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Mid-Range Game 1: The Stormfather and The Nightwatcher


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Really wish I could play! Hey Rubix, can you throw in a random character who makes witty comments in the write-ups? I'll use him the next game I can actually join. Xeneth.


Just to clarify, I am not signing up. I just want to be included in write-ups for comic relief.... and for the purpose of deceiving people with their pre-conceived notions of my character next game! Whahahaha! Oh, Was that out loud?

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Joining as Sarams. The GBs are dominating Game 5, so that might end before this even starts. Seriously though, this has enough complicated rules, can't we just call it Game 6?

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Heh, this is a pretty large "quick fix' game, but I do believe with all of these roles and cross factions, there will be a lot of deaths every cycle, I believe, so the game probably will go quickly. But I do want to clarify, this is like the 'Super Saiyan' of Quick Fix games. I don't know about Meta, but I know when I run any Quick Fix games, I'll be more or less following Tempus' simple format. Just making sure you guys aren't expecting me to pull out something equally big and crazy as this. :P

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Wow, Adolin, I could never have guessed that you would play that character in this game. How original! :P

Since I'm dead in Game 5, I'll join. This is basically going to be Game 6, considering the player count and the face that by the time it starts Game 5 should be basically over. We have a good crowd so far! This game is going to be as confusing as Game 5. But I'm ready! Looks amazing.

I will be Greyeh Pilgras, daughter of Grellin Pilgras in this alternate universe. (Woohoo. My first female RP. Should be fun to explore Alethi prejudices a bit, since that didn't happen in Game 5.)

Edit: Since I'm considering this an alternate universe to Game 5, (which of course it is) Greyeh is not necessarily a noble, even though Grellin was in Game 5. I just wanted to be able to give a nod to him.

Edited by GreyPilgrim
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Welcome New Players.  I feel I can speak on behalf of the regular players when I wish you all to have a great time playing and hope you will join us for many more.


Rolav is signing up to play.  He has a tendency to eat dried meat that he claims comes from a creature called a rabbit.  He is also known for carrying a dagger with strange runes engraved on its ivory handle.

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Edit: When Is this game scheduled to start? Could not find it in the OP...


Signups will go until we have 18 people, or 10 days, whichever comes second. Naturally, in your signup post, please don’t include a profession, race, or anything that would shoehorn you into or out of a role. Personality and gender are fine, but outside of that, please be cautious of how you build your character. If we have 28+ players, there will be people who don't have roles.

Here you go :)


Okay, I'm new around here but thinking about joining. What do I need to do? I'm familiar with Mafia but I've never actually played online.


I want in!

but this will be my first game... I have no idea how to play

my name will be... ... ... Asphodel

The general rules thread combined with Rubix's OP should tell you what you need to know. If you have questions though feel free to ask :) It would also be great if you took a quick look at the etiquette policy if you haven't already :)


Oh yeah, and a little other note to new players: if you haven't noticed this from watching games before or from other parts of the forum: white text is fairly common here :) My fault, not sorry.


So, as the game won't be starting till just after I go from crazy busy to moderately busy I will join as Clanal :)

I haven't missed a game yet and I don't want to start with this one ; )

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Magam was off sitting in a corner by himself, waiting for more people to gather still before he made a spectacle of himself. The key was waiting for the perfect moment to act, to capture everybody's attention at once. But he got snapped out of his plans when he heard somebody introduce themselves.

Hinah? He thought with a grin. Apparently I'm not the only one here with a blasphemous name. The ardents must be --  he was going to finish his sentence with the word *Thrilled, but as he gazed at the skyline of Kholinar, he saw the Ardentia on top of one of the many hills of the city engulfed in flames, as were many of the other buildings. The riots were starting to get out of control, but they at least hadn't spread down into the city proper.
*Cosmere Pun thread, much?
Magam knew it was almost time for lines to be drawn and people to start choosing factions. He didn't know where he belonged, yet, but he knew he was destined for greatness. Just like his name implied.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Oh, why not? Heron shall join this game, since my exams are about over (and as is the other game, it seems :P)


It is a dangerous thing to be a male thinker in Alethi society. It is, for the most part, a woman's task. Heron holds a dangerous secret close to his chest which he guards carefully at all times: He can read the Alethi script without help.

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Jerrek ducked through a doorway as a band of darkeyes rounded the street corner, brandishing spears and rockbud mallets. He wasn't certain why they had elected to chase him. The shouting had come as he'd crossed the side street carrying a small sack of supplies from purchased from one of the few shops defended enough to stay open despite the riots. A quick glance at the band had been enough to convince him that conversation was not the way out of this encounter.


Jerrek strode quickly across the beams that had fallen from the now absent roof, moving unerringly despite the irregular footing. He moved through the back chamber and slipped the bar off the back door. The hinges fell off the wall, and the door fell to the cobblestones. He winced, and a look up the alley proved that whether or not the darkeyes had noted his escape into the building, they had noted his exit.


Jerrek sighed, and ran off down the alley. He'd have to lose this bunch properly before he could return to the safehouse.


Signing up for my first game. I've looked at Werewolf games for a while, but I've never had a chance to join one. But after reading through some of the stuff here, I thought I'd give it a shot.


Could I get a few points clarified?

  • To qualify as active, does that require just the PM to the game master, or is the main thread post also necessary?
  • Is there a global lynch vote, or are the three factions running a lynching apiece?
  • What are the elements of the action PM? Lynch vote (global?, faction?, both?), boon power(if targeted),  and role action; or Nightwatcher prayer (no other actions allowed).
  • All four factions have a win condition of last faction standing, save for individual Seventeenth Shard members winning with either of their allegiances?
  • Are all infiltrators aligned with Seventeenth Shard? Seems a bit odd, but I am minimally experienced at this game.

And let me see if I get the Seventeenth Shard stuff with an Example:

Adam is a Seventeenth Shard Nobleman, and he is spying on the Darkeyes, (He has access to three docs: Seventeenth Shard, Nobleman, and Darkeyes.) If Adam gets lynched or otherwise killed, he will be spooked and lose his access to the Darkeyes doc, and will have to play as a Nobleman for the remainder of his existence in this game. If Bill (Darkeyes, True Voidbringer) spies on Adam, the report will be "Nobleman". If Cob (Darkeyes, Fake Voidbringer) spies on Adam, the report will be "Darkeyes" (the expected result for a person of his "faction"). Adam will win if either the Nobleman faction wins, or if the Seventeenth Shard faction survives.

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To qualify as active, does that require just the PM to the game master, or is the main thread post also necessary?

Both the PM to the GM and the post in the main thread.

Is there a global lynch vote, or are the three factions running a lynching apiece?

There is a global daily lynch. Each faction also has a role (the Ghostblood) that can kill on top of that daily lynch. (So unless one or more of the Ghostbloods is taken out, expect 4 people to die each day).

What are the elements of the action PM? Lynch vote (global?, faction?, both?), boon power(if targeted),  and role action; or Nightwatcher prayer (no other actions allowed).

If you're praying to the Nightwatcher, just the Nightwatcher. If you're not praying, the PM would involve the lynch vote and your role action. If you've previously prayed to the Nightwatcher and been given a boon that also has an ability, that would be included as well.

All four factions have a win condition of last faction standing, save for individual Seventeenth Shard members winning with either of their allegiances?

It's last faction standing. That includes members of the Seventeenth Shard. The difference for them is that (using your example) Adam can win whether it's just the Noblemen faction left or just the Seventeenth Shard left. If his Seventeenth Shard member teammate who's spying on the Noblemen is still alive, the Noblemen haven't won yet. They will still need to kill that person (but Adam can't tell them who it is).

Are all infiltrators aligned with Seventeenth Shard? Seems a bit odd, but I am minimally experienced at this game.

Yes. It is a little odd, but it's meant to make things a little more interesting for them (since they don't really have any role or abilities beyond spying (since the second death rids them of the ability to spy). They have to choose which team they're more loyal to. Seventeenth Shard? Or the other faction? If Adam chooses the Noblemen (and all the other members of the Seventeenth Shard choose their other faction), he'll be working against 2/3 of the Seventeenth Shard, since their loyalties aren't with the Noblemen. He won't even be certain of the identity of the other Sharder loyal to the Noblemen (although he'll have it narrowed down to 2). But if he and all the Sharders choose to work together for a Seventeenth Shard win, they're the smallest faction, so it's an uphill battle for them.

Adam is a Seventeenth Shard Nobleman, and he is spying on the Darkeyes, (He has access to three docs: Seventeenth Shard, Nobleman, and Darkeyes.) If Adam gets lynched or otherwise killed, he will be spooked and lose his access to the Darkeyes doc, and will have to play as a Nobleman for the remainder of his existence in this game. If Bill (Darkeyes, True Voidbringer) spies on Adam, the report will be "Nobleman". If Cob (Darkeyes, Fake Voidbringer) spies on Adam, the report will be "Darkeyes" (the expected result for a person of his "faction"). Adam will win if either the Nobleman faction wins, or if the Seventeenth Shard faction survives.


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Thanks for that, little wilson. Much appreciated.


One more question: No restrictions on PMs to other players? CC to GM?

(You know, that might be an interesting curse option . . . )

So each of the three factions has two people in their midst who are enemy spies, and two more who are friendly spies that may not be totally loyal, but should be useful while they last. And people aren't going to want to be too open about their roles in their faction docs since there are four untrusted persons in each.


If I have this right, we have 24 players registered thus far:

Edit: Now 25 players.

  • (WeiryWriter) Weiriah
  • (Lightsworn Panda) Jain
  • (Gamma Fiend) Magam
  • (Tulir) Trahar[/color
  • (FeatherWriter) Lyla
  • (Ashiok) Asphodel
  • (Renegade) Rengar
  • (Mailliw73) Mailam
  • (Hello. My name is Joe) Joe
  • (Binnut) Binnt
  • (Macen) Ace
  • (AonarFaileas) Aonar
  • (jasonpenguin) Peng
  • (twelfthrootoftwo) Twei
  • (a smart guy) Sarmas
  • (Adolin_Dustbringer) Jim Bob Dirt
  • (GreyPilgrim) Greyeh Pilgras
  • (Alvron) Rolav
  • (firstRainbowRose) Hinah
  • (lord Claincy Ffnord) Clanal
  • (Wyrmhero) Heron
  • (Sphinx) Nixi
  • (dants) Atrus
  • (Sir Jerric) Jerrek
  • (jaelre) Khiriq
That's ten people per faction doc, with two being Seventeenth Sharders loyal to the other two factions. And only three more people to guarantee a full set of roles. And with up to four kills per cycle . . .


This is going to be wild. =)

Edited by Sir Jerric
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One more question: No restrictions on PMs to other players? CC to GM?

Nope. Not even during Highstorms. The only restriction on PM's is that any PM to the GM during a Highstorm will not count.

(You know, that might be an interesting curse option . . . )

...Don't go giving him any ideas now... (not that this is giving him ideas. I'm pretty sure I heard him suggest this when we were initially talking about it a few weeks ago... :P)

So each of the three factions has two people in their midst who are enemy spies, and two more who are friendly spies that may not be totally loyal, but should be useful while they last. And people aren't going to want to be too open about their roles in their faction docs since there are four untrusted persons in each.

Pretty much. :)

That's ten people per faction doc, with two being Seventeenth Sharders loyal to the other two factions. And only three more people to guarantee a full set of roles. And with up to four kills per cycle . . .

If no more people sign up, there will be 8 people in the three factions and 6 in the Seventeenth Shard. And it's not "up to four kills per cycle." There's not really any limit on kills. If things go really poorly (and we have the Shamed Guard in the game), there could easily be upwards of 8-9 kills in a cycle. That wouldn't be consistent, but there could be a cycle where a lot of people die. And that's not even counting curse effects. Wild is definitely an accurate description of what this will be. :P

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Jain sat in a burnt building that overlooked Kholinar Proper, juggling a few stones and his toy panda out of boredom (That's right, it's back!). It didn't appear to be showing any emotion. Some people would call him weird to be so attached to his unnamed toy, but he found the toy very intriguing. Maybe it was a trick of light, but the toy sometimes seemed to show... a darker side.


Below Jain, mobs of people were roving about, scavenging and looting. Jain smiled wryly. Such a great city, built upon the sweat and labor of thousands, brought down and ruined by a single spoiled woman. Grabbing his toy, Jain stopped juggling and let the rocks drop. One of them hit a passerby below in the head, instantly cracking his skull and killing him. Jain raised an eyebrow. That was going to make an interesting story to tell in the Tranquilline Halls.


Hefting his pack of belongings onto his shoulder, Jain turned to leave the building. Before he left the building, though, Jain checked on his toy panda. 


Its smile looked a tad larger than usual.


Anyone looking forward to seeing more of my toy panda?  :D 

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