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Smuggeling with forgery

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I thought of several ways that forgery would be really great for smuggling. First in the books Shia stated that it was nearly impossible to turn lead to gold, but extremely easy to turn gold into lead, I assume that translates to all expensive things. It would be easy to steal a lot of expensive things like jewelry and art works of art, and use forgery to turn it into a collection of really trashy junk, you could easily get this  past police or officials looking for what you stole, then bring it to a buyer. Another would be to find a solid wall then use forgery to say that a some smuggler had hollowed a part of it out and used it to hide his stuff, you then hide your stuff  in there remove the stamp. The wall would then become solid again and your stuff would supposedly become part of the wall and impossible to find. Please tell me what you think and any other ideas you have.

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I'm not so sure how the mechanics of the thing would work out if you de-stamped a hollowed-out wall that was containing other stuff. An interesting question, though...


My first intuition would be that the stuff would be either expelled from the wall or destroyed, but probably not "incorporated" such that they'd be retrievable in their original form after re-stamping.

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I agree with Kurk that hollowing out the wall and removing the stamp wouldn't work. Remember that when you make a stamp, you are essentially tricking the object to believe it is something else (changing its Cognitive ideal of itself), not directly changing it in the Physical Realm. When you remove the stamp, the object reverts to its original Cognitive state, how it was before Forging it. However, if you leave objects inside the wall, the wall is changed, and it essentially cannot believe it is back to normal because it no longer is. So, as Kurk says, the items inside the wall would likely be destroyed or expelled from the wall in order to allow it to return to normal.

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