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I was wondering if I could get some friend advice from the perspective of others in the church, if that's alright. Be warned it's super uper long, I have a hard time expressing my thoughts briefly.

The spiel: 


Basically, a lot of my friends say and do things that make me kind of uncomfortable. They have different beliefs than I do, and none of them are members of the church (that I know of).

And it's not that they have different beliefs that bothers me, I'm completely fine with that and I love learning about other people. The fact that they aren't members of the church on its own isn't what makes me uncomfy, I want to make that clear.  That part isn't what's concerning.

Mostly what bothers me is what they talk about. First of all, they swear, a lot. Every sentence. They also tend to talk about things that are . . . ahem . . . very spicy. These things make me pretty uncomfortable and I wish they wouldn't do it. I do try to lay down boundaries and ask them not to speak that way, but they generally brush those requests aside with, "You're so innocent JM, grow up a little." That being said I am quite the pushover, so maybe I should be pushing harder? Please don't think badly of them, they are all very kind and caring, they can just be pretty insensitive sometimes. 

Speaking of which, the last thing they do that concerns me that I haven't mentioned yet is how they talk about the church. They aren't rude about it, but they are very insensitive. They make crude jokes about things I hold sacred. They also refer to the church in a negative light. But they aren't super extreme about it, they don't do it all the time.

That being said, I want to be clear that they aren't targeting me. Several of them probably don't even know I'm a member of the church, even though I would absolutely tell them about it if they asked. One time one girl said something that was pretty rude about the church, and I explained how that hurt me and she apologized profusely. It's not that they're trying to be or be mean to me specifically, that's just how they act.

As for talking to them about this problem, I have sometimes spoken up(like the example above), but most of the time it's just a quick passing comment, or in a conversation I'm not part of. So I'm usually not quick enough to say something, or I don't really feel comfortable saying something. (Like I said, I'm a massive pushover/ people pleaser, so this is my own fault really).

I feel the need to explain how I got into this friend group, because it's kind of awkward, and provides context. It started with my best friend I've hung out with for years, lets call her Mary. For your info, Mary is a perfect angel who has never done anything to make me uncomfortable, she isn't at fault here at all. 

Basically (ik I use that word a lot) when I started highschool, I decided to join the Art Club because I was interested, but also because Mary really wanted to go. Mary and I both love drawing so we settled into a routine of going together for every meeting etc. And I really enjoy the opportunity to spend time with her. Freshmen year was super fun, but the clubs presidency were all seniors and they were going to leave at the end of that year. The only members of the club who would carry over the next year were me, Mary, and a few other people in my grade who I was sorta friends with. So it was up to us to elect a new presidency, and because there were so few of us we all ended up in it. I'm the vice president currently (even though I really, really didn't want to be in the presidency). 

So this 'friend group' I'm having trouble with is basically the club and the new members it got after freshmen year. I have to hang out with them sometimes because I'm obligated to be there as 'the responsible person in charge.' Not only that, but I don't think the comments really bother Mary, and she loves going to this club. I feel like I'm always turning down other opportunities to hang out with her due to me having an incredibly small social battery. So if I wasn't obligated to attend the club I would still feel bad for leaving. 

Then, you know how it is, I know these people from the club so when we have classes or lunch together they want to hang out then too. I sit next to several in many of my classes, and they want to be friends cause I'm friendly, and they're friendly and that's better than strangers right?

I want to reiterate that these people are fundamentally really nice, and I sometimes genuinely enjoy hanging out with them. And maybe I should try harder to lay down boundaries, but the fact that they won't listen to me is discouraging. Sometimes I find myself really wishing I could hang out with others who are more respectful, and it makes me feel guilty because they are good people.

I was reading in For The Strength of The Youth and it says:


As you make choices about what to watch, read, listen to, or participate in, think about how it makes you feel. Does it invite good thoughts? Stay away from anything that mocks sacred things or that is immoral. Don’t participate in anything that dulls your judgment or sensitivity to the Spirit, such as violence, alcohol, and harmful drugs. Have the courage to turn off a video or game, walk out of a movie or a dance, change your music, or turn away from anything that is not consistent with the Spirit.

I know this statement is aimed toward substances and media, I find myself wondering if I should apply it to my friends. What they say doesn't invite good thoughts and when I leave a conversation with them I find myself feeling . . . I don't know just really not peaceful? Is there a word for that? 

Should I walk away? or would that be rude/mean? 

I honestly have no idea what to do.

Sorry to make you read that big long thing, but at this point, I really need some advice.

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6 minutes ago, Justice_Magician said:

And maybe I should try harder to lay down boundaries, but the fact that they won't listen to me is discouraging.



yes, i got that from undertale.


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3 minutes ago, Just_a_Fan said:


Your probably right, I should just fight the people pleaser in me and risk being annoying. I have a hard time with it because --anxiety-- but there's no harm in trying harder right?

Thanks for the advice ^_^

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#1 Don't let them influence you. It sounds like you've got this covered, so I won't elaborate.

#2 Don't be rude to them. There's a difference between being rude and asking them to respect boundaries. Make it clear that your problem is with the way they speak and not them.

#3 Feel free to leave the conversation when they start swearing. Just pull out a book or pop in some earbuds and say, "I don't like they way this convo is going, so I'm going to just read. Feel free to get my attention if the topic/language used changes".

#4 You can let them know you're a member without them asking. You can tell them outright or just do little things like using obvious symbols of the church to "accessorize" (ie. SLC Temple sticker on your laptop, BoM + FSY in your locker).

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8 minutes ago, Lego Mistborn said:

#1 Don't let them influence you. It sounds like you've got this covered, so I won't elaborate.

#2 Don't be rude to them. There's a difference between being rude and asking them to respect boundaries. Make it clear that your problem is with the way they speak and not them.

#3 Feel free to leave the conversation when they start swearing. Just pull out a book or pop in some earbuds and say, "I don't like they way this convo is going, so I'm going to just read. Feel free to get my attention if the topic/language used changes".

#4 You can let them know you're a member without them asking. You can tell them outright or just do little things like using obvious symbols of the church to "accessorize" (ie. SLC Temple sticker on your laptop, BoM + FSY in your locker).

Thanks! I really appreciate this

For #2 that was my main concern, coming off as rude, which is why I've had a hard time talking to them about it it in the past. I think that I will try to speak up more, but I'll do my best to be respectful. 

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46 minutes ago, Justice_Magician said:

I was wondering if I could get some friend advice from the perspective of others in the church, if that's alright. Be warned it's super uper long, I have a hard time expressing my thoughts briefly.

The spiel: 

  Reveal hidden contents

Basically, a lot of my friends say and do things that make me kind of uncomfortable. They have different beliefs than I do, and none of them are members of the church (that I know of).

And it's not that they have different beliefs that bothers me, I'm completely fine with that and I love learning about other people. The fact that they aren't members of the church on its own isn't what makes me uncomfy, I want to make that clear.  That part isn't what's concerning.

Mostly what bothers me is what they talk about. First of all, they swear, a lot. Every sentence. They also tend to talk about things that are . . . ahem . . . very spicy. These things make me pretty uncomfortable and I wish they wouldn't do it. I do try to lay down boundaries and ask them not to speak that way, but they generally brush those requests aside with, "You're so innocent JM, grow up a little." That being said I am quite the pushover, so maybe I should be pushing harder? Please don't think badly of them, they are all very kind and caring, they can just be pretty insensitive sometimes. 

Speaking of which, the last thing they do that concerns me that I haven't mentioned yet is how they talk about the church. They aren't rude about it, but they are very insensitive. They make crude jokes about things I hold sacred. They also refer to the church in a negative light. But they aren't super extreme about it, they don't do it all the time.

That being said, I want to be clear that they aren't targeting me. Several of them probably don't even know I'm a member of the church, even though I would absolutely tell them about it if they asked. One time one girl said something that was pretty rude about the church, and I explained how that hurt me and she apologized profusely. It's not that they're trying to be or be mean to me specifically, that's just how they act.

As for talking to them about this problem, I have sometimes spoken up(like the example above), but most of the time it's just a quick passing comment, or in a conversation I'm not part of. So I'm usually not quick enough to say something, or I don't really feel comfortable saying something. (Like I said, I'm a massive pushover/ people pleaser, so this is my own fault really).

I feel the need to explain how I got into this friend group, because it's kind of awkward, and provides context. It started with my best friend I've hung out with for years, lets call her Mary. For your info, Mary is a perfect angel who has never done anything to make me uncomfortable, she isn't at fault here at all. 

Basically (ik I use that word a lot) when I started highschool, I decided to join the Art Club because I was interested, but also because Mary really wanted to go. Mary and I both love drawing so we settled into a routine of going together for every meeting etc. And I really enjoy the opportunity to spend time with her. Freshmen year was super fun, but the clubs presidency were all seniors and they were going to leave at the end of that year. The only members of the club who would carry over the next year were me, Mary, and a few other people in my grade who I was sorta friends with. So it was up to us to elect a new presidency, and because there were so few of us we all ended up in it. I'm the vice president currently (even though I really, really didn't want to be in the presidency). 

So this 'friend group' I'm having trouble with is basically the club and the new members it got after freshmen year. I have to hang out with them sometimes because I'm obligated to be there as 'the responsible person in charge.' Not only that, but I don't think the comments really bother Mary, and she loves going to this club. I feel like I'm always turning down other opportunities to hang out with her due to me having an incredibly small social battery. So if I wasn't obligated to attend the club I would still feel bad for leaving. 

Then, you know how it is, I know these people from the club so when we have classes or lunch together they want to hang out then too. I sit next to several in many of my classes, and they want to be friends cause I'm friendly, and they're friendly and that's better than strangers right?

I want to reiterate that these people are fundamentally really nice, and I sometimes genuinely enjoy hanging out with them. And maybe I should try harder to lay down boundaries, but the fact that they won't listen to me is discouraging. Sometimes I find myself really wishing I could hang out with others who are more respectful, and it makes me feel guilty because they are good people.

I was reading in For The Strength of The Youth and it says:

I know this statement is aimed toward substances and media, I find myself wondering if I should apply it to my friends. What they say doesn't invite good thoughts and when I leave a conversation with them I find myself feeling . . . I don't know just really not peaceful? Is there a word for that? 

Should I walk away? or would that be rude/mean? 

I honestly have no idea what to do.

Sorry to make you read that big long thing, but at this point, I really need some advice.

i severely annoyed a friend of mine by just trying to state things plainly. if you get scared about being rude, just speak plainly and be honest. you arent comfortable with them talking about that. if they won't respect that, then are they really friends? ive been asking this of myself too, but i realized i was the disrespecter. so im changing myself. Keep at it dude!

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6 minutes ago, Justice_Magician said:

Thanks! I really appreciate this

For #2 that was my main concern, coming off as rude, which is why I've had a hard time talking to them about it it in the past. I think that I will try to speak up more, but I'll do my best to be respectful. 

You'll be fine as long as you make it clear.

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7 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

i severely annoyed a friend of mine by just trying to state things plainly. if you get scared about being rude, just speak plainly and be honest. you arent comfortable with them talking about that. if they won't respect that, then are they really friends? ive been asking this of myself too, but i realized i was the disrespecter. so im changing myself. Keep at it dude!

5 minutes ago, Lego Mistborn said:

You'll be fine as long as you make it clear.

Thanks guys!

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1 hour ago, Justice_Magician said:

I know this statement is aimed toward substances and media, I find myself wondering if I should apply it to my friends. What they say doesn't invite good thoughts and when I leave a conversation with them I find myself feeling . . . I don't know just really not peaceful? Is there a word for that? 

Should I walk away? or would that be rude/mean? 

When I read this, the first thing that comes to my mind is the Sermon on the Mount.


And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

If you have anything in your life that's dragging you down spiritually, whether it be substances, media, relationships with others, or anything else, and it's not within your power to fix it through personal effort and/or repentance, then it is "profitable for thee" to get rid of it.  The other posters have some good advice about how to try to improve things through personal effort.  Try those things, hope they work, but always keep in mind that we're still dealing with other people's agency here.  They're free to not change, and if they don't, the change needs to come from you, to "go ye out of Babylon" and free yourself from bad influences.

Also, I looked up antonyms for "peaceful" in a thesaurus, and the one that stood out was "contentious."  Check out 3 Nephi 11: 29-30 for the spiritual significance of this.

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4 minutes ago, Mason Wheeler said:

When I read this, the first thing that comes to my mind is the Sermon on the Mount.

If you have anything in your life that's dragging you down spiritually, whether it be substances, media, relationships with others, or anything else, and it's not within your power to fix it through personal effort and/or repentance, then it is "profitable for thee" to get rid of it.  The other posters have some good advice about how to try to improve things through personal effort.  Try those things, hope they work, but always keep in mind that we're still dealing with other people's agency here.  They're free to not change, and if they don't, the change needs to come from you, to "go ye out of Babylon" and free yourself from bad influences.

Also, I looked up antonyms for "peaceful" in a thesaurus, and the one that stood out was "contentious."  Check out 3 Nephi 11: 29-30 for the spiritual significance of this.

Thank you so much for this input! I definitely feel like "contentious" describes what I feel.

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On 10/25/2023 at 8:58 AM, Matrim's Dice said:

As someone in a similar situation: easier said than done :P. 


Okay, though this is true, it’s not actually helpful, and I’m sorry it took me this long to realize that.

Further explanation:

I’ve alluded to this before, but some guys on my cross country team enjoy poking fun at my beliefs while we’re on long runs. My situation is a bit different than yours because they absolutely know I’m a member of the church (this knowledge is actually the source of their jabs) and though I’ve made clear my conversation preferences they deliberately ignore me and ramp it up as I ask them to tone it down.

These guys should be my friends. They are, when they’re not being like that. But I can’t really call them good friends when they give me zero respect. I don’t want to walk away from them, just the things they do and say. But I can’t quit cross country— that’s non-negotiable.

What I have found is that there are other ways to deal with it. A majority of the time, if I bear a testimony in contrast to whatever they’re saying, as opposed to correcting them, they suddenly find a way to change the subject.

This actually reminds me of an Elder Stevenson talk from a couple of years ago. “Love, Share, Invite”. The “Share” section is especially applicable here. Here’s the quote I was thinking of: “God doesn’t need you to be His sheriff; He does, however, ask that you be His sharer.” This principle has helped me countless times. The jabbing stops when I share, but not when I’m a sheriff.

If that doesn’t work, I simply stop running for a few seconds. Let them get out of earshot before continuing the run. In a club setting like yours, though, that strategy is not super helpful.

I guess my actual advice would be to pray for advice. I don’t know all the specifics, even after your explanation, but God absolutely does, and He will direct you to the best path. Whether that’s opening up about why you prefer what you prefer (which I’ve  noticed tends to help people change) or walking away, I don’t know, but I know you can find out.

So again— sorry for implying what I did with my post from yesterday. Of course you shouldn’t stay in such a negative environment, but of course it’s soooo much more complicated than that. I understand what you’re dealing with, and I wish you the best.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:


Okay, though this is true, it’s not actually helpful, and I’m sorry it took me this long to realize that.

Further explanation:

I’ve alluded to this before, but some guys on my cross country team enjoy poking fun at my beliefs while we’re on long runs. My situation is a bit different than yours because they absolutely know I’m a member of the church (this knowledge is actually the source of their jabs) and though I’ve made clear my conversation preferences they deliberately ignore me and ramp it up as I ask them to tone it down.

These guys should be my friends. They are, when they’re not being like that. But I can’t really call them good friends when they give me zero respect. I don’t want to walk away from them, just the things they do and say. But I can’t quit cross country— that’s non-negotiable.

What I have found is that there are other ways to deal with it. A majority of the time, if I bear a testimony in contrast to whatever they’re saying, as opposed to correcting them, they suddenly find a way to change the subject.

This actually reminds me of an Elder Stevenson talk from a couple of years ago. “Love, Share, Invite”. The “Share” section is especially applicable here. Here’s the quote I was thinking of: “God doesn’t need you to be His sheriff; He does, however, ask that you be His sharer.” This principle has helped me countless times. The jabbing stops when I share, but not when I’m a sheriff.

If that doesn’t work, I simply stop running for a few seconds. Let them get out of earshot before continuing the run. In a club setting like yours, though, that strategy is not super helpful.

I guess my actual advice would be to pray for advice. I don’t know all the specifics, even after your explanation, but God absolutely does, and He will direct you to the best path. Whether that’s opening up about why you prefer what you prefer (which I’ve  noticed tends to help people change) or walking away, I don’t know, but I know you can find out.

So again— sorry for implying what I did with my post from yesterday. Of course you shouldn’t stay in such a negative environment, but of course it’s soooo much more complicated than that. I understand what you’re dealing with, and I wish you the best.

You don't need to apologize for your first comment, I totally get how you feel!

As for your advice, I think the idea of sharing is wonderful, but I'm not sure if it would work with my friends. They tend to be very argumentative and opinionated, so I'm not sure if it would make them change the subject. If I replied with just a testimony, I think they would see it as 'sheriffing' even if I was just sharing, and start and argument. 

(which I'm terrified of because confrontation is scary)

That being said, I've never tried sharing before with them, I'm just making guesses based on how they've reacted to other things in the past. So I maybe I will try, if the opportunity presents itself.

Thanks for your input, I appreciate it ^_^

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2 minutes ago, Justice_Magician said:

You don't need to apologize for your first comment, I totally get how you feel!

As for your advice, I think the idea of sharing is wonderful, but I'm not sure if it would work with my friends. They tend to be very argumentative and opinionated, so I'm not sure if it would make them change the subject. If I replied with just a testimony, I think they would see it as 'sheriffing' even if I was just sharing, and start and argument. 

(which I'm terrified of because confrontation is scary)

That being said, I've never tried sharing before with them, I'm just making guesses based on how they've reacted to other things in the past. So I maybe I will try, if the opportunity presents itself.

Thanks for your input, I appreciate it ^_^

I've learned to love it. My dad is a practicing lawyer, so sometimes our debates get heated. I've been really blessed by my dad to be honest. 

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

I've learned to love it. My dad is a practicing lawyer, so sometimes our debates get heated. I've been really blessed by my dad to be honest. 

That's awesome! I really admire people who can handle an argument.


I'm just a really emotionally sensitive person, and so I tend to internalize things and get really anxious during arguments . . . even if I know it's about something stupid or I understand the other persons point of view. It's a personal weakness I need to overcome I guess.


Also I might end up crying for no reason because my brain thinks crying is the answer to all of it's problems and I have no way to control it. Even if I'm mentally calm about stuff, my body gets physically agitated. It's so frustrating


anyway sorry for ranting about that, I'm just weird I guess.




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1 minute ago, Justice_Magician said:

That's awesome! I really admire people who can handle an argument.

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I'm just a really emotionally sensitive person, and so I tend to internalize things and get really anxious during arguments . . . even if I know it's about something stupid or I understand the other persons point of view. It's a personal weakness I need to overcome I guess.

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Also I might end up crying for no reason because my brain thinks crying is the answer to all of it's problems and I have no way to control it. Even if I'm mentally calm about stuff, my body gets physically agitated. It's so frustrating




im the same way. but i also just learn to let things go through me. crying is totally fine. its something ive been trying to work on.

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I once from my house saw one ask

For a room a space, a nook, a crack. 

I said “away” in a kind-hearted  mask.

“I have not time, for time I lack.”

He turned away. I watched him go.

As he led a woman with loving care.

And soon I dismissed the thought, although, 

I doubted not that I’d not been fair.


Years later then I came upon 

The temple steps and a gathered throng.

Old wise rabbi’s, countenance gone,

Seeing there wisdoms only to be wrong.

For a boy stood amidst them,

And showed what he did know.

And he left them their doctrines to trim and hew,

As he showed them correctly how to sew.


Another time I passed a way.

And there, upon a mound of ground, 

I heard a man, so wonderous say

Things that counfound the most profound.

“Blessed are the poor.” He said.

“The persecuted, the humble ones.

For they become kings once they are dead. 

And live with their father as prodigal sons.”


I travelled about to find the man, 

And found myself aboard a boat.

A storm around, as vicious as can.

So that I did start to no longer float.

When it reached its peak and I sunk into the chill,

I saw a figure with the figure of the man.

Under wind and waves, I reached out my hand,

And the storm fled from His words. “Peace, be still.”


I heard a word that he was to preach

I’m a distant land, but I leapt up, 

And came unto him, hungry for his teach.

But I soon became hungry for food and cup

And I had not the strength to travel back home.

Yet he multiplied the the foods own relation.

And healed my phisical and spiritual roam.


As I walked through a street,

I saw a begged that was blind.

I avoided his feet,

And curved my mind.

Then as I left, I turned back to see 

The one called Christ reach for the poor.

He placed His hands on his eyes and turned him towards me,

And said unto him “Be blind no more.”


I was told he’d at Jerusalem.

So I left my work to see this One.

And we gathered fronds and gave unto them 

Who waited and had not yet over been won.

But when he came in a humble manner,

We jumped and cried to him with our hearts.

And I, a humble once-his-banner,

Loved him now with every part.


As I walked through a store, my heart went cold. 

When I saw my Savior’s clothes being sold.

And I ran to the hill, fearing the worst,

And I met my king with a cross to hold.

I threw past the guards and unto him. 

And took his burden to my back.

He looked up to me, sad and grim.

Then smiled, and loved me infinity back.


They put in the nail. The air went stale, 

As His mother wept and Hid father mourned.

His eyes pierced the crowd and all the wails,

And they met mine own, from head of thorns.

Then he looked to his father and begged.

“Why hast thou forsaken me?”

I stared at my Savior broken and wrecked.

As he said “It is finished, I go unto thee.”


I came back home in grief and tears, 

but stopped a few days in a small town to rest 

And when I heard out my window the chears,

I looked and saw my savior the best.

For he spoke and told us how to live.

Then trumpets and angels opened heaven,

And he rose up into the lightly rift.

He left up the world: for us to leaven.

What do y’all think?

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18 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:
  Reveal hidden contents

I once from my house saw one ask

For a room a space, a nook, a crack. 

I said “away” in a kind-hearted  mask.

“I have not time, for time I lack.”

He turned away. I watched him go.

As he led a woman with loving care.

And soon I dismissed the thought, although, 

I doubted not that I’d not been fair.


Years later then I came upon 

The temple steps and a gathered throng.

Old wise rabbi’s, countenance gone,

Seeing there wisdoms only to be wrong.

For a boy stood amidst them,

And showed what he did know.

And he left them their doctrines to trim and hew,

As he showed them correctly how to sew.


Another time I passed a way.

And there, upon a mound of ground, 

I heard a man, so wonderous say

Things that counfound the most profound.

“Blessed are the poor.” He said.

“The persecuted, the humble ones.

For they become kings once they are dead. 

And live with their father as prodigal sons.”


I travelled about to find the man, 

And found myself aboard a boat.

A storm around, as vicious as can.

So that I did start to no longer float.

When it reached its peak and I sunk into the chill,

I saw a figure with the figure of the man.

Under wind and waves, I reached out my hand,

And the storm fled from His words. “Peace, be still.”


I heard a word that he was to preach

I’m a distant land, but I leapt up, 

And came unto him, hungry for his teach.

But I soon became hungry for food and cup

And I had not the strength to travel back home.

Yet he multiplied the the foods own relation.

And healed my phisical and spiritual roam.


As I walked through a street,

I saw a begged that was blind.

I avoided his feet,

And curved my mind.

Then as I left, I turned back to see 

The one called Christ reach for the poor.

He placed His hands on his eyes and turned him towards me,

And said unto him “Be blind no more.”


I was told he’d at Jerusalem.

So I left my work to see this One.

And we gathered fronds and gave unto them 

Who waited and had not yet over been won.

But when he came in a humble manner,

We jumped and cried to him with our hearts.

And I, a humble once-his-banner,

Loved him now with every part.


As I walked through a store, my heart went cold. 

When I saw my Savior’s clothes being sold.

And I ran to the hill, fearing the worst,

And I met my king with a cross to hold.

I threw past the guards and unto him. 

And took his burden to my back.

He looked up to me, sad and grim.

Then smiled, and loved me infinity back.


They put in the nail. The air went stale, 

As His mother wept and Hid father mourned.

His eyes pierced the crowd and all the wails,

And they met mine own, from head of thorns.

Then he looked to his father and begged.

“Why hast thou forsaken me?”

I stared at my Savior broken and wrecked.

As he said “It is finished, I go unto thee.”


I came back home in grief and tears, 

but stopped a few days in a small town to rest 

And when I heard out my window the chears,

I looked and saw my savior the best.

For he spoke and told us how to live.

Then trumpets and angels opened heaven,

And he rose up into the lightly rift.

He left up the world: for us to leaven.

What do y’all think?

Nice! You did a particularly great job on the last two verses

Edited by PianoSavant
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When someone asks you to date them, but you don't want to, be like Amulek in this verse in Alma. Alma:11:29.

Idk, I just found this randomly and started laughing because I instantly pictured a scenario where someone asks me to date them and I say in a romantic way, "I have an answer... It's in Alma. Alma chapter eleven verse 29."

I'm going to have to much fun if this ever happens-

Edited by Thaidakar the Ghostblood
fixed "Amulet" to "Amulek."
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3 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

When someone asks you to date them, but you don't want to, be like Amulet in this verse in Alma. Alma:11:29.

Idk, I just found this randomly and started laughing because I instantly pictured a scenario where someone asks me to date them and I say in a romantic way, "I have an answer... It's in Alma. Alma chapter eleven verse 29."

I'm going to have to much fun if this ever happens-

Bruh. Lol. Nice. Get 'em in the scriptures. :lol: 

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16 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

When someone asks you to date them, but you don't want to, be like Amulek in this verse in Alma. Alma:11:29.

Idk, I just found this randomly and started laughing because I instantly pictured a scenario where someone asks me to date them and I say in a romantic way, "I have an answer... It's in Alma. Alma chapter eleven verse 29."

I'm going to have to much fun if this ever happens-

That's harsh, just tell them you're not interested.

That said, they still may get mad...

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