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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Well I think he meant it was like not that day but instead a future week maybe?

Can you provide further clarity on when it actually is? @Bondsmith-Edgedancer

Yes, that is correct it's not for a few weeks. Sorry for the confusion!

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12 hours ago, Bondsmith-Edgedancer said:

I'm giving a talk in church in a little bit, and I was wondering if y'all would be willing to help me out. My draft of my talk is pretty rough, so if anybody would like to help my out PM me and I'll send it to you. I know y'all are busy, but any help is appreciated!

I'm willing to help! Not sure it'll be very much, but I'll do my best lol

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@Thaidakar the Ghostblood "If the situation is not changing, then God is using the situation to change you" is an interesting idea, and is probably true some of the time, but that's definitely not a general principle.  Keep in mind the Parable of the Unjust Judge (Luke 18:1–8) where Jesus explains that righteous desires will be fulfilled eventually, even if it does take a while, and you have to keep praying and have faith that the Lord will act in his own due time.

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14 minutes ago, Mason Wheeler said:

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood "If the situation is not changing, then God is using the situation to change you" is an interesting idea, and is probably true some of the time, but that's definitely not a general principle.  Keep in mind the Parable of the Unjust Judge (Luke 18:1–8) where Jesus explains that righteous desires will be fulfilled eventually, even if it does take a while, and you have to keep praying and have faith that the Lord will act in his own due time.

True, it is a generally evangelical idea (or, that's what I think it is. Idk, I don't know too much about other parts of christianity),  but the idea is a good one, I think. It applies mostly to trials, how they're used to shape us like gold and silver in the refining fire “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify … and refine them like gold and silver.” - Malachi 3:3. 

Then again, both things, the idea of trials shaping us like a refining fire, and the one of righteous desires being fulfilled eventually are true. If God needs us in the place we are and our desires can't be fulfilled yet, then it won't be fulfilled as you and the scripture said. 

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I heard an interesting talk at church a few weeks back.  The speaker had recently moved here (Utah) and told about something that had happened to his previous Stake President.

The Stake President was in Utah on a business trip one time, and decided to check out the skiing for which the area is known.  While he was on the ski lift, the man beside him started talking with him, and before long asked if he knew anything about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

"Yes," he said, "I'm actually a Stake President in the church."

"Do you live around here?"

"No, I'm here on business."

"What do you do?"

"I'm a sales manager at a [whatever] firm.  What about you?"

"Oh, I work for the church."

"Yeah?  What do you do?"

*grinning* "I'm Elder Bednar."

I heard that and just had to wonder.  Would I recognize one of the Apostles if I happened to meet them in a completely different context, where they weren't wearing a suit and I wasn't expecting to see one?

Edited by Mason Wheeler
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  • 2 weeks later...

Promptings are funny things, aren't they?

Today has been... very interesting. Very spiritual, I chatted with my old bishop for like an hour about different scriptural things. But like... for various things I can't say, today has been one heck of a ride.

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Ok so update. I have now received my patriarchal blessing and it was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life! When you feel ready, absolutely go ahead and do it! It's a wonderful experience that everyone should have

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6 hours ago, Morningtide said:

Ok so update. I have now received my patriarchal blessing and it was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life! When you feel ready, absolutely go ahead and do it! It's a wonderful experience that everyone should have

I'm so glad you got the opportunity to get yours!

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Just wanted to say, I go taught a very specific lesson this week by God.

It's not too late. It's never too late. 

It's not too late to bear your testimony, even if everyone else has already spoken. It's not too late to feel the spirit or experience repentance. It's not too late to repair broken barriers, and it's not too late to start again.

It's never too late. Try one more time. Hope one more time. You still have a chance to change your life, and you still have a chance to change the world. You can start again. Because of Him. You're not too far gone.

It's not too late.

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I went to FSY a few weeks ago and my life is changed. So, first, the amount of tender mercies to get my company together were insane. Only about half of us were planning on going that week to the place that we went. I wasn't one of them. I learned sooooooooo much about myself and the gospel. My friend also got a mission call and when he was reading it, this line stuck out to me as it is something I've been considering a lot (paraphrased), "You will invite others to come to Christ." It's not about getting people to come to Christ, though that is important, it's about inviting them there. If you invited, you succeeded. Also, I now have my strongest yet personal proof that God is real and he cares. It was a good week :) 

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