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Introducing The Stormlight Archive to My Wife, or: A Hilarious Series of Names


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  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Good day, all. 

It's been a long, long time. Many a wind has blown between the beginning of this thread and the last post, and many a highstorm has passed between the last post and now. 

But soon, soon, my little cremlings, book 5 will be in our hands, and I can begin my (admittedly, scandalous, as per Vorinism) tradition of reading Wind and Truth to my wife. 

Yesterday's news, however, has put us in a bit of a bind. I offered to read the serialized weekly chapters on Reactor/Tor to her to get her reactions, and she was of two minds. 

"Ask the populace," Tay declared, in her pajamas and munching on a pickle. "Give them a poll and let them decide how and when they want to enjoy my wit."

"But Tay, it's been two years since the last post on the thread. It's been almost four since the last book came out. Do you think people will be as interested in what you have to say about this book?"

Tay gives me a flat stare. 

"Of course they do," she says through a slug of pickle juice. "Anticipation for my reactions is probably what's fueling all the pre-orders. Go on, ask them! I'll abide the will of the people." 

There you have it people. You've got your work cut out for you! What do you prefer? Reactions from the serialized chapters or reactions once the book is properly released?

Edited by Goatbringer
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Well, incidentally, the idea of getting the reactions to the serialized chapters sort of fits with an old idea that surfaced when RoW came out...

But, to be honest, the two might not fit that well. Back then, there were people who liked the idea of serializing the entire book. I personally suggested opening a reading group that'll keep reading the book in the same pace as the serialization even when it's published, but I'm not sure if it'll fit with what you and your wife plan...

I'm pro serialization, anyway.

Edited by Trutharchivist
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On 7/17/2024 at 6:23 AM, Goatbringer said:

and munching on a pickle. 

Good taste. 

On 7/17/2024 at 6:23 AM, Goatbringer said:

"But Tay, it's been two years since the last post on the thread. It's been almost four since the last book came out. Do you think people will be as interested in what you have to say about this book?"

Yes, of course :P

Welcome back! My first answer is whatever you guys prefer, because your enjoyment comes first. My second answer is that I'd love to hear her thoughts every week (or every few weeks if that's easier for you guys, etc.) as preview season goes along. 

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Honestly, I want to wait till SA5 is out and get Tay's thoughts on Warbreaker during the wait. I'm really curious to see her take on Lightsong/Blushweaver. 

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  • 1 month later...

Ladies and Gentlemen and Cremlings, the time is nigh.

The first 11 chapters (and prologue) of Wind and Truth have dropped on Reactor, and I’ve been dutifully reading them aloud to Tay as she gets her steps in via her new Apple watch. A fortuitous turning of events that allows her to continue to say she’s only vaguely interested in the books, but hey, she might as well listen to me reading them in the meantime. But we know she loves it.

So I’m going to keep these reactions under the guise of the spoiler banner because this thread is in the regular Stormlight group and I’m not exactly sure how to switch it over to the “spoilers allowed” board, but someone was able to do it for me last time during the RoW chapter drops so if someone could do that now, I’d be pretty grateful.

WITHOUT FURTHER ADO: here are her reactions thus far.



Before we started the book, I had to give some descriptions of what happened to our characters in the last book. She mostly remembered the following:

-            Dalinar killed Evi and she’s still mad about it (that was two books ago)

-            Taravangian became Odium

-            Pattern was somehow bad?

-            There was a trial

That was it. I have a way of explaining things in detail, so a lot of the early chapter readings came with a few of these interactions:

Tay: What happened to Rlain again?

Me: Well he-

Tay: In two sentences! That’s all you get!


Me: *describing Shallan and Adolin’s plot*

Tay: Oh yeah, don’t they go to some weird city? What was it called? High Infidelity?

Me: Lasting Integrity.

Tay: Oh. Yeah. High infidelity is a Taylor Swift lyric.


Me: Gavilar was-

Tay, interrupting: Gavilar’s alive?! Holy rust!

Me: The prologue is set seven years ago.

Tay: Oh. Carry on.


*during the prologue*

Me, reading Gavilar’s dialogue: “What would Evi say if she could see you like this?”



Tay: So, who is this guy that Gavilar was talking to? Balthazar?

Me: Balthazar? Who?

Tay: Uh, Athelas? The guy with the spike in his face.

Me: Thaidakar. You called Kabsal Athelas back in book one.

Tay: …

Me: Do you just have like three go-to names for people you can’t remember?

Tay: Just tell me who Balthazar is. You have two sentences.


Me: *mentions Ba Ado Mishram*

Tay: Ba Ado Mishram – wait – I know that name. She’s an… Unmade?

Me: Yes!

Tay: HELL YEAH! *does a vigorous fist pump, which scares our cat*


Tay: What is Vasher doing on Roshar?

Me: Right!? What is he waiting for?

Tay: He’s waiting for some of that sweet, sweet Rosharan Butt.


Me: *explaining how Kaladin said the Fourth Ideal in the last book*

Tay: So, basically, the Fourth Ideal is “I accept that I’m not emotionally [censored]-up?”

Me: Pretty much.




Tay, in a moment of understanding the implications of W&T’s prologue: Oh! So the Stormdaddy can lie? Does he even trust Dalinar!? I wouldn’t.


Not a quote, but Tay very much enjoyed Syl’s comedic stylings, finding the image of her growing a tentacle from her forehead and slapping Kaladin across the face maybe one of the funniest things in the series so far.


Me: *reading the bit about Kaladin learning the flute from Wit*

Tay: Hey, the flute is a wind instrument. That’s interesting.

Me: …

Tay: You didn’t catch that did you.

Me: I did not.


Me: *reading Wit’s angry rant about the Passions/religion in general*

Tay, snapping fingers like it’s a poetry slam: Preach, sister.


Me: “… that feeling of awe mixed with disbelief that this beautiful object had come from you”

Tay: I feel that way about my cats.


Me: “‘Brightness Radiant,’ Kelek said, hands clasped as he stared at the stone floor of the amphitheatre, ‘what do you fear?’”

Tay: Me meeting someone on a group trip for the first time.


Tay: Tayla attuned anxiety! [garbled turkey noises]


At this point, it became apparent that throughout the reading of this book, Tay will scream “SQUIRE” whenever the word ‘squire’ is used in the text. This is because we call one of our cats ‘squire’. This may or may not have come from my fanatical devotion to these books, but it is now a hallmark of our reading it.


Me: *reading in Kaladin’s POV, describing Dalinar’s eyes and muscular build*

Tay: Kaladin still wants Dalinar!

Me: That’s blasphemous.

Tay: You say all you want is for Kaladin to be happy, but he’s only going to be happy when he hooks up with his Stormdaddy.

Me: Please stop.


Me: “‘I’m never alone,’ Szeth said in his lightly accented voice. “Even without spren or sword, I’d have the voices.”

Tay: Szeth is university girlies at 2 AM drunk in a bar.

Me: What?

Tay: It’s ok. Not everyone is on my level.


Me: *describing Dalinar excusing Szeth for just following orders*

Tay: Oh! Wow! Look at that! Dalinar, a murderer, is excusing Szeth, another murderer?! Who could have seen that coming!?


Me: *explaining Shallan’s metaphor of using her razor sharp wit, then changing it to a bludgeon*

Tay: Man, Shallan was funny but then killed the joke. Boo.

She then began singing Taylor Swift loudly and dancing. I think the book lost her attention at this point.


Tay: Solemnity spren? I think your dad must be bonded to one of those!

*slaps knee*


Me: “There are hundreds of them. Out there, living these terrible half lives.”

Tay: It me.


Me: “The woman’s sigh could have rippled a battle standard,”

Tay: Oh I like that. That’s good writing.

Me: Ok.

Tay: You should note when I like the writing because I’m usually criticising your cult leader Brandon.

Me: Well –


“I don’t think Syl has a foreskin.” – Tay


Me: *Explaining how Shallan swore her next ideal*

Tay: I have a theory. Before her fourth ideal, the beads don’t like her. Now, they like her and want to obey her. They try and meet you before you meet them.

Me: I’m going to go ahead and guess that this is one of those “people aren’t on my level” things?

Tay: Yep.


Me: You know, Venli was actually mentioned in the official synopsis for the book.

Tay: AW?! Venli’s still alive!? Get ready for me to complain.


Me: “Glowing. Lithe. Ethereal.”

Tay: Like Cosmo*

* Cosmo is the name of our black cat.



Crem before cremlings.

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2 hours ago, Goatbringer said:

So I’m going to keep these reactions under the guise of the spoiler banner because this thread is in the regular Stormlight group and I’m not exactly sure how to switch it over to the “spoilers allowed” board, but someone was able to do it for me last time during the RoW chapter drops so if someone could do that now, I’d be pretty grateful.

I believe @AonEne could aid you in that, as a mod.

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