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Happy Saturday, my dudes

It's been actual years since I've been a part of any forum other than Reddit. So we'll see how active I am on here (hopefully I'll be around fairly often)

Any suggestions on where I should start browsing? I've pretty much just used reddit for everything lately, so any interesting places to check out would be great.

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Hey, welcome to the Shard Mysteroo!! As for a place to start, if you want to learn more about the Cosmere and Brandon Sanderson’s books, I would reccomend the Cosmere discussion board. If you want some more random less formal stuff, you should check out General Discussion, and if you like role play, you should look at the Alleyverse!!

By the way, what’s your favorite Brandon Sanderson book? Character? Etc.?

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3 minutes ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

By the way, what’s your favorite Brandon Sanderson book? Character? Etc.?

Ooh that's a toughie, I just finished the last one of his, so I got quite a pool to choose from :lol:

Favorite character - I think I'd have to say Wayne. Favorite book - Definitely Way of Kings. The others are great, but none of them quite hit me like WoK did, maybe because it was my first Sanderson book, haha

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On 10/27/2019 at 11:10 AM, Honorless said:

Welcome to the Shard, @Mysteroo!

So.. fav Wayne joke? 

Wayne is just such a fountain of legitimate wisdom sometimes.

For giggles I always liked the " "I bought a ward against it off a traveling fortune-teller, It lets me add two 'n' two and get a pickle."

But on the practical side, "Ain't no one what knows the cow better than the butcher, Wax"

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/29/2019 at 0:44 AM, Mysteroo said:

But on the practical side, "Ain't no one what knows the cow better than the butcher, Wax"

That's my fav Wayne quote/joke too :)

Alongside the comment about old people having the most experience not dying


Every man had to die. He’d always found it odd that so many died when they were old, as logic said that was the point in their lives when they’d had the most practice not dying

Also this:


It made sense. But rich folk, they had a different word for the crapper. They’d call it a “commode” or a “washroom.” That way, when someone asked for the crapper, they knew it was a person they needed to oppress.

i just like insightful Wayne more than I like funny Wayne, I guess

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On 11/11/2019 at 1:15 PM, Honorless said:

Also this:

i just like insightful Wayne more than I like funny Wayne, I guess

That one's good too. I mean - I'm not about to accuse people with an exclusively overly formal vocabulary of being oppressive, but he's gotta be on to something there

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