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Quick Fix 42: Alcatraz vs. the Watakotse Infiltration


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Elkanah is definitely lying about having duplicated lenses three times as Aydee, since Windstormer's lenses and Disguiser's lenses require an action to activate. That doesn't have to mean he's evil though, as false role claims don't necessarily mean guilt. I don't know what it means to claim that the five people on his trusted list all have known roles since that's clearly not true either, unless roles means alignment or lens possession. 

I have not spent enough time on this game and I'm not entirely sure what's going on outside of the thread. Is there something important to know about Striker saying he scanned Tess? If this happened before she died, why didn't it come up when she was up for the lynch? If it took place cycle 3, why?

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2 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I have not spent enough time on this game and I'm not entirely sure what's going on outside of the thread. Is there something important to know about Striker saying he scanned Tess? If this happened before she died, why didn't it come up when she was up for the lynch? If it took place cycle 3, why?

There is definitely a lot of PM's involved in this game that make it very hard to follow.

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Just now, Feruchemical Skybreaker said:

Thank you.

No problem. I will let you know I did not take the decision lightly. I also recommend you find some form of protection for the night because the eliminators are incentivized to keep my identity a secret regardless of what it is. I would not be surprised if you or I am targeted for a kill by the elims tonight to nullify the usefulness of your scan. Now that I write that down, it's clear that they will kill you to make it look like I am trying to hide my alignment. I think a safer course of action would be to pass the lens to someone who you trust that isn't me or Cadcom and have them check my alignment tomorrow. At least that way, I am taking the risk and not you, and I don't think the elims (or maybe the village) will tolerate my shenanigans much longer.

I would not have posted if I thought you were a librarian. There's no reason to assume you will tell the truth about the scan if I didn't trust you implicitly.

What's a good lie? ......... The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain

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CadCom: They survived two attacks in a row, which definitely could’ve put them in a mayor role. They seem to have successfully avoided being a true mayor as of yet though. Overall, trusted village.

Elkanah: With all of their shenanigans and false claims and backstepping, I don’t feel like they’re an elim. I feel as if they are likely village. I won’t go into the detail on that as it’s all been said previously. That being said the strongest doubts I have are actually from the high ratio of new players. We are trying to understand all the motives and play styles, and that would make it easier to successfully pull things like that as an Elim. Overall, likely village, but I don’t trust what they say because of the lies.

Kynedath: Their posts seem quite logical for the most part, and as of yet I haven’t been given any reasons to distrust them. We seem to have similar thought patterns though they have experience. I don’t read anything shady or elim.

StrikerEZ: That whole PM triangle thing seems quite sketchy, and their reasoning as to how that would help a villager was quite flimsy. I don’t see how it would help, and that makes me quite suspicious of them. Apparently their lack of activity is also abnormal? But I’m relying on other players for that one 

Devoraty of Spontaneity: Hasn’t posted much at all, but nothing they’ve said makes me suspicious or trusting so still neutral. I don’t think they have been voted on for a lynch once as of yet  

Furechemial SkyBreaker: A lot of their posts seem to be quite abrasive and I’m not entirely sure what their logic or reasoning to many of their choices is. Now I’m not sure if this is new player as elim, or just new player. 

The God King: Similar to Furechemical SkyBreaker, but far less abrasive. 

Rathmaskal: When I got to them I realized I didn’t have many thoughts because of their playing style. They’ve been contributing, but in a way that they’ve been really easily missed. They are slipping under the radar. That and their votes seem really all over the place. 


Trust: Kynedath, CadCom

Trust that they are village but don’t trust what they say: Elkanah

Neutral: Devotary

Sketchy: Furechemical SkyBreaker, The God King

Real Sketchy: StrikerEZ Rathmaskal

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I think I'm going to change my vote to Devotary striker 

I'd put more. But I'm on mobile.

My trust group is mainly consists of zillah, elkanah, kynedath. 

Edited by CadCom
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I’m sorry about not posting! I’ve been digesting this information and ended up out of action for a little bit (homework and a bit of a headache) I didn’t want to make any rash jumps because I’m not necessarily trusted as of yet. I’m unsure who an elim is but based on some thoughts ive heard I believe Devotary might be an elim. I’m willing to take this leap of faith and trust @Elkanah

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A clever person can make anything turn to his advantage, no matter how much a disadvantage it may seem at first. 

Wise words from Grandpa Smedry. Unfortunately, they didn't help him much. Neither did his talent. He got killed dead enough that he could only arrive late to it, rather than avoid it. Impossible things are really rough to do, you know.

Death also caught up to someone else. Aydee. She avoided death. Twice! But it would not last. She died too. Those librarians really seemed to be making up for lost time, huh?

Good thing, too, since they also lost someone. Someone important. Good riddance, at least in the eyes of the Free Kingdomers. You know what Dark Oculators do? Give up their humanity for their work! Crazy. 

Just like wanting to rule the world. But I'll get to that later. 

Sorry about the delay. No, actually I'm not. Why else would I choose to go on an "errand" at 11 o'clock at night

The next turn ends on February 1 at 11 p.m. PST. 

Devotary of Spontaneity was lynched! They were a Dark Oculator!
Elkanah has died! They were Grandpa Smedry!
CadCom has died! They were Aydee!

Vote Count:
Devotary (4) - Elkanah, The God King, CadCom, Rathmaskal
Striker (1) - Kynedath
Rathmaskal (2) - Zillah, Devotary

Player List

  1. Elkanah- Larry Lifehack Grandpa Smedry
  2. @Kynedath - Robben Peters
  3. @The_God_King
  4. @StrikerEZ
  5. CadCom- Azkaban Smedry Aydee
  6. @Feruchemical Skybreaker
  7. @Zillah Elmina Château
  8. Kidpen - Roychive Notalibrary Evil Librarian
  9. @Rathmaskal
  10. Devotary of Spontaneity - Dr. Sader the Inoculator Dark Oculator
  11. Butt Ad Venture Alberga Hatm Bastille
  12. DeTess Free Kingdomer
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Alright, this is a good place for the village to be in. Assuming 3 elims to start, there is a 5-1 ratio of villagers to eliminators. If we mislynch and the elims kill this cycle, it'll be 3-1. If that happens again then it'll come down to 1-1. At that point it would be a 50% chance on who wins since ties are decided by RNG.

I have a feeling that the eliminator might be one of the new players. All three of the new players are left, so someone might be trying to get rid of all the experienced players. If the last eliminator is a new player, I do sympathize with you, this isn't an easy situation you've found yourself in. I find Feruchemical Skybreaker and the God king to be the most suspicious in my mind. Feruchemical skybreaker because of their odd votes on Elkanah even though they were virtually cleared from surviving the elim kill, as well as their lack of vote in the end - maybe trying to hide and not get accused for voting on the wrong person? I'm not sure, their playstyle confuses me. God King because of the late vote on Devotary. Bandwagoning because at that point the Devotary lynch looked like it would happen and they could have wanted to gain some trust. 

In the end I think that I have more solid evidence against The God King than against FeruSky.

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1 minute ago, Zillah said:

I don’t particularly understand FeruSky’s playstyle much either. @Feruchemical Skybreaker, could you maybe explain some of your logic and reasoning? Overall, although if possible specifically  from last cycle. 

Um... Good question. I myself am unsure of my strategy and playstyle. As most people probably know I have never played this game or a game like it before.

But as for last cycle, I didn't trust Elkanah so I tried to get some information about him with the truthwatchers lense. This backfired however. I did not foresee the eliminators coming for him after what I did. This was mu fault and I should have seen what would happen.

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I’m trying to figure out what evidence is against me outside of me voting with the group. If anything I’m pretty suspicious of Striker because he was Elkanahs second choice for elim. I’m going to stick to my guns and hope someone can explain why I’m suspicious. I’ve done what most of you have done (actually I’ve been more consistent that most).

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14 minutes ago, The_God_King said:

I’m trying to figure out what evidence is against me outside of me voting with the group. If anything I’m pretty suspicious of Striker because he was Elkanahs second choice for elim. I’m going to stick to my guns and hope someone can explain why I’m suspicious. I’ve done what most of you have done (actually I’ve been more consistent that most).

My evidence against you comes primarily from that last lynch. You were the last person to vote on Devotary, before there was even a chance that anyone else would beat Devotary in the lynch since every other player with votes on them only had one vote. You and Devotary voted at relatively the same time as well. What I can see happening is that You and Devotary were figuring out what course of action to take in the doc and came up with the course of action that you eventually took. Devotary would vote on someone else in a last ditch attempt to save their lives in case of last minute votes, while you voted on Devotary to be able to say that you voted for an eliminator. 

I have had suspicions on most players up until this point, but through some extra context that I got this cycle most of those suspicions have been mitigated. Can I ask you to expand on what you mean by "doing what most of you have done" and "been more consistent than most"?

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Before I forget and fall asleep, I’m just gonna go ahead and put a vote on The_God_King. You’re one of the only players I don’t really trust (those being Kynedath, FeruSky, and probably Rath), and I think there’s more circumstantial evidence against you than there is against Zillah.

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