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42? I never actually understood that. 

Umm probably God. I don't like to get into religion that much but God seems to be the answer to almost everything. And smiling that will solve alot of problems.

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Well correct me if I'm wrong but the fist 2 is a representation of 2 dominate genes of the dominate grey color. Now the second 2 is a ressesive white color. and then you get 4 genes but the dominate takes over so the child elephant has a gray skin.

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1 hour ago, Dreamer said:

A lot of guys seem to leave their mouths open, why? 

Because some of us are stupid so even little thing amaze us. There are more reasons like alot of the time we don't exect something.


37 minutes ago, AonEne said:

What color shirt are you wearing right now? 

How many pets do you have, if any? 


Unfortunatly I don't have any. I used to have frogs and fish but the fish ate all the frog food and then died of food posining and the frogs died of starvation.

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2 minutes ago, Retrac said:

Because some of us are stupid so even little thing amaze us. There are more reasons like alot of the time we don't exect something.

but smart ones do it too! There doesn't seem to be any situational reason for it, it's just their faces at rest, except with their mouths slightly open...

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1 hour ago, Retrac said:

Yeah ok.

So... I went ahead and asked. Half of them just shut their mouths, the other half said that keeping their jaws closed was weird and keeping their jaws relaxed but their lips closed was weirder... I dunno what to do with this information but now you know what I came to know


The dog says bow-wow, the cat says meow, the cow does not say moo, no matter what the nursery rhymes say. It sounds more like *raspy inhale* followed immediately by baaaaaa!, some languages write it as humba, it looks weird when written but I agree with this far more than moo; the goat says meh-meh (trilling and dragging out the 'h', they most definitely do not say "ba"), so what does the fox say? well they laugh like a One Piece character, it does not sound pretty. Now, what does the man say?

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2 hours ago, Dreamer said:

So... I went ahead and asked. Half of them just shut their mouths, the other half said that keeping their jaws closed was weird and keeping their jaws relaxed but their lips closed was weirder... I dunno what to do with this information but now you know what I came to know


The dog says bow-wow, the cat says meow, the cow does not say moo, no matter what the nursery rhymes say. It sounds more like *raspy inhale* followed immediately by baaaaaa!, some languages write it as humba, it looks weird when written but I agree with this far more than moo; the goat says meh-meh (trilling and dragging out the 'h', they most definitely do not say "ba"), so what does the fox say? well they laugh like a One Piece character, it does not sound pretty. Now, what does the man say?

"Uhhhhhhhh" thats what the man says.


2 hours ago, Kidpen said:

What is you? In the sense of, are you your body? Brain? Memories? Consistent consciousness? Soul? Something else?

Hmmm, Well personaly I think I'm a collection of everyone else.But to answer your questio: Your all of those, Your brain and memories is part of your consciousness in my opinion. Soul I don't really belive in one. I belive that you have one(I'm lds but I guess I have to say Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) but I don't belive that you are that, I think that your soul takes after you. You following? Your actions describe your soul. Your brain controls your body but I guess thats not only your mind. I say that we are something else. I could go into more depth but I dont have the time and its not 3 AM. 

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5 minutes ago, Retrac said:

Hmmm, Well personaly I think I'm a collection of everyone else.But to answer your questio: Your all of those, Your brain and memories is part of your consciousness in my opinion. Soul I don't really belive in one. I belive that you have one(I'm lds but I guess I have to say Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) but I don't belive that you are that, I think that your soul takes after you. You following? Your actions describe your soul. Your brain controls your body but I guess thats not only your mind. I say that we are something else. I could go into more depth but I dont have the time and its not 3 AM. 

Alright, I get most of what you're saying. For the record when I said consistent consciousness I didn't mean just consciousness, I meant in the sense of the Star Trek Problem. As in, when your consciousness stops, that's the same as death, and even if you come back that's another person. Does that make sleep death? Maybe.

So you think the particular combination of brain, memories, mind, and body is what makes a person themselves? Any of those changing would result in a totally (in the sense of a similar but distinguishable) different person.

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7 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

Alright, I get most of what you're saying. For the record when I said consistent consciousness I didn't mean just consciousness, I meant in the sense of the Star Trek Problem. As in, when your consciousness stops, that's the same as death, and even if you come back that's another person. Does that make sleep death? Maybe.

So you think the particular combination of brain, memories, mind, and body is what makes a person themselves? Any of those changing would result in a totally (in the sense of a similar but distinguishable) different person.

Yes for the first question. Idk for the second, I was going to say yes but I reread it and now dont know so... For example if I were to break like a bone. If it was a major bone I would change. My personality will change. I love to swim, take that away from me and I become someone else. More depressed and can get angy easy. Another example is psychological. If someone were to go through a dramatic experiance it will change them mentaly. Break ups will change someone. If your get abandond your mentality will change also.

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17 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

It's a reference to a book. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Along with this, take the a=1, b=2, c=3 etc. MATH = 13+1+20+8 = 14+28 = 42

That and the weird old typewriter thingy to type the asterisk. (Don't ask, I don't really know.)

Math is the answer to the universe.

Not to interrupt the theological conversation or anything. Carry on.

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