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When to read Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell

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It's been a very long time...I sorely miss the Cosmere. I've been kept busy, and I haven't even had time to read. In the past it's been my escape, and I seldom have a chance to even pick up a good book for a few moments anymore. I've had to pause my progress on Hero of Ages, and I really miss reading in general, but especially Sanderson. But that's all good and fine, I'm prioritizing, and I hope to find more time to read this summer.

So, partially because I want to remain active on the Shard, but also genuinely to ask a question I'm posting this.

Once I finally finish Hero of Ages, I'm planning to read Warbreaker before I continue on to Words of Radiance. I can figure out a decent order, however I'd like some advice on where to fit in Shadows for Silence--I know it's a short read, so maybe that'd be good for when I am still busy. I know Threnody is a less significant shardworld, so I was wondering if anyone had input on where to fit it in with my (slow) Cosmere reading.

Thanks for keeping the Shard alive, I'm looking forward to Binge Reading again when I get the chance:P and hopefully I can keep up with the Cosmere better next year, since I've actually only gotten to a couple books as of yet.

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To be perfectly honest, it doesn't have much of an effect (yet) on the rest of the cosmere, so it doesn't much matter. Feel free to read it whenever, but if you're going to read the novellas and assorted short stories, might as well get yourself a copy of Arcanum Unbounded and binge them all right after you finish Mistborn Era 2. Get a glut of quick stories to satisfy that rush of seeing a story come to completion without investing hours of time per story.

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5 hours ago, Invocation said:

... if you're going to read the novellas and assorted short stories, might as well get yourself a copy of Arcanum Unbounded and binge them all right after you finish Mistborn Era 2. Get a glut of quick stories to satisfy that rush of seeing a story come to completion without investing hours of time per story.

I added emphasis on "right after you finish Mistborn Era 2" - that is, after The Bands of Mourning.

I would also add "and after finishing Words of Radiance.

Wasing the hating of the spoilers! ;)

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I think we put way too much stock into what order you are supposed to read everything in.  Optimal orders always seem to have problems with them.  Just read the series in order up until published and then start another one when you have access.  Also don't read short stories about worlds with series on them unless you have read the series as well.  This stops all major spoilers and lets the reader do what is easiest for them based on what books they have available at there time/place.

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