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Aether of Night concept transplants

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I was reading chapter 21 and noticed a similarity between something Raeth thinks and Shadows For Silence in the Forests of Hell

Raeth is trying everything he can think of to try and stop the Forgotten army from Advancing. And he says they already tried a number of different tactics including...

"clever battlefield layouts, to traps and holes dug in the ground, to throwing silver dust at the creatures--a method some legends claimed would ward away Forgotten spirits."

this sounds an awful lot like the idea was transplanted into Shadows For Silence.

This is why I love reading Brandons Unpublished works. It's cool to see early concepts that he later polished and transplanted into the published Cosmere.

Edited by Eternal Khol
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6 minutes ago, Honorless said:

Interesting. I wonder what it would mean if we take Aether as a canonical work. Would Silver work against other Cognitive Shadows? 

@Eternal Khol interesting observation! 
 @Honorless are you suggesting what I think you are suggesting? :D Fused? Kelsier ? 
But I don’t think it will work on CS that have learnt to possess actual human bodies in PR!

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42 minutes ago, Honorless said:

Interesting. I wonder what it would mean if we take Aether as a canonical work. Would Silver work against other Cognitive Shadows? Kelsier probably would have noticed something if that were the case

I bet it would affect them in some way. If It did, I bet the effect would be different or minor

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  • 2 years later...
On 1/21/2020 at 7:34 PM, Eternal Khol said:

"clever battlefield layouts, to traps and holes dug in the ground, to throwing silver dust at the creatures--a method some legends claimed would ward away Forgotten spirits."

this sounds an awful lot like the idea was transplanted into Shadows For Silence.

Concur. Also possible:


AoN Ch1 - It was not a very good poem.  In fact, it was horrible.  The verse was unwieldy, the rhymes were trite, and the rhythm was random at best.  Raeth wasn’t certain what was more depressing--the knowledge that the poem was so bad, or the realization that it was probably the best work he had ever created. 

Hmmm, a Royal that is bad at art. . . Sounds like Serene (Elantris)


AoN Ch 1 - But, of course, that wasn’t the point.  It didn’t matter that Raeth wasn’t artistically talented--Dari was his Place.  Someone in the family had to be Dari

One member of the noble families has to join the monastary - Sounds a bit like Idris (Nalthis)


AoN Ch 3 - several pillar-like pieces of metal--probably some form of Corpate--had begun to glow softly across the courtyard.

Corpate - made from beings turning their essense into Metal in the physical realm (Roshar) - sounds like Spren and original Fabrial tech to me.


AoN Ch 5 - The holy precepts of Kamman prove your unworthiness.  The Five Self-Deductive Truths condemn you.  Death seeping from the north, that is your repayment.  God’s perfection will no longer stand your blasphemy!

An earlier version of the Five Visions (Nalthis) - a religious creed that eventually calls the magic from which it sprang a heresy


AoN Ch 9 -  He moved off the dance floor, people parting quickly to let him through, and made his way to the wine table, where he found a familiar form.

“Darro?” Raeth asked, selecting a cup of Mahallen blue.

Blue wine? Sounds like Roshar. . .

Edited by Treamayne
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