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Radiant Oaths you would swear


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"Knowledge before Lethargy. Humility before Vanity. Logic before Emotion."


"I will value honor above all, including life."


"I will seek to better myself without limits, not because it is easy, but because it is difficult."


"I will observe the world anew daily, and find beauty in all things."


"I will not flee in the face of the impossible, for perfection is not an obstacle, but a goal."

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But inspiring through destruction is so much fun. Have you tried fire? That's like art, wonderfully fun and destructive art. I find it very inspiring...


I'd also classify that under creation, really. When I say destruction, I don't mean 'utilization of elements you'd more commonly use in destruction.' Directing an action movie in which a lot of cars happen to blow up is still inspiring others through creation. It's if you wanted to intimidate others by showing how powerful you were (by blowing up those same cars, say), which could classify as inspiration through destruction. As with most Sanderson magic, Intent matters.


Yes, I do realize that I'm taking this significantly more seriously than most everybody else here. That's just how I roll, I suppose.

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Knowledge before Ignorance, Logic before Emotion, Truth before Lies

I will seek the truth, no matter how upsetting

I will accept even the truth I hate, so long as it is proven

I will admit when I am wrong, in hopes that I may one day be right

I will follow the evidence, wherever it may lead

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Oaths of the order of responsible laziness:


"I will endure any problem I cannot fix. I will swiftly fix any problem I cannot endure, then resume enjoying life"


"I will not complicate my life or that of a fellow human being any more than I absolutely have to"


"I will do my duty efficiently and I will not skirt my responsibilities; within that frame, I will work as little as possible"


"I will not seek to get more responsabilities than I have to; too much hassle. I will let someone more motivated handle the job, unless it goes against the second oath or the second comma of the first oath" i.e. I will take a position of responsability only if I am the only one qualified and not doing so would cause more problems


"I will never procastinate to tomorrow what I can procastinate to the day after tomorrow" and if I can afford to procastinate it so much, it probably falls under first oath, first comma



Oaths of openmindedness


"knowledge before prejudice. understanding before rejection. acceptance before intollercance"


"I will heartily approve of my fellow human being traditions, actions and decision, regardless of how I may find them stupid, incomprehensible, disgusting, or reprensible, as long as all people involved in them are sane and consensual; i further will upheld his right to keep behaving that way" that won't stop me from teasing said fellow human being about said traditions or actions, or make cultural posturing; but it will be good-hearted. For example, I often say that I am grateful to america for saving us from the nazi first and from the soviet later, and just for that I can forgive them for inventing fast food. Barely. It goes without saying that I will be equally accepting of similar behaviour in others


"I will mend disputes with dialogue, and not with conflict or legal suit. I will stay away from people with whom I cannot avoid conflict"


"I will not change my opinions to confrom to others, and I will not ask others to conform their opinions to mine. I will value cultural diversity in itself"


"when in a heated argument, I will always remember than no matter how dead sure I feel about my point, there's at least a 50% chance I'm the one in the wrong"


"I will never be afraid or ashamed to change my opinion, if proven wrong"



Oaths of reciprocity and consistency


"I will accept in others those flaws I accept in myself. I will condemn in myself those flaws I condemn in others"


"I will accept a bit more on others than I accept in myself; it is totally unreasonable to declare than my flaws are ok, but just a little bit over them is not acceptable anymore"


"I will tweak the rules for me and for my friends. And I will do so for my enemies too, otherwise it would be unfair"


"If I decide something to be just or injust, and then I am presented by something similar in a similar situation, I will either decide it equally just or unjust, or find a good and rational explanation for why the two situations are different" That's harder than it looks like. As an example, take the following list of actions: wearing swimsuit at the seaside, wearing swimsuit on a road, being naked at the seaside, being naked in public, kissing in public, having sex in public, swearing in public, cursing in public, belching in public, picking your nose in public, expressing strongly negative opinions on someone in public. All those do not really affect anyone but the people performing them; try to justify why some of them are ok and some are not. I thought a lot about it, and my best conclusion was "it's strictly a cultural thing, but trying to change it would create much more problems than just living with it, thus breaking the second oath of responsbile laziness"


"I will respect the laws even if I disagree with them, because I have my own moral code, and everyone else has his own moral code, and if everyone just followed his own morals instead of the laws, we may as well disband society and go back living in the savannah. have fun being chased by lions. Still, while respecting a law i disagree with, I will be very vocal about it (within the limits of the first two oaths of responsible lazyness)"


Well, that's the kind of person I would like to become. Now I wish I had a spren to keep track of my progress and tell me when I do something wrong (kaladin don't realize how lucky he is with syl)


spoilered for brevity. i really have a tendency to write walls of text. maybe i can use that to become a fantasy writer myself :)

Edited by king of nowhere
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Life before death; strength before weakness; journey before destination.

I will maintain the peace. 

I will help those in need.

I will break the peace when it is worth the cost.

I will punish those who are led by greed to break the peace.



I like the "I will help those in need." Obviously, everyone will come to me to complain and to beg. It forces the question: what counts as "in need"?

Do I pay off someone's gambling debts so they aren't picked up by slavers? What if they have a family that needs to be supported?

Do I help obtain medicine for someone's elderly relative? What if it was a child? 

How do I know when someone has come to me seeking the easy way out of their troubles?

How do I know when someone has come to me with prepared lies out of greed?

The world is never in black and white. Amaram was not pure, the voidbringers are not pure evil. Maybe Odium, I'd like to know his thoughts and motives.





A few others I like:

All things exist in a balance. If I fail to recognize that, I will lose more than I gain. When the balance tips too far, things start to fall off. When I try to push something off, that too will tip the balance too far, and it will have unintended consequences. If I try to remove ignorance or violence or hatred, I will lose more than I gain.  


"I will accept in others those flaws I accept in myself. I will condemn in myself those flaws I condemn in others"
[Love it. What I'd give to have a spren to remind me.]


I will not act without both compassion and understanding. Even if I have to kill someone, I should do it with compassion for others and an understanding of my actions. 


I am a stick. I am a stick. 

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So much for life before death, journey before destination


What if the short term pursuit to save lives costs more? What if peoples lives are miserable?

One could argue that it doesn't matter if people are miserable. That's a thing of Taravangian or Nin. Journey before destination--their lives do matter. Were I to have just the oath of "I will maintain the peace," I would quickly run into the problem of not fighting when I really, really should. The everstorm comes, the voidbringers start killing people--peace is not the option there. 


That's the extreme option. A similar one, Sadeas getting killed by Adolin. I would accept killing him. People will do all sorts of nasty things without being violent, and in some cases it's worth it to punch them. In some cases its worth it to start a war. 


I hate conflict, which is why I have the "I will maintain the peace" and "I will punish those who are led by greed to break the peace." Take punishment though. What form does punishment take? Trade restrictions, lectures? If I can accomplish something through fighting and no other way, something that's worth the destruction, I will fight. 


So yes. Life before death; journey before destination. Those very much remain guiding principles. 

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"I'll never acting cowardly or with cruelty"

"I'll never give up, never give in"


You know where I come from with this don't you :D :D.


"I will never interfere with the affairs of people or planets, unless there's a child crying."


"I will do what I must in the name of peace and sanity."

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