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The Wafflesworn

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NOOOOOO! You basically spoke the second oath aloud, where everybody can see.

But it actually is:

possible (according to the Panda) WoR spoilers

I will create chaos for those who cannot create chaos for themselves

and the third oath:

I will make delicious (usually waffle related) food for even those I hate, so long as they beg and plead sufficiently

Edited by Ashiok
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NOOOOOO! You basically spoke the second oath aloud, where everybody can see.

But it actually is:

I will create chaos for those who cannot create chaos for themselves

and the third oath:

I will make delicious (usually waffle related) food for even those I hate, so long as they beg and plead sufficiently

Totally no WoR spoilers or anything  <_<

(I recommend spoiler tags)

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The contract is so you don't have to Elsecall to take food from the kitchens (which you can't now anyway with the new security measures).

In every realm that you Observe, we will set aside a table, exclusively for your guild.

You will also be given 5 requests a month for custom-made, never-before-attempted dishes.

Lastly, a pantry will be set aside with no security, for your Elsecalling tendencies. We will make sure it's always filled when you drop by to eat.

A good deal, is it not?

Now, if you will please sign at the dotted line...

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These are beautiful, Awesome!! You should do a colorful one for our guild. You ARE still Wafflesworn, right? 


Here you go:



Well.... I never actually officially swore the oath. It was mainly a temporary thing since I had achieved the level of Scadrian Waffle Cook. 

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Here you go:



Well.... I never actually officially swore the oath. It was mainly a temporary thing since I had achieved the level of Scadrian Waffle Cook. 



Awesome again. You're living up to your name far better than I am. (No kobolds have yet sworn fealty to me...)


Also, you're a Twinborn now... still a Scadrian, probably in need of a profession. ;)

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This is a double post, but I bear joyous news. At 1111 rep points, I have achieved the blessed rank of Scadrian Waffle Cook. My life is now complete. All goals I had planned over my existence on planet Earth have been fulfilled.


* Claps hands, summoning servants bearing tables laden with the food supplies I have cooked. *


Friends, I have prepared a feast!

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It seems something interesting has developed during my impromptu sabbatical...


But I must ask, ye who claim devotion to the crusty, the flaky, the deliciousness... those who claim allegiance to the golden disc anointed with the sacred sticky sweetness...


Do you TRULY understand that to which you swear? Do you TRULY know what the waffle means, understand it's hidden myriad subtleties and intricacies, the delicate ways in which it influences the world, the cosmere, the nature of existence itself?


Do you?

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It seems something interesting has developed during my impromptu sabbatical...


But I must ask, ye who claim devotion to the crusty, the flaky, the deliciousness... those who claim allegiance to the golden disc anointed with the sacred sticky sweetness...


Do you TRULY understand that to which you swear? Do you TRULY know what the waffle means, understand it's hidden myriad subtleties and intricacies, the delicate ways in which it influences the world, the cosmere, the nature of existence itself?


Do you?


* Shaking *


Great one. I am merely a humble waffle cook of the planet Scadrial. I have devoted my life to the understanding of the waffle. It is my life. I am but a small observer to the profound effects such a syrupy breakfast can have on one's soul.


But through my unannointed eyes and my unworthy stomach I catch a glimpse of greatness. Knowledge of this greatest of baked goods. I seek to learn the true esoteric ways of the waffle. Please, great one, I implore thee. Teach the Wafflesworn what you know. Spread the word of the waffle like syrup over a hot breakfast.


Make us worthy of the waffle.

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The Wafflesworn are the servants of the Pirate Monkeys. Everyone knows that.


True story. I will look on with amusement when Newcago and the various Feather followers realize just who is truly pulling the strings...

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The Wafflesworn are the servants of the Pirate Monkeys. Everyone knows that.


Upon this revelation, I will withhold my allegiance to any faction for a time. Truly, the machinations within this realm are complex and fascinating!

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It seems something interesting has developed during my impromptu sabbatical...


But I must ask, ye who claim devotion to the crusty, the flaky, the deliciousness... those who claim allegiance to the golden disc anointed with the sacred sticky sweetness...


Do you TRULY understand that to which you swear? Do you TRULY know what the waffle means, understand it's hidden myriad subtleties and intricacies, the delicate ways in which it influences the world, the cosmere, the nature of existence itself?


Do you?


Our lives are dedicated to nothing else, High Chef.

The Wafflesworn pride itself on not only creating the best waffle the Cosmere has to offer, but push the limits of what waffle can do.

We have procured the Wafflerasium, enabling sentience in waffles to be used for subterfuge in war.

Our laboratories beneath the kitchens have produced waffles meant only for those with an iron stomach.

But most of all, we come to you with an army of punished novices and Accepted, trained in the art of waffle creation, and able to wield the craft even with eyes closed.

Command us. We are at your service, now and always.

True story. I will look on with amusement when Newcago and the various Feather followers realize just who is truly pulling the strings...


High Chef, True Master of The Wafflesworn, here are the contracts signed by Newcago and Observers to make us their exclusive caterers. I hereby bequeth these to you for safekeeping.

The Wafflesworn are the servants of the Pirate Monkeys. Everyone knows that.

There can be no greater Honor.

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Mistress of the Kitchens, you do your post great honor.


I have seen members of this 'Newcago Court' claim to have the recipes for waffles. Do they understand the folly it would be attempt to utilize this? I suspect not... They do not Know. They have not the realization the Wafflesworn strive to attain, know not of the ways in which the waffle guides and influences all. Have not delved the patterns of the nooks and prophetic drizzling design of syrups. Have not divined truth from the subtleties of flavor.


One does not make waffles from a recipe. The recipe is a guide, the rote ritual, through which the waffle speaks. Waffles originate from the primordial chaos, the core of creation itself. They are a power not to be trifled with.


Unless it'll be funny.

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I have never used the recipes, because I know that my poor scholarly understanding will not create true waffles. I have instead a ritual, which will NOT be described, that allows the waffles to return to their true form. I can't say much, however, my two secrets are actually very much intertwined.

Also, a tentative time for the hockey match is 2 american eastern this afternoon.

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