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22 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

I am of the opinion that the books are better.
But that's me.

I agree. The show's changed the plot a little too much for my liking. I like it because it looks cool. Hopefully they don't ruin it.

The whole "gotta save the woman" thing is a big change from the innocent boys wanting to find treasure and explore a haunted mansion. I don't hate it, but I feel that's changing the plot a bit too much. Idk, maybe I'm just being paranoid because of all the crap that is being put out nowadays.

Also. Yes. I would enjoy a dragon. But a dog will have to do for now. Maybe I'll get a lizard when I get older. :lol:. Close enough, right?

Edited by Gregorio
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I know I'm kind of derailing the current dragon conversation [Though I can butt in and say that my younger sister came up with a book idea in which people bonded with little "shoulder dragons" if you will] but I want to say something that pertains specifically to the people on this thread.


Yesterday, I had the opportunity to receive my Patriarchal Blessing.

It was incredible.

I...I can't even describe how inspiring, comforting, and eye-opening that was. I was able to feel, beyond any possible doubt, that there was a God who loves me more than I can imagine, knows be better than I know myself, and has a plan for my life beyond anything I can see right now. Some things in there made sense. They fit with who I was and how I interacted with others and the world. Others blindsided me. They proved that my idea for my future did not perfectly align with what God has in mind, which...I'm okay with. Or at least I should be.

That experience...it was a huge testimony builder. And now I'm eagerly awaiting the point where it's all transcribed and archived so that I can read it. 

So yeah. I thought it was worth sharing. I'll bet anyone else here who's received theirs can also bear testimony to how special they are. And for anyone who hasn't gotten theirs yet: Once you're ready, do it. It's oh so very much worth it, and will bring you light and joy.

I don't think I've ever been more excited for my future.

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I agree with this wholescuddingheartedly. Suddenly you have something divine and true, all for you. I won’t go into detail because Bookwyrm summed it up very well, but… there are those lines that make me cry whenever I read them, and absolutely shocked me when I first heard them—in the best way possible—and it was… oh my goodness it was just perfect.

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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

I know I'm kind of derailing the current dragon conversation [Though I can butt in and say that my younger sister came up with a book idea in which people bonded with little "shoulder dragons" if you will] but I want to say something that pertains specifically to the people on this thread.


Yesterday, I had the opportunity to receive my Patriarchal Blessing.

It was incredible.

I...I can't even describe how inspiring, comforting, and eye-opening that was. I was able to feel, beyond any possible doubt, that there was a God who loves me more than I can imagine, knows be better than I know myself, and has a plan for my life beyond anything I can see right now. Some things in there made sense. They fit with who I was and how I interacted with others and the world. Others blindsided me. They proved that my idea for my future did not perfectly align with what God has in mind, which...I'm okay with. Or at least I should be.

That experience...it was a huge testimony builder. And now I'm eagerly awaiting the point where it's all transcribed and archived so that I can read it. 

So yeah. I thought it was worth sharing. I'll bet anyone else here who's received theirs can also bear testimony to how special they are. And for anyone who hasn't gotten theirs yet: Once you're ready, do it. It's oh so very much worth it, and will bring you light and joy.

I don't think I've ever been more excited for my future.

They are incredible and words fail to describe them. I'm glad that you were able to get your patriarical blessing!

I know that my path shifted from what it was when I got mine. Since I've started to allow God to guide me more, I know that my path has changed more than I thought. I am on a completely different path than I thought I would be taking.

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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

I know I'm kind of derailing the current dragon conversation [Though I can butt in and say that my younger sister came up with a book idea in which people bonded with little "shoulder dragons" if you will] but I want to say something that pertains specifically to the people on this thread.


Yesterday, I had the opportunity to receive my Patriarchal Blessing.

It was incredible.

I...I can't even describe how inspiring, comforting, and eye-opening that was. I was able to feel, beyond any possible doubt, that there was a God who loves me more than I can imagine, knows be better than I know myself, and has a plan for my life beyond anything I can see right now. Some things in there made sense. They fit with who I was and how I interacted with others and the world. Others blindsided me. They proved that my idea for my future did not perfectly align with what God has in mind, which...I'm okay with. Or at least I should be.

That experience...it was a huge testimony builder. And now I'm eagerly awaiting the point where it's all transcribed and archived so that I can read it. 

So yeah. I thought it was worth sharing. I'll bet anyone else here who's received theirs can also bear testimony to how special they are. And for anyone who hasn't gotten theirs yet: Once you're ready, do it. It's oh so very much worth it, and will bring you light and joy.

I don't think I've ever been more excited for my future.

That's amazing! I've been meaning to get mine since fsy, but I keep putting it off. I think I should finally go for it!

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7 hours ago, Morningtide said:

That's amazing! I've been meaning to get mine since fsy, but I keep putting it off. I think I should finally go for it!


But in all seriousness, you very much should. It is worth it by far more than you can imagine, and you will be eternally grateful for what it has to say.

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9 hours ago, Morningtide said:

That's amazing! I've been meaning to get mine since fsy, but I keep putting it off. I think I should finally go for it!

Yes, meet with your bishop and then call the patriarch sooner...not on the last day before it expires, definetly don't do that.

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1 minute ago, CalanoCorvus said:

oh yeh i gotta get mine too...

preferabbly soon.

Most Patriarchs tend to have time on Sundays, if you already have the recomendation from your Bishop. And Patriarchs are very kind people, they have a very powerful spirit with them.

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I got mine within the last year and it was an amazing experience

6 minutes ago, Gregorio said:

Patriarchal blessings are awesome. I was able to get one from my grandpa (Who was a patriarch) a couple months before he died and it was a great experience. Definitely prepare spiritually before you go into it and stuff.

That's pretty cool that you were able to get yours from your Grandpa

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12 minutes ago, Ishikk said:

I'm a wee bit young so I'm not getting mine relatively soon but these posts make me look forward to it. :) 

Ya I was like fourteen. But you can get it whenever you feel like you should, obviously you don't need to feel pressured to do it (Unless God's telling you to.)

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