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Me the other half of the time: and I want to be a part of the stake youth council and I want to be a part of the ward youth council...

Basically, I convinced my bishop mostly unintentionally that I should be on another stake youth council...

Life's great

Also, a quarter of the year is three months, not four-

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22 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Me the other half of the time: and I want to be a part of the stake youth council and I want to be a part of the ward youth council...

Basically, I convinced my bishop mostly unintentionally that I should be on another stake youth council...

Life's great

Also, a quarter of the year is three months, not four-

Bro I totally feel that.

I also don't really want to be in a leadership position, but I'm one of the few responsible yw in my ward so they kind of lean on me for stuff . . .

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27 minutes ago, Justice_Magician said:

Bro I totally feel that.

I also don't really want to be in a leadership position, but I'm one of the few responsible yw in my ward so they kind of lean on me for stuff . . .

It's funny. I'm not the type of person to really like talk to a lot of people usually (sometimes I am and I'm working on it, but usually), but I can generally know what the group might need or want, though when it comes to more complex stuff I don't got a clue usually (such as when people are in love with other people or how they might want to approach issues such as politics when the members of the group have a wide variety of opinions). Luckily, when it comes to church things, I don't have to deal with stuff like that as much, just fun things like activities.

We had an avid discussion last sunday about what quarterly meant... it was hilarious.

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Yeah, from my ward I am the YM rep for Stake Youth Council, Temple and Family History Committee, and the Missionary Coordinating Committee, even though I'm supposed to be on only one. My bishop won't take no for an answer though. And I'm the rep from my quorum for Ward Youth Council as well, and have to conduct every other WYC meeting with an agenda I have to create. None of the other YM want to sit in meetings though, so I can't pass the job on.

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3 hours ago, Lego Mistborn said:

Yeah, from my ward I am the YM rep for Stake Youth Council, Temple and Family History Committee, and the Missionary Coordinating Committee, even though I'm supposed to be on only one. My bishop won't take no for an answer though. And I'm the rep from my quorum for Ward Youth Council as well, and have to conduct every other WYC meeting with an agenda I have to create. None of the other YM want to sit in meetings though, so I can't pass the job on.


That's insane.

I was on the presidency, stake youth council and temple and family history committee, I was supposed to be on the ward youth council too, but like... I never got around to that.

That just sounds so rough, especially having to create the agenda.

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Just wanted to share here.

I've been so overwhelmed lately. My calling has been a lot for the past few months, and I have to teach a lesson next week. And there's some revelation I've gotten which I'm really struggling to follow. And our church just moved to a new building, the building we've been in for years that was within walking distance of my house. The new building is not.

I wasn't questioning my faith exactly, just feeling exhausted. I felt like I shouldn't have been complaining, because other people had it worse. 

But something interesting happened the first sunday at the new church building. I'd constantly been told that we shouldn't be complaining about the switch in church buildings because some people had to drive hours to church buildings, and compared to them we had it easy. Surprisingly though when my stake president stood to speak his tone was completely different. Instead of telling us we had nothing to complain about, he just said "Thank you for your sacrifice, brothers and sisters." And somehow I think that's exactly what Jesus would have said. If there was anyone we would be justified in saying "you have nothing to complain about, compared to my sacrifice yours is nothing"  it would be Jesus. It feels so selfish to even think of my calling, and my lesson, and my drive to church as a sacrifice. Because he did so much more. But I think Jesus doesn't care, he only sees us giving something.

In the car today my mother suddenly turned to me and told me the Stake President's words had stuck out to her too. And she said "I felt like that's something you need to hear too. Even the sacrifices nobody knows you're making matter." They were exactly the words I needed. Just to know God was grateful for how hard I'm trying, so grateful he prompted my mom to tell me to make sure I understood.

I felt like there are people on here who need to hear those words too. So I'll tell you the exact same thing. Jesus knows how hard you try to be good. He knows the sacrifice it is to do the little things every day, whether that be church, seminary, scripture study, prayer, or anything else. He loves that sacrifice. So thank you, brothers and sisters, for your sacrifice. Whatever it may be. I don't know, but God does. And if he were here he would tell you the exact same thing. 

Thank you for your sacrifice.

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On 10/18/2023 at 0:08 AM, The Isochronism said:

Just wanted to share here.

I've been so overwhelmed lately. My calling has been a lot for the past few months, and I have to teach a lesson next week. And there's some revelation I've gotten which I'm really struggling to follow. And our church just moved to a new building, the building we've been in for years that was within walking distance of my house. The new building is not.

I wasn't questioning my faith exactly, just feeling exhausted. I felt like I shouldn't have been complaining, because other people had it worse. 

But something interesting happened the first sunday at the new church building. I'd constantly been told that we shouldn't be complaining about the switch in church buildings because some people had to drive hours to church buildings, and compared to them we had it easy. Surprisingly though when my stake president stood to speak his tone was completely different. Instead of telling us we had nothing to complain about, he just said "Thank you for your sacrifice, brothers and sisters." And somehow I think that's exactly what Jesus would have said. If there was anyone we would be justified in saying "you have nothing to complain about, compared to my sacrifice yours is nothing"  it would be Jesus. It feels so selfish to even think of my calling, and my lesson, and my drive to church as a sacrifice. Because he did so much more. But I think Jesus doesn't care, he only sees us giving something.

In the car today my mother suddenly turned to me and told me the Stake President's words had stuck out to her too. And she said "I felt like that's something you need to hear too. Even the sacrifices nobody knows you're making matter." They were exactly the words I needed. Just to know God was grateful for how hard I'm trying, so grateful he prompted my mom to tell me to make sure I understood.

I felt like there are people on here who need to hear those words too. So I'll tell you the exact same thing. Jesus knows how hard you try to be good. He knows the sacrifice it is to do the little things every day, whether that be church, seminary, scripture study, prayer, or anything else. He loves that sacrifice. So thank you, brothers and sisters, for your sacrifice. Whatever it may be. I don't know, but God does. And if he were here he would tell you the exact same thing. 

Thank you for your sacrifice.

Dang it, now I’m gonna cry. That’s so awesome, thank you for sharing!

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When you're feeling absolutely horrible and don't know why, then you pray to know why and the spirit's like: "Hey, remember that person who absolutely deserved what you said to them, but you still feel guilty about because you may have mishandled the situation, x, y and z?"


Looks like I have to say sorry to someone if I can find them today or tomorrow... Ah well.

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12 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Update to "I don't want to lead"

I got called into a quorum yesterday-


Do…do you mean a presidency?

I don’t want to lead either. But someone has to start, has to take the first step. And I got my patriarchal blessing, which was like “yeah you know that life you have planned? Lol nope” Which I’m grateful for now, but it’s taken some effort. I believe in you Mr. Shardsock!!

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3 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Do…do you mean a presidency?

I don’t want to lead either. But someone has to start, has to take the first step. And I got my patriarchal blessing, which was like “yeah you know that life you have planned? Lol nope” Which I’m grateful for now, but it’s taken some effort. I believe in you Mr. Shardsock!!



I should go to bed... my words have become odd.

Hopefully I'll be able to do a better job than in the last two presidencies I've been in...

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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:



I should go to bed... my words have become odd.

Hopefully I'll be able to do a better job than in the last two presidencies I've been in...

We should all go to bed…

Hopefully. My ward is so small that we have more people in the presidency than not. (Oh, the irony, because yes I live in Utah)

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20 minutes ago, The Honorable One said:

My ward is so small that everyone in my quorum is in the presidency.

I think that’s how it is for our guys. We have a few more girls, though, so there’s like 2 of us who aren’t in it. (It’s funny, because sometimes the 4 kids in my family, who are all between 11 and 18, are the only ones who come to the activities…)

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7 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

I think that’s how it is for our guys. We have a few more girls, though, so there’s like 2 of us who aren’t in it. (It’s funny, because sometimes the 4 kids in my family, who are all between 11 and 18, are the only ones who come to the activities…)

That happens to me too.

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Ryan Reynold's wife's sister is a member of the church. That sister was in Dwight in Shining Armor, that one byu tv show.

That sister is also married to coach what's his face from high school musical and he's also in the church.

How did I not know this-

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Oh, I forgot about that, mainly because I'm not considered a youth anymore. Lol. I do want to share my testimony of Jesus Christ though, and just God and faith overall. Life is a lot harder when you don't put meaning to it. God gives my life meaning and sort of a drive behind everything I do. I love serving others (most of the time when I'm not grumpy) and I appreciate what God has done for me.

In like a month and a half I'm leaving on a mission, which is super exciting but kinda scary, so I probably won't be posting many more comments on the shards for 2-ish years, but I've loved hanging out. 

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