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17 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

When someone asks you to date them, but you don't want to, be like Amulek in this verse in Alma. Alma:11:29.

Idk, I just found this randomly and started laughing because I instantly pictured a scenario where someone asks me to date them and I say in a romantic way, "I have an answer... It's in Alma. Alma chapter eleven verse 29."

I'm going to have to much fun if this ever happens-

that would be mean. but also hilarious.

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

President M. Russel Ballard is dead. 😔


Dang. I saw a couple instagram posts about him and felt something weird. They hadn't said he'd died or anything, but I kind of some how knew it. I didn't think to look it up until you said this. RIP a wonderful man.

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55 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Isn’t it interesting to that his conference talk literally him saying that these were his last words.

Ya. I kinda figured he would be dying soon, it still surprised me, but he was pretty old and didn't sound like he was doing too well in his talk.

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It's kind of amazing how happy all the apostles are. I feel like they always leave this world with a smile, which is uncommon. It comes from them not having to fear what's beyond this world I guess, because they all have personal witnesses of Jesus Christ and his gospel.

It's weird to think that president Oaks or Holland will be our next prophet. We have interesting times ahead for sure...

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9 hours ago, The Isochronism said:

It's kind of amazing how happy all the apostles are. I feel like they always leave this world with a smile, which is uncommon. It comes from them not having to fear what's beyond this world I guess, because they all have personal witnesses of Jesus Christ and his gospel.

It's weird to think that president Oaks or Holland will be our next prophet. We have interesting times ahead for sure...

President Nelson MUST BE THE FIRST 100 yr old prophet!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so today in sacrament meeting we had a high council member give a talk. At one point in it, he compared the church to the island of misfit toys, from Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. This is kind of a silly comparison, at least for most people…


I was just in Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, playing a misfit toy. And since I was playing the part, I’ve had to make a silly cartoon into something a lot more…human, I guess.

Anyway, that talk really struck me so I’m going to monologue about it in case anyone else needs to hear this today.

To those who don’t know, the island of misfit toys is where all the toys that “no little girl or boy loves” go. So there’s a spotted elephant, a plane that can’t take off, a bird that swims, and so forth. They’re all misfits. “Why can’t I fit in” is their eternal question. Some of them are bitter or angry, but most of them are just sad. They want so badly to be a part of something they’ve spent their entire existence’s dreaming about, and yet they know they’ll never belong.

But they hold onto a hope. A hope that someday, someone will take them to a place where they are loved. Where they are enough, despite all their flaws. Where they can finally be a part of all the joy of Christmas Day.

The church isn’t perfect, and neither are the people within it. And sometimes it takes years of lonely disappointments, but Christ lives. Isn’t that wonderful? He lives. And His grace can make up for our weaknesses. He lives and through Him, we will too. We can get off the metaphorical island; we aren’t stuck.

“There’s always tomorrow for dreams to come true. Tomorrow is not far away.”

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