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The Wafflesworn

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I do too know how to make waffles, I just wanted some new recipes. Also, I strongly agree with every negative thing that has been said about toaster waffles.


Happy National Waffle day to all us Yankees. The USA has to have every day of the year be a National ________ day, and today, it's waffles. Yay!

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Looks like the wafflesworn's favorite assassination toys. Heart attacks are hard to track down. Unless you're L.


Upvote for the (perhaps unintentional) Death Note reference, dear sir.


As far as Waffle recipes go, I like Aether's the best. :)


Norwegians know their waffle stuff.


Of course, Compulsion Waffles are my specialty.


Yet another reason why I don't touch your cooking.

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Upvote for the (perhaps unintentional) Death Note reference, dear sir.


Oh, it was quite intentional :)  Death Note was my second manga, and I really enjoyed how much it made me think and question things. Now the anime was way too over dramatized and I thought that both L and Light were poorly portrayed.

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Maybe I wasn't in the right mind set to appreciate it, but I didn't like Death Note. I liked the concept behind it, but...


The plot fell apart for me. Most of the gambits and gambles and other-fancy-terms-for-smartness seemed... contrived. Honestly, the best part of the entire series for me was the brief encounter between Light and Naomi; she was an interesting character, one who I wished could have stuck around for longer.


And yes, I udnerstand why the writer did what he did; I still think it was a mistake. By the time the manga was over, I cared more about her than I did any other member of the investigation. 

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Heh. Personally I like L, simply because he - like me - has a sweet tooth, and never gets fat regardless of how much he eats, and is the incarnation of physical laziness.

Except for when he plays tennis :)

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Please, have you seen the Dark Alley. We give everyone a new perspective on life and we are funded by a power that created a World. Ruin as part of Harmony remade Scadrial. And we all know cookies are good for everyone's health. After all, you can ... rid people with spikes cookies and notebooks, but cookies are a definitely better choice, as a more tasteful avenue than misshapen pancakes. That being said, we would like to offer the Wafflesworn cookies in order to persuade them of the more tasteful avenues to pursue - a dark alleyway.

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