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Mid-Range Game 1: The Stormfather and The Nightwatcher


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The Stormfather and The Nightwatcher: Riots of Kholinar

Welcome to the Riots of Kholinar, where Words of Radiance spoilers will run amok (this is the only warning, if you haven’t read it yet, and are sensitive to spoilers).

This Quick Fix will run with some slightly different rules than Tempus’ did. For one, we need a bare minimum of 18 players in order to fill all the roles we need to start the game balanced (the game was designed for 27+, with a minimum of 18). Second, it will run longer than a week, but not more than three. The period duration will be 48 hours (excepting day one, which will be 24, with no voted killing, or death related class actions), with only day cycles, as nights are unnecessary by design in this game. If there is a tie in votes for death, there will be no death that cycle. The rollover time will be 12PM MDT, or 7PM GMT. Lastly, inactivity will be dealt with swiftly, as it slows down games, and that’s just dumb. If you’ve gone 48 hours without a post without announcing your absence beforehand, or if you announce your absence but don’t post for 96 hours, your character will be presumed to have been caught in a highstorm and added to the list of the dead. Don’t get caught in the highstorm. Stay active.

And now, without any further ado, let me explain the game.

You’re living in Kholinar. Which would be awesome, but riots have overtaken the city, and you’ve begun to suspect that you aren’t going to survive. Three factions have come together, fighting the others for their own survival, by killing and eliminating the others. These factions are the Noblemen, the Merchants, and the Darkeyes. There is, however, a hidden fourth faction, the Seventeenth Shard, that has infiltrated each of these groups and is trying to keep themselves alive by relaying information to the other factions.

To help you in your quest, you may leave the city, forfeiting all actions for that cycle, and travel the great distance to the Nightwatcher. There, you can offer up a prayer, asking for anything you want. If the Nightwatcher likes your prayer, she will grant your request in the form of a boon, but beware, for she will also give you a curse of equal greatness to your boon. The Nightwatcher is not obligated to answer all prayers in a night (though she may), but she will answer at least one. If you want to have a chance that your prayer will be granted, make it good. We hear that the Nightwatcher makes decisions based on hilarity and awesomeness.

To make things a little more interesting, you’ll also have to worry about Highstorms. Every couple cycles, a highstorm will pass through. Fortunately, there’s a pretty good stormwarden left in Kholinar, so you’ll usually know when the highstorm is going to hit. The thread will be locked during the highstorm, but you can still participate in docs with the other players on your team (because you’re sitting through the highstorm with your compatriots, of course), but you can’t send any action PM’s to the GM. This includes votes, class actions (to be explained below), and prayers to the Nightwatcher (Yes, you’ll be voting through PM. What you say in the thread is up to you).

The Roles

Everyone will be able to do some action, depending on the role they are given at the start of the game. Some roles are exclusive to a faction, but most of the roles are in each faction.

The Steward of Kholinar is the Noblemen exclusive role. He is immune to all role-based effects that could kill him, including objects acquired from the Nightwatcher. He can be killed by lynching or direct action by the Nightwatcher (likely due to the effects of a curse).

The Apothecary is the Merchant exclusive role. She has the ability to protect her entire team once per game, for an entire cycle. She also has the ability to kill someone once per game. Poison, anyone?

The Freed Bridgeman is the Darkeyes exclusive role. All that time running bridges has made him strong. Because of this, he can die twice. His vote also counts as double for lynching--after all, it’s a riot, and he’s the strongest man in the city.

The Seventeenth Sharder is, obviously, exclusive to the Seventeeth Shard. All members of this faction have this role. Besides being loyal to the Seventeenth Shard, they are loyal to one of the other factions. They have also infiltrated a separate faction and are feeding the information and plans from that faction across enemy lines, to the faction they are loyal to (and probably the Seventeenth Shard as well). Each member has the ability to win as either the Seventeenth Shard or the faction they are loyal to. Members of the Seventeenth Shard can survive their first death, but after surviving they are spooked and lose their ability to spy on the other team. They cannot betray the other members of the Seventeenth Shard (like telling the faction they’re loyal to who the traitors in their group are). If they do, they die permanently (whether or not they have been spooked).

The Voidbringer is the Seeker-type role. Once per cycle, they can choose a player and find out which faction that player is part of. If enough players join, there will be two types of Voidbringers on each team. One is a true Voidbringer. The other only thinks they are the Voidbringer. The Voidbringers will not know if they are real or fake. The fake Voidbringer will see others as random, or what they expect (if they choose someone on their own team). If the fake Voidbringer searches someone twice, they will see the same answer each time. If the true Voidbringer chooses a member of the Seventeenth Shard, the result will not be “Seventeenth Shard;” instead, it will be the faction the member is loyal to. Lastly, when a Voidbringer is killed, they will have one extra day to live (but they will know death is knocking). It’s advised they use that day to pass any information gleaned on to a trusted source.

The Ghostblood can choose one person each cycle to kill.

The Ardent can choose one person each cycle to guard. If that person is attacked by a role, the Ardent protects them. He also has the ability to die in place of another person for the lynchings.

The Worldsinger can change another player’s vote each day. They also have the ability to silence a player’s vote and action each day. This role will only be included if there are enough players.

The Shamed Member of Gavilar’s Guard has the ability to kill someone else when he dies. He can also rabble rouse and demand an extra player be lynched once per game. Both abilities can be used on the same cycle. (Because you can die from things other than lynchings but you won’t know that you died until day actions are complete, it would be smart for the guard to send in a PM each day of who they would like to die along with them if they die that day. If they don’t, no one will die. If you want to save the rabble rousing ability for the day you die, simply clarify that in a PM to the GM each day, with “If I die, then I want [this person] lynched as well.”). This role will only be included if there are enough players.

The Dead have the ability to send a Ghost “Tweet” each day. This will be included in the write-up and will be led by the first player to die. The dead can decide what each 140-character message will contain in the dead doc.

Signups will go until we have 18 people, or 10 days, whichever comes second. Naturally, in your signup post, please don’t include a profession, race, or anything that would shoehorn you into or out of a role. Personality and gender are fine, but outside of that, please be cautious of how you build your character. If we have 28+ players, there will be people who don't have roles.

Lastly, this game will rely heavily on private google docs (mostly so the spooked Seventeenth Sharders can’t continue spying), so you will either need a google account, or to create one for this game. Immediately after you post joining, PM me the email address that you’d like to use, and I’ll get you added to the lists.

Player List

WeiryWriter - Weiriah, a recluse
Lightsworn Panda - Jain, a traveller with a panda obsession
Gamma Fiend - Magam, a blasphemous young upstart
Tulir - Trahar, a Kholinarian with a lot of pride in his city
Ashiok - Asphodel
Renegade - Rengar, an insane man
Mailliw - Mailam
FeatherWriter - Lyla
Binnut - Binnt, a slightly confused man with a fear of Highstorms
Macen - Ace, a pet detective convinced chulls caused the desolation
AonarFaileas - Aonar
jasonpenguin - Peng
twelfthrootoftwo - Twei
a smart guy - Sarams
Adolin_Dustbringer - Jim Bob Dirt, a man with an odd love of dirt
GreyPilgrim - Greyeh Pilgras, the daughter of (alt universe) Grellin Pilgras
Alvron - Rolav,  a dagger-carrying man with a love for rabbit meat (whatever that is)
firstRainbowRose - Hinah
lord Claincy Ffnord - Clanal
Wyrmhero - Heron, a man who (secretly) knows the Alethi women’s script
Sphinx - Nixi
dants - Atrus
Sir Jerric - Jerrek
jaelre - Khiriq
luckat - Lucy
Awesomeness_Summoned - Mon
Kasimir - Kasimar

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Edited by Alvron
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Meet Magam!

His parents sure must have had high expectations for him, and a lack of respect for Vorinism to have given him such a blasphemous name. It had made life difficult, especially in the wake of the Riots in Kholinar. Magam wasn't even sure what he was doing in the Alethi capital. He had always wanted to go out and travel the world, but storms no! He got caught up in events here and had to play things out.

Stormfather knows I feel guilty enough for setting some of these events in action....


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This looks really interesting.  I think I will join as Trahar, a native-born Kholinarian who always felt a sense of awe for his city.  This has manifested later in his life as the insistence that it is the best city in the world.  He would do anything to help his city, including working out in a highstorm.

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So....this means that Tulir is going to be a Noble then, right? I mean, look at his rep. It always speaks the truth. :P

And I truly wish I could sign up for this game. However, I will be watching. And moderating (not that it's likely to need much in the way of moderation, but we'll see). So. I'm jealous of all of you. Because this looks like it will be a blast.


Edit: Let's keep OOC stuff in blue, plzkthx

Edited by Rubix
She doesn't even go here!
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“They call me Rengar,” the man said in a supremely macho voice, lounging back against the booth, “because nobody knows my real name.  And if they did, they wish they could forget it.”  The man looked up, and promptly adjusted his large hat.  “I am the man known from Aimia to Alethkar.  I am the man who wrestled a whitespine blindfolded.  I am the man who climbed the Horneater Peaks… twice.  I am the man who went to a Herdazian family reunion, just for the fun of it.  I am…”  The man paused, dramatically taking off his hat.  “...Insanity!”


Just for clarity, the character's name is Rengar, not Insanity.  He's just insane.  And very manly, when he feels like it.  But most of the time, he's just insane.

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I'll try joining this, but I may have to back out if it ends up I'll be busy when this starts. It looks really cool though. I hope you do a reprise of this sometime if I'm not able to join, Rubix.

I'll be Mailam.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Magam watched the crowd gathering, people stepping forward one by one, declaring their names and glazing over their pasts. He didn't think too much of the few people that had made themselves known, though. It was still too small a crowd to make any sort of difference in these crazy riots.

Kholinar was burning, and there were secret groups intent on taking control in the aftermath. And where did Magam fit in, in the chaos?

He didn't know yet, but he knew one thing. He was going to make a name for himself, no matter what happened.

Maybe this is what my parents wanted? He thought to himself. They gave me such a great name, not to curse me, but to encourage me. To strive to become worthy of such a perfect name. He understood now. And he would be willing to do whatever it takes to make his name known far and wide.

OOC: So even though this is a 'Quick-Fix', I really hope this reaches a full size (~27 player) game that Rubix had some backup plans/roles for. I think in a game of this kind of scope, the more the merrier is an understatement. (And it will give me or Meta more time as the next QF-GM to plan our games out :P )

The 17th Sharder role is somewhat confusing to read at first, as it's unclear as to who they may need to remain loyal to, exactly. But I'm sure once Roles are assigned and sent out, and PMs from you and any Docs we may be a part of should probably clear up any of that confusion.


Since this game is technically after Words of Radiance.... I know you have something set aside for Highstorms, but will we encounter any of those dreaded Everstorms that is bound our way from the West? :P


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Since this game is technically after Words of Radiance.... I know you have something set aside for Highstorms, but will we encounter any of those dreaded [/color]Everstorms that is bound our way from the West? :P


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I'm in. Call Me Joe I'm a Shady -----Eyes, of the ------- Class. I'm intensely Loyal to my Faction, because it Profits me to Be so. I'll sell Any Information for the Right Price.


I might be a Greedy D-Bag Informant.

Edited by Hello. My name is Joe
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Ok, ive been spending so much time watching these games that its time I actually join them.


I'm Binnt, a slightly confused man with a with a fear of Highstorms.


I have no experience of RP, so I'll probably keep that to a minimum. But i will try to do some at least.


Edit: When Is this game scheduled to start? Could not find it in the OP...

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Binnut, you won't regret it. Half of the fun is the behind the scenes. I am going to use the name I'm using right now.

I am Ace, the pet detective. Did you know that 83% of crimes are really commited by pets!? Most people don't. I am here to help prove that the coming desolation is really being brought about by a group of mischievous chulls, mark my words.

I have never heard of a panda but I am VERY curious. I am have been looking for the mastermind behind these chulls and no pet is out of the question.

The sky eel that I interrogated last week wouldn't tell me who the leader was, but I will find them!

Roshar depends on it!

Edited by Macen
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Oh my word Rubix, that was perfect.  I should have seen that end coming...


I am Weiriah, I've retreated into seclusion, hoping to avoid the worst of the riots... Oh Almighty, protect my family...

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Please update your post to not include a profession.

Rubix, I got you here. Joe is a wannabe informant, but no one ever trusts him. Because he's always lying. ;)

*EDIT* Except for me of course. He has told me in the past he agrees with my opinion that the chulls are behind the desolation.

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I think this one might end up the most confusing game so far. :P

I think I'll just stick with Aonar for this one. It's easier.

(Sorry about the weird half-finished post there. Using this site on my iPhone is annoying. Also pretend that this is blue until I can find a computer Rubix comes through and takes care of it like the awesome guy that he is.)

Edited by Rubix
I got your back.
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