonna be dragged off or something. Once I’d written it, I realized it was a clever RP roleclaim and went with it. :P

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1 minute ago, STINK said:

I uh, thought the game started today.


...Just for clarification guys, the re-run starts in slightly under twenty two hours :P 

P.S. STINK, is this what it feels like to be the guy in Pokemon who came down to Saffron City to fight Team Rocket and found the protag had already trashed them? :P 

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8 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

This was still fun :P Thanks Kas and Hael! 

Unfortunately I’ll have to hop out - I’ve suddenly got a little too much on my plate for the coming week and I’m afraid activity might become a problem. 

No worries; thanks, and glad you had fun! :) 

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1 hour ago, DeTess said:

Mostly the way you seemed to tunnel on me. Also, with the way the lynch went we where also suspicious of Alvron and Elbereth because of the way they participated or circled around that lynch, either as handler for you, or you as handler for them


1 hour ago, StrikerEZ said:

I actually was kinda suspecting that @Elbereth was my handler subtly trying to tell me to stop acting like an idiot. :P

I mean, I wasn’t the handler (though I’m flattered that you both thought I might be, and pleased for calling out Tess even if I suspect it wasn’t actually on especially alignment indicative grounds), but I’m not gonna deny I might’ve done that had I been. :P 

Also, Ellira is most definitely signing back up! I will have significantly less time to devote - so don’t expect same the amount of activity as I had yesterday - but I’ll certainly still be around. 

And Tess, thank you for not wanting to kill me because I wanted to RP! I appreciate that very much. :P 

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A cheery young man passed through the doors of the Frozen Moon. He wore a fashionable suit and new shoes that added to his already moderate height. That, combined with the easy smile he wore, was enough to make many girls whisper excitedly when he passed. Word on the street said that Joon was a handsome man, and he knew it.

His eyes slid around the teahouse with a careless ease. Joon had never had to learn to search the shadows, to evaluate paths of escape and create plausible deniabilty, to find spies in the dark, so he didn't bother. He found what he was looking for soon enough anyways. Ellira, the girl with the glass-green eyes and pretty collarbones, sat in a corner table, talking to a server. 

Joon slid into the seat across from her. "Two cups of chilled black tea, added honey if you have any," he told the server. Then he switched his attention to the girl in front of him. "Hey. I've seen you a few times before. Ellira, isn't it? I'm Joon."


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A tiny sparkle of glitter caught Wai ZhierSen's eyes as she brought her teacup up, and she froze. There, on her wrist. How? It had been months since she'd found more glitter on her, and even that had seemed like far, far too long. It had been five years. Yes, the glitter bomb had covered her body, helped enormously by the maple syrup dumped on her just prior. But five years. She'd scrubbed her skin raw countless times. She'd shaved her head twice. And yet, the glitter had kept appearing.

It was now her life's mission to murder the person who had created the fiendish material. Which was the only reason she was back at the Frozen Moon now. Her sources had traced them here. She should've known. Her enemies must've gotten it from somewhere and who better than the creator. They would die. Whoever it was, they were dead, and then she would bathe in their blood. That would fix her glitter problem.

Unless.....unless their blood was glitter. Lord Ru- no. Burning nights, that would be ghastly. A glittery bloodbath. She'd forever be sparkly. She'd rather be covered in maple syrup and plastered with beardnut hair again than spend an eternity sparkling.

She flicked the glitter off her hand with a suppressed shudder and scanned the teahouse. There was clearly some to-do happening. She'd no doubt have to get involved, if she wanted to continue her mission. So she would. She could taste victory. There, on the tip of her tongue. It.....tasted like peppermint.

Or maybe that was just the tea.

This is such a bad idea. Not only have I not played a game in years, I never do QF's so what am I thinking? Ah well.

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6 hours ago, Haelbarde said:

Alvron was killed. He was the Embedded Operative.

Guys.  This is so not helping Asterion with his PTSD.

13 minutes ago, little wilson said:

A tiny sparkle of glitter caught Wai ZhierSen's eyes as she brought her teacup up, and she froze. There, on her wrist. How? It had been months since she'd found more glitter on her, and even that had seemed like far, far too long. It had been five years. Yes, the glitter bomb had covered her body, helped enormously by the maple syrup dumped on her just prior. But five years. She'd scrubbed her skin raw countless times. She'd shaved her head twice. And yet, the glitter had kept appearing.

It was now her life's mission to murder the person who had created the fiendish material. Which was the only reason she was back at the Frozen Moon now. Her sources had traced them here. She should've known. Her enemies must've gotten it from somewhere and who better than the creator. They would die. Whoever it was, they were dead, and then she would bathe in their blood. That would fix her glitter problem.

Unless.....unless their blood was glitter. Lord Ru- no. Burning nights, that would be ghastly. A glittery bloodbath. She'd forever be sparkly. She'd rather be covered in maple syrup and plastered with beardnut hair again than spend an eternity sparkling.

She flicked the glitter off her hand with a suppressed shudder and scanned the teahouse. There was clearly some to-do happening. She'd no doubt have to get involved, if she wanted to continue her mission. So she would. She could taste victory. There, on the tip of her tongue. It.....tasted like peppermint.

Or maybe that was just the tea.

This is such a bad idea. Not only have I not played a game in years, I never do QF's so what am I thinking? Ah well.

Welcome back Bloodthirsty Goddess.  And before you chew me out for using the forbidden title, note that your RP clearly has you planning to bathe in the blood of your enemies. :P 

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1 hour ago, little wilson said:

A tiny sparkle of glitter caught Wai ZhierSen's eyes as she brought her teacup up, and she froze. There, on her wrist. How? It had been months since she'd found more glitter on her, and even that had seemed like far, far too long. It had been five years. Yes, the glitter bomb had covered her body, helped enormously by the maple syrup dumped on her just prior. But five years. She'd scrubbed her skin raw countless times. She'd shaved her head twice. And yet, the glitter had kept appearing.

It was now her life's mission to murder the person who had created the fiendish material. Which was the only reason she was back at the Frozen Moon now. Her sources had traced them here. She should've known. Her enemies must've gotten it from somewhere and who better than the creator. They would die. Whoever it was, they were dead, and then she would bathe in their blood. That would fix her glitter problem.

Unless.....unless their blood was glitter. Lord Ru- no. Burning nights, that would be ghastly. A glittery bloodbath. She'd forever be sparkly. She'd rather be covered in maple syrup and plastered with beardnut hair again than spend an eternity sparkling.

She flicked the glitter off her hand with a suppressed shudder and scanned the teahouse. There was clearly some to-do happening. She'd no doubt have to get involved, if she wanted to continue her mission. So she would. She could taste victory. There, on the tip of her tongue. It.....tasted like peppermint.

Or maybe that was just the tea.

This is such a bad idea. Not only have I not played a game in years, I never do QF's so what am I thinking? Ah well.

Uh oh :ph34r:

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The young man slid into the seat across from her with a surprisingly easy grin. No mask, seemingly no worries about coming to a meeting which could result in his death. Interesting. 

Two cups of chilled black tea, added honey if you have any," he told the server she’d been speaking to. Then he looked at her. "Hey. I've seen you a few times before. Ellira, isn't it? I'm Joon." 

He wore a fashionable suit and new shoes that added to his already moderate height. That, combined with the easy smile he wore, gave him a look that could and likely frequently did make girls swoon. She had seen him around before - he had been some acquaintance of the merchant who she’d killed not long ago. 

“And what brings you here, Joon?” she asked coyly. His eyes were already trailing over her; that should make getting information from him easy. 

Perhaps if her master allowed it, and he wasn’t anyone important, she’d even get to take him home with her. Having someone to toy with for a while would be entertaining. 

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30 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

“And what brings you here, Joon?” she asked coyly.

Joon fished out a hairpin from his pocket and presented it to Ellira. It was a beautiful thing, long and thin, with a Svordish rose at the end. He handed it over carefully -- the point was wickedly sharp, and had drawn blood when Joon first picked it up.

"You dropped this a few days ago. I thought that you might want it back," he said. "Your hair is lovely, by the way."

So was the rest of her. Joon quickly glanced downwards, then back at her face. Ellira wore a high-necked dress that hung around the base of her throat, and closed in an elegant swoop a few inches down. It was a few years out of style, but charming nonetheless.

The server returned to place two cups of tea on the table. Joon nudged one towards Ellira. "Have you ever had honey black tea before? You should try it, it's good."

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“Oh, how thoughtful of you!” Ellira exclaimed, taking the hairpin back. He’s lucky it wasn’t one of the poisoned ones. 

“And no, I haven’t had the pleasure,” she lied. “Thank you so much for suggesting it!” 

She took a sip, and smiled brightly. “Why, this is lovely! Such a distinctive flavor.”

She leaned closer. “But a little lost hairpin couldn’t really have brought you all this way looking for me. Could it?” He had just walked brazenly into a clandestine conspiratorial meeting, not to mention handed back a hairpin sharpened into a nearly-unmistakable weapon. You didn’t do that unless you knew exactly what you were doing, or were an idiot. She still wasn’t quite sure which camp Joon fit in. 

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