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Azure's Sword


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Prolific said:

All awakened objects have some sentience but the blade does not seem able to communicate meaningfully.  When Nightblood is drawn all the colors deepen the same as around a 5 heightening aura.  Azure's blade does not.

See above.

I may have misunderstood the initial thing. My bad.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the prolonged contact with Vasher/maybe partially the inordinate amount of Ruin's Investiture NB has locked inside itself.

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the Quill said:

I may have misunderstood the initial thing. My bad.

No problem.

6 minutes ago, Ookla the Quill said:

I wonder if it has anything to do with the prolonged contact with Vasher/maybe partially the inordinate amount of Ruin's Investiture NB has locked inside itself.

This is basically where I am coming from.  In terms of invested objects Nightblood is a class by itself.  Vivenna's sword is less potent but(if I am right) much more specialized.  I think I got the specialty.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Prolific said:

This is basically where I am coming from.  In terms of invested objects Nightblood is a class by itself.  Vivenna's sword is less potent but(if I am right) much more specialized.  I think I got the specialty.

Probably a good thing, honestly. One Nightblood is enough.

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One question I've been thinking about a lot, and that is the black bladed sword. Is there just one sword, or is there one for each world, that [works with?] different...like Shard powers, or is it just one sword that can work with all?

Brandon Sanderson

[Nightblood] is something special. A long time ago, some people from the Warbreaker world came to Roshar, saw Shardblades, thought, "We can do this," went home and tried to make one. And that is Nightblood. And it went horribly horribly wrong. And so they didn't make any more, except now, Azure's sword is somewhat related. But that is the origin of Nightblood. Trying to make a Shardblade out of a different magic system.

Idaho Falls signing (July 21, 2018)


Does the sword with *inaudible* Azure...

Brandon Sanderson



Is it a lot like Nightblood, maybe?

Brandon Sanderson

It shares some features, but is different.

Orem signing (Dec. 21, 2017)
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4 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

It shares some features, but is different.

Yeah.  Otherwise my theory would have a bunch of holes in it.

Edited by Ookla the Prolific
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If it was already raised in this topic than I'm sorry, I've been reading it in parts and don't really remember what you've discussed already. But here go my thoughts on both Azure's sword and Nightblood. Per this WoB (that has been already quoted) 



One question I've been thinking about a lot, and that is the black bladed sword. Is there just one sword, or is there one for each world, that [works with?] different...like Shard powers, or is it just one sword that can work with all?


Brandon Sanderson

[Nightblood] is something special. A long time ago, some people from the Warbreaker world came to Roshar, saw Shardblades, thought, "We can do this," went home and tried to make one. And that is Nightblood. And it went horribly horribly wrong. And so they didn't make any more, except now, Azure's sword is somewhat related. But that is the origin of Nightblood. Trying to make a Shardblade out of a different magic system.



we know, that creation of Nightblood didn't go as it should. And from the Warbreaker Annotations (https://wob.coppermind.net/events/250/#e7357) we know that Yesteel has necessary knowledge on creating a Type Four entity, so for me it is quite justified to make assumptions that it was either him or Vasher who created Azure's sword. Partly it's even a writing reason, I guess - we already have two characters that are able to do this, so why introduce another one? 

I believe all of the differences between those two weapons come from the unusual thing that happened during Nightblood's creation, and what I mean is that Shashara and Vasher didn't have full control over the process. Here are two WoBs, spoilered for clarity and length, from which I took the idea. 



When Nightblood created, was Endowment involved in any way more than normal?


Brandon Sanderson

Good question, you qualified that the right way! I would say yes, but maybe not to the extent you're thinking.



Normal being using Endowment's Investiture to Awaken. There's something special.


Brandon Sanderson

I would say, there is something special.





Does Nightblood contain any of Ruin's Investiture? Like, not atium, but...


Brandon Sanderson

Yes, technically; and I'm not wiggling around that, because technically, location in the Cosmere and who belongs to what gets really weird, right? Because Ruin's Investiture is everywhere--but I'm not talking that way. I'm talking the way you actually mean it. 




I suppose you can say I'm streching this too far from those, but I feel like the fact that at least two Shards were involved more that usually indicates something. Even if it wasn't Ruin's concius intervention, because I'm not really sure it was, this still can be valid if the reason behind Ruin's Investiture is just the Nightblood's command. 

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11 hours ago, Nnatel said:

so for me it is quite justified to make assumptions that it was either him or Vasher who created Azure's sword. Partly it's even a writing reason, I guess - we already have two characters that are able to do this, so why introduce another one? 

So that Vivenna's choice to join one or the other is not motivated by practicality.  Just saying keep an open mind but it is a good catch.


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I'm not sure if this has been explicitly stated but what if the color draining effect of the sword powers the command in the sword itself. Nightblood takes the investiture of the user to power itself, but Azure doesn't seem to be cautious about using her sword. Perhaps instead of taking the wielder's investiture, it takes it from those it strikes, turning them grey to power the command similar to lifeless.

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6 hours ago, Darkrib said:

I'm not sure if this has been explicitly stated but what if the color draining effect of the sword powers the command in the sword itself. Nightblood takes the investiture of the user to power itself, but Azure doesn't seem to be cautious about using her sword. Perhaps instead of taking the wielder's investiture, it takes it from those it strikes, turning them grey to power the command similar to lifeless.

That is basically the theory in a nut shell or possibly a better yet similar theory yes.

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As to the blades sapience... 


“Draw her carefully,” Azure said to Borea, the first mate, as Shallan approached. “Don’t pull her out all the way—she doesn’t know you.”
Borea wore a uniform like the captain’s, all stiff and no-nonsense. She undid a small latch on the Shardblade, eased it from its sheath a half inch, then drew in a sharp breath. “It … tingles.”
“She’s investigating you,” Azure said.
“It really is as you say,” Borea said. “A Shardblade that requires no spren—no enslavement. This is something else. How did you do it?”

It seems quite clearly to be more than a simple awakened object. 

And frankly, I think it's exactly what Nightblood should have been if it's creation hadn't gone so completely wrong. 

Nightblood is not a normal type IV. 



In London I wanted to ask about Nightblood. The way he is Invested, is that a one-off-case kind of thing, or is it possible to do another of that level?

Brandon Sanderson

It was really bizarre, and I will explain it eventually and that will let you know why. It's theoretically possible to do almost anything so it's theoretically possible to do what he did but it'd be very hard.

Oathbringer Leeds signing (Dec. 1, 2017)

I think that the Ruin in Nightblood is very similar to what Autonomy did in turning Patji, a naturally occurring piece of Autonomy's power, into an Avatar. I think the circumstances and command used tapped into a naturally occurring pocket of Ruin's Investiture, creating a mixed splinter of Ruin and Endowment, with no involvement or knowledge on Ruin's part. 

Which is also why I think that the blade was not made by Vivenna, but by Yesteel. And why Vasher is on Roshar and seemingly so morose. 

Per the Warbreaker Annotations, we know that Yesteel knew the secret to making type IV's. 


Brandon Sanderson

Lightsong Thinks about How Hallandren Wouldn't Fall

He's wrong here. If he hadn't intervened and taken responsibility, the God King would have died, and another Manywar would have begun. It would have ended with Hallandren in flames, destroyed by the advancing Idrian coalition, who by then would have gained the secret to creating swords like Nightblood from Yesteel, who is hiding in one of the kingdoms across the mountains and who secretly knows what Vasher did to create the sword. He would have brought his kingdom into the conflict. And the world would have burned.

Warbreaker Annotations (March 21, 2011)

At the end of Warbreaker, Vasher and Vivenna are leaving to deal with Yesteel. The only living person we know of who definitely knows how to make a type IV. And the next time we see Vivenna, she has what is almost definitely a type IV... 

Combine that with the fact that Vasher killed his wife to prevent the creation of more blades like Nightblood, and I don't think for a moment he'd have helped her to do so, or to have been accepting of her attempting to do so herself. 

But if Yesteel created one and they dealt with him, there's a very real reason for another to exist... And for Vasher to have discovered that the thing he killed his wife for, the atrocity he was trying to prevent, isn't at all like Nightblood. 

So he flees to Roshar, ditches the sword, and buries himself in a new life away from everything that could remind him of what he did, and what he left behind. 

It puts this exchange with Kaladin in a completely understandable light. 


“Have you ever had to choose between two equally distasteful choices?”
“Every day I choose to keep breathing.”
“I worry something awful is going to happen,” Kaladin said. “I can prevent it, but the awful thing . . . it might be best for everyone if it does happen.”
“Huh,” Zahel said.
“No advice?” Kaladin asked.
“Choose the option,” Zahel said, rearranging his pillow, “that makes it easiest for you to sleep at night.” The old ardent closed his eyes and settled back. “That’s what I wish I’d done.”


Edited by Calderis
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