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The Sanderson Tutoring Institute

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What characrwr, from any Brandon Sanderson novel, novella, etc, would you want to tutor you in school? In what subject? Why?

For me I think I would want Elend to be my Philosophy tutor. Or maybe Literature. He seems like he'd be good at Literary Analysis.

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Navani teaching fabrials, or Sazed teaching pretty much anything, because he's just awesome.


And of course, Spook teaching languages :)


Breeze teaching a 'how to understand people' class.


Jasnah for science, history, or philosophy.


A lot of other characters I'd love to meet, but y'know, I don't get the impression Vin would be a good teacher.

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Either Jasnah for, well, almost anything, or Shallan for drawing. Jasnah, because I understand her value as a scholar and wouldn't want to pass on such a great opportunity. Shallan because I've always wanted to learn how to draw and she sounds both pleasant and capable. And, ahem, eligible. 

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As someone with some anger issues (read: full on rage monkey) I would need an instructor on how to channel said rage into making people feel like idiots instead of beating them until they stop twitching, so I'm going to say Hoid as my "Making stupid people look more stupid" tutor. Or Kaladin could be my "BAMF fighter/ brooding whiner" tutor. 

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Vasher as my Overall Science Teacher, and Sebariel for Social Studies and the Like. Prof for Mathematics, Ham for Combat, Omin for Religious Studies. Skip for Grammar and Spelling.

Of course! Sebarial for economics!

I see him becoming like Slughorn.

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Hoid would be my awesome substitute teacher who never sets work and let's us have free-time!

I feel like Hoid would sit up the front and confuse everyone with wordplay, secretly teaching the grand mysteries of the universe. Except when he gets Called Away on Cosmere Business. Maybe he'd be that one teacher that never shows up.

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It would be really cool to hang out with Joel, but he wouldn't be able to teach math that well. I know that, as a person who intuitively grasps a lot of math, it's really hard to explain how understand the concepts. 


Sazed, on the other hand, has the potential to remember the entire Encyclopedia Britannica and share so much information. Jasnah, while possessing a great scholar's mind, would be a little bit overbearing. 


Hoid… Um… I would take him as a chaperone on a field trip, but not as a tutor. 

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Let's sea. Kaladin as a gym teacher, Shia as the history teacher, Joel as the math teacher, Shallan as the art teacher, Sazed as the Phycology teacher, Hoid chull homeroom, Szeth and the physics teacher (the demonstrations would be fun). And with Keisler as the principle and Lift as a friend this is shaping up to be a pretty awesome school

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