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1 minute ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Yeah! Some of the girls decided that there was a ghost that went to all the floors and pushed the buttons. And that was why they stopped on like every floor. I think they named him Bob or something like that. 


I remember late at night the elevators would just go up and down and up and down stopping on every floor

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It sounds like they were (for lack of a better/accurate term) Jewish elevators

5 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Something amazing always happens, as well as something chaotic and slightly scary.

In my first year as a YCL, three "cults" sort of happened, and one of them was my doing.

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23 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:


Something amazing always happens, as well as something chaotic and slightly scary.

okay storytime:

there was a cabin near ours that wasn't being used

and we were playing games at night

and so there was a dare to touch the cabin door

so someone walked up to it

and the door swung open without them touching it

i'm pretty sure it was the wind

but we still freaked out

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On 1/31/2023 at 4:54 PM, Kajsa :) said:

I remember my last night at my first girl's camp was INSANE.

I was super dehydrated and about to pass out, someone drank battery leakage, my friend started hyperventilating cuz she lost a super expensive flashlight and thought her parents would kill her for it (lol), and there were a ton of spiders and stuff in the tents, etc etc

Nobody slept before 1 lol

On 1/31/2023 at 6:03 PM, Kajsa :) said:


I remember late at night the elevators would just go up and down and up and down stopping on every floor

17 hours ago, echo74 said:

okay storytime:

there was a cabin near ours that wasn't being used

and we were playing games at night

and so there was a dare to touch the cabin door

so someone walked up to it

and the door swung open without them touching it

i'm pretty sure it was the wind

but we still freaked out


Not weird at all. 

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3 hours ago, AonDoor said:
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Not weird at all. 

It is weird but then there's also like the year before my first year there was a group of first years that were prompted to move their tent out from under a tree. That night a giant branch fell right where their tent had been. And there is the testimony meeting. 

Plus I've seen the young men do plenty of weird things at like youth conference. And at dances. And just in general.

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54 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

It is weird but then there's also like the year before my first year there was a group of first years that were prompted to move their tent out from under a tree. That night a giant branch fell right where their tent had been. And there is the testimony meeting. 

Several years ago, I was living in Pennsylvania.  It was winter, and I was on my way to work.  There was a highway interchange that kind of looks like there was a big, inconvenient rock wall right where they wanted to put the highway, so they just dug a hole through it and left big towering walls of stone to either side.  It had snowed the night before, but I wasn't worried, the snowplows had been out and the road was basically clean.

...right up until I got into the shadow of the rock wall, that is.  Where the sun hadn't been yet, I suddenly found myself sliding on a patch of black ice, completely unable to control the car.  It was very slowly turning, so I was gradually approaching a side-impact collision with a bunch of stone at over 40 MPH.  My car didn't have side airbags, so I kind of figured, "OK, this is it.  Hope I'm ready for the next life."

All of a sudden, just as I reached the edge of the road, I felt something impact the side of the car.  There was a distinct thump about a foot or two behind me, and suddenly I was pointed straight down the road and had traction again.  I wasn't sure what I had hit, but I wasn't about to stop the car and check, just in case whatever it was had damaged something and I might have had trouble getting it started again.  There was a repair shop close to work so I figured I'd take care of it there.

When I got to work, though, I got out of the car and looked it over, and there was no damage.  Anywhere.  At all.  And I know enough about physics to understand just how much sense that does not make.  The force required to redirect such a heavy piece of metal moving that quickly, in such a short amount of time, should have left some very serious marks behind!  Instead, something I could not see, but definitely did feel, saved my life and put me back exactly on track to where I needed to go.

I know there are angels watching over us.  I know this because I hit one with my car.

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1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Plus I've seen the young men do plenty of weird things at like youth conference. And at dances. And just in general.

As one of the young men, I agree that this is an accurate statement.

Last month, we were dragging someone to be sacrificed... But we had to stop since we couldn't interrupt the young women's activity.

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1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Plus I've seen the young men do plenty of weird things at like youth conference. And at dances. And just in general.

Yes we are incredibly stupid and dumb and disposable. Stupid. Very much stupid. Instead of making us feel bad about ourselves, someone should just put us out of our misery. There are various ways to do that. Not all are death.

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1 minute ago, That1Cellist said:

Yes we are incredibly stupid and dumb and disposable. Stupid. Very much stupid. Instead of making us feel bad about ourselves, someone should just put us out of our misery. There are various ways to do that. Not all are death.

i can vouch. we're all dumb

every stake dance, without fail, there is one young man who is always (and I mean always) thrown into the air by a mosh pit during that one dubstep song.

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Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

i can vouch. we're all dumb

every stake dance, without fail, there is one young man who is always (and I mean always) thrown into the air by a mosh pit during that one dubstep song.

I agree, but mostly I'm very, very tired of feeling or being labeled as stupid simply for being a teenage boy. I mean, I am an idiot, but it hurts a little bit more when other people just assume I'm dumb or somehow inferior simply because I'm a teenage boy.

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2 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

I agree, but mostly I'm very, very tired of feeling or being labeled as stupid simply for being a teenage boy. I mean, I am an idiot, but it hurts a little bit more when other people just assume I'm dumb or somehow inferior simply because I'm a teenage boy.


like, yeah okay, i do dumb stuff. a lot.

doesn't mean you can't trust me with things.

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1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Plus I've seen the young men do plenty of weird things at like youth conference. And at dances. And just in general.

Not sure if they're still there, but when I was in the MTC, in the dorms they had ironing boards bolted to the walls, rather than on legs like normal ironing boards.  Not sure why they were even there — who brings an iron, of all things, to the MTC?!? — but they were all over.

And one of the standard pieces of equipment they asked all of us to bring was a long trench coat for dealing with heavy, rainy weather.

Well, someone figured out that if you lie down on one of these ironing boards with your trench coat hanging just right, it covers up the board and it looks like you're in midair.  So everyone thought it would be really funny to do all sorts of The Matrix-style fighting poses based around this concept and take pictures of them.  Eventually it got to the point where MTC leadership told everyone to stop doing Matrix photos. :lol:

5 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

i can vouch. we're all dumb

every stake dance, without fail, there is one young man who is always (and I mean always) thrown into the air by a mosh pit during that one dubstep song.

Well, not sure about the youth but the stake dances are definitely getting dumber!  When I went to those, electronic music and moshing were both things that were simply not allowed in the first place.

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6 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

Yes we are incredibly stupid and dumb and disposable. Stupid. Very much stupid. Instead of making us feel bad about ourselves, someone should just put us out of our misery. There are various ways to do that. Not all are death.

....I beg to differ. I am insulted and affronted. These words to not apply to me. Nor you, nor really anyone else.

Prone to making stupid decisions sometimes? Yes. But not incredibly so, and never, ever, disposable.

25 minutes ago, Mason Wheeler said:

Several years ago, I was living in Pennsylvania.  It was winter, and I was on my way to work.  There was a highway interchange that kind of looks like there was a big, inconvenient rock wall right where they wanted to put the highway, so they just dug a hole through it and left big towering walls of stone to either side.  It had snowed the night before, but I wasn't worried, the snowplows had been out and the road was basically clean.

...right up until I got into the shadow of the rock wall, that is.  Where the sun hadn't been yet, I suddenly found myself sliding on a patch of black ice, completely unable to control the car.  It was very slowly turning, so I was gradually approaching a side-impact collision with a bunch of stone at over 40 MPH.  My car didn't have side airbags, so I kind of figured, "OK, this is it.  Hope I'm ready for the next life."

All of a sudden, just as I reached the edge of the road, I felt something impact the side of the car.  There was a distinct thump about a foot or two behind me, and suddenly I was pointed straight down the road and had traction again.  I wasn't sure what I had hit, but I wasn't about to stop the car and check, just in case whatever it was had damaged something and I might have had trouble getting it started again.  There was a repair shop close to work so I figured I'd take care of it there.

When I got to work, though, I got out of the car and looked it over, and there was no damage.  Anywhere.  At all.  And I know enough about physics to understand just how much sense that does not make.  The force required to redirect such a heavy piece of metal moving that quickly, in such a short amount of time, should have left some very serious marks behind!  Instead, something I could not see, but definitely did feel, saved my life and put me back exactly on track to where I needed to go.

I know there are angels watching over us.  I know this because I hit one with my car.

That's a powerful experience. I've heard similar stories myself from family and friends, but it's always good to have a reminder that there's always something more, someone watching.

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7 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:


like, yeah okay, i do dumb stuff. a lot.

doesn't mean you can't trust me with things.

I wouldn't say I do typical stupid teenager things, but I am very dumb.

And I hate when I feel as if I'm inferior to other people for things that are out of my control.

I have problems too, okay? Maybe I want to cry. You hear me, world?

I want to be seen as capable and rational, not some hormonal fool who's always doing stupid things while the girls are intelligent and "mature".

4 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

....I beg to differ. I am insulted and affronted. These words to not apply to me. Nor you, nor really anyone else.

Prone to making stupid decisions sometimes? Yes. But not incredibly so, and never, ever, disposable.

We are. We are. We are. Okay, maybe not you, but I am. I am very, very disposable.

I'm tired of everyone just assuming I'm prone to making stupid decisions because I'm a being a teenage boy. I am, probably, but I hate it I hate it I hate it.

Edited by That1Cellist
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7 minutes ago, Mason Wheeler said:

Not sure if they're still there, but when I was in the MTC, in the dorms they had ironing boards bolted to the walls, rather than on legs like normal ironing boards.  Not sure why they were even there — who brings an iron, of all things, to the MTC?!? — but they were all over.

And one of the standard pieces of equipment they asked all of us to bring was a long trench coat for dealing with heavy, rainy weather.

Well, someone figured out that if you lie down on one of these ironing boards with your trench coat hanging just right, it covers up the board and it looks like you're in midair.  So everyone thought it would be really funny to do all sorts of The Matrix-style fighting poses based around this concept and take pictures of them.  Eventually it got to the point where MTC leadership told everyone to stop doing Matrix photos. :lol:

Well, not sure about the youth but the stake dances are definitely getting dumber!  When I went to those, electronic music and moshing were both things that were simply not allowed in the first place.

I think you mean the dances are getting better.

The one I went to played Burn The House Down by AJR. it went hard.

edit: @That1Cellist yes. i feel that. absolutely.

Edited by CalanoCorvus
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3 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

I wouldn't say I do typical stupid teenager things, but I am very dumb.

And I hate when I feel as if I'm inferior to other people for things that are out of my control.

I have problems too, okay? Maybe I want to cry. You hear me, world?

I want to be seen as capable and rational, not some hormonal fool who's always doing stupid things while the girls are intelligent and "mature".

We are. We are. We are. Okay, maybe not you, but I am. I am very, very disposable.

I'm tired of everyone just assuming I'm prone to making stupid decisions because I'm a being a teenage boy. I am, probably, but I hate it I hate it I hate it.

See the things is I honestly feel it might be the other way around. Girls are the ones making dumb decision just different kinds. Worse.

Most guys are capable and rational. We just have a tendency to focus on the bad rather than the good.

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16 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

I wouldn't say I do typical stupid teenager things, but I am very dumb.

And I hate when I feel as if I'm inferior to other people for things that are out of my control.

I have problems too, okay? Maybe I want to cry. You hear me, world?

I want to be seen as capable and rational, not some hormonal fool who's always doing stupid things while the girls are intelligent and "mature".

Yes.  Unfortunately you're in a world where, as a young man, the deck is stacked against you.  In schools today, girls are treated as ideal and boys as a type of defective girls.  That's not your fault, but unfortunately it is your problem to deal with.  Just hang in there and know that it does get better once you get free.  Hold to the rod; that's what it's there for.  The world keeps changing all around you, but we have a safe, strong, immovable anchor in the Gospel.  Hang on tight to it and you'll find security amidst all the turmoil.

Remember John 16:33.  "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."


We are. We are. We are. Okay, maybe not you, but I am. I am very, very disposable.

I'm tired of everyone just assuming I'm prone to making stupid decisions because I'm a being a teenage boy. I am, probably, but I hate it I hate it I hate it.

No, you're not disposable.  That's a lie that you've been told, and it originates with our adversary.  You are a child of God, a son of the King of all creation, and princes are not disposable!

Keep your head down, hold tight to your testimony, and you'll come out all the stronger for it.

Edited by Mason Wheeler
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I don't know about all that girl and boy being dumb in different ways, but I had kind of a cool experience with my grandpa a couple years ago. My grandpa was a super nice guy. He was different when he was younger, but he changed and his family came to love him. I didn't really spent hours of quality time with him because my family moved like 2 1/2 hours away and whenever we went down for dinner or something I wanted to hang out with cousins. I still loved him but didn't know him very well. I was able to get my patriarchal blessing from him (As he was a patriarch)

I also was able to go to a Priesthood General Conference Session with him. It was a Easter Saturday, so I was at my other grandma's (not this grandpa's wife) house and was wanting to do stuff with my cousins, who I also didn't see much.

Grandpa texted and asked if I wanted to go to the session, and I didn't really want to. My mom asked me how often I'd get to go to a General Conference Session with my grandpa. We went to JCW's after and had hamburgers, which I never had done with my grandpa before (go eat out with him that is). I don't really remember anything he said, but I do remember being happier that I'd went. This all happened within 8 months or so before he passed away from internal bleeding in his head. He was kept on life support, until his family realized he wouldn't be living for long.

God allowed me to have time with my grandpa. I know it may not seem too significant. Maybe it could all be coincidence. As a wise tortoise once said, "There are no accidents."

Edited by Gregorio
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I don't want to quote everyone, but I think that everything said is in some way true, but not completely. Everyone makes dumb decisions sometimes, but I don't think it's a gender-based thing and I don't really like that the world says it has to be. 

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Just now, Morningtide said:

I don't want to quote everyone, but I think that everything said is in some way true, but not completely. Everyone makes dumb decisions sometimes, but I don't think it's a gender-based thing and I don't really like that the world says it has to be. 

Right. We all do dumb things in different ways. Just cause of science and how literally everyone is different.

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46 minutes ago, Mason Wheeler said:

Yes.  Unfortunately you're in a world where, as a young man, the deck is stacked against you.  In schools today, girls are treated as ideal and boys as a type of defective girls.  That's not your fault, but unfortunately it is your problem to deal with.  Just hang in there and know that it does get better once you get free.  Hold to the rod; that's what it's there for.  The world keeps changing all around you, but we have a safe, strong, immovable anchor in the Gospel.  Hang on tight to it and you'll find security amidst all the turmoil.

Remember John 16:33.  "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

No, you're not disposable.  That's a lie that you've been told, and it originates with our adversary.  You are a child of God, a son of the King of all creation, and princes are not disposable!

Keep your head down, hold tight to your testimony, and you'll come out all the stronger for it.

Yes, I do so hate feeling defective somehow. I feel disposable. . Goodness, sometimes I wish I was still homeschooled, because I really don't want to be treated as undesirable or somehow inferior. I mean, I think I am, but I would really rather people not base that off of me just being a teenage boy.

57 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

See the things is I honestly feel it might be the other way around. Girls are the ones making dumb decision just different kinds. Worse.

Most guys are capable and rational. We just have a tendency to focus on the bad rather than the good.

True. True. And I think we understand that. The thing that bothers me is when people brush off some boy's behavior by saying, "He's just a teenage boy" or something similar. Plus, girls are smart enough to not be obvious about their bad decision making a good chunk of the time if they do make dumb decisions, so people don't really see that. 

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14 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

Yes, I do so hate feeling defective somehow. I feel disposable. . Goodness, sometimes I wish I was still homeschooled, because I really don't want to be treated as undesirable or somehow inferior. I mean, I think I am, but I would really rather people not base that off of me just being a teenage boy.

The best advice I can give here is, when you're faced with a potentially significant situation, slow down. (Note: this is also a good idea when driving!)  Remember how many times in the Scriptures we're told to be at peace, to be still, and to ponder things.  When something loud and urgent is thrown at you, the natural impulse is to try to react quickly, and just as Mosiah 3:19 would suggest, doing so is where a lot of the worst screwups originate.  Slow down, think things over, and you'll get it right a lot more often.

It may not make people think you're smart, (often, people base that more on the ability to think quickly rather than the ability to get things right,) but it will make people think you're wise, which is even better in the long run.

Edited by Mason Wheeler
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