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50-word Fiction

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Under the Full Moon

The pain.

The excruciating pain was unbearable.

Each time the transformation would come upon him, his world collapsed to a single white flash of agony.

Every night his life would end when the Dreamer awoke. Trapped in another's dream, his brief span always ended with pain.

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Where no man has gone before

It's not anything like I expected, space travel. It's mostly waiting, watching numbers on a console tick past, anticipating the next grainy transmission. I see no alien ships, just distant glimmers of light. The hero of all mankind, alone in silence and my own repetitive thoughts. 13 years to go. 

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3 hours ago, Gears said:


You blink three times every minute for one tenth of a second. Ten percent of your waking hours. Let's assume you'll live to the ripe old age of ninety. You are asleep for one third of that. You have sixty waking years. Six of those years will be spent blinking.

That does not add up, it is only three hundred sixty five hours of blink (slightly more than fifteen and one fifth days of blink). You calculated as if you blinked once per second, not thrice per minute. Once every two hundred seconds, there is a second’s worth of blink.

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The most natural thing for a human, and yet so impossible right now.


The surface. I can see it. It’s so close… but darkness is creeping in.


So cold. I see the sun and know its warmth is close. Just a few more feet. I…



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For forty years he'd played the same numbers, and today he'd won.

While crossing the street to mail his winning ticket, a piano that had slipped from an airplane's cargo hold ended the only string of luck he'd ever had with the dissonant clangor of a Philip Glass symphony.

Edited by hoiditthroughthegrapevine
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A Problem

She couldn’t have told you why she had left him alive. There he was, running. Maybe I should go after him, she thought. But it was too late. Or was it? damnation it, she thought and lit a cigarette. She called her boss: “Hey, I think we got a problem.”

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A Story About You

You read the title of the story and you were pleased, because you had always wanted to read a story about yourself. You are an individual who surfs the 17th Shard, and, whether by choice or by mere coincidence, found your way here. You finished the story and liked it.

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41 minutes ago, BringerOfLight said:


"Dad," Oliver calls. "Dad! I had a nightmare."
Groggily, I get out of bed, and find my slippers. Oliver keeps calling for me.
"Daad, I'm scared. Please, come..."
"Yeah, Ollie, I'm coming," I call back sleepily.
It's not until I open his door that I remember...
Oliver died last month.


My brain: Noooo that’s so sad! Wait no that’s scary what the heck is imitating Oliver? Or maybe it’s actually it’s a happy story about a boy coming back to life??

I clearly have no idea what to make of this story.

(Eight more words make this an accidental story)

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A Conversation

“It’s just like I tell you. They’re falling from the sky like bomb shells. Whether you believe it or not.” “But I don’t see anything.”, I say. “Elephants”, he continues. “Fleeing from the cheetahs, I bet. Can’t blame them either.” “We’re in town”, I remind him, but he doesn’t listen.

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Running, always running. Aldric couldn't remember the last time he had stopped for breath. The nanites that had been forced upon him repaired the constant damage to his legs and lungs, but nothing could slow the endless days and weeks eating at his sanity. This was his duty now. Running.

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The Urulean-Taighusdhachine War

The Uruleans and the Taighusdhachine battle with politeness and construction, words and wood. They offer poisoned treats and model homes. Somewhere, in the midst of the great war, they fall in love. "I would spurn manners for you." "I will build you the greatest of houses." The truest of loves.


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Both Sides

He didn’t notice the glass door before it was too late. “Oh dear”, one passerby said, laughed, and went on. “Very funny”, he replied, rubbing his head, then noticed someone on the other side running into that same door, whincing. He chuckled. She scowled at him and left, offended.

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Lovecraft's Breakfast

In horror he looked into the darkened depths of that terrible steel box at the blackened organic matter still faintly glowing, its smoking remains releasing a greasy, noxious black cloud. 

Like one lost, his soul rended in despair, he cried out, "No! Dear God no! Not my toast!"

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Cup of Coffee
"Let me make you some coffee, honey," Mary says, rubbing the knots from my shoulders. "You've been at the computer all day, love. You have to stop working sometime."

"I'd love some coffee, Mary," I answer. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I turn around, and Mary isn't there.

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On 6/18/2020 at 0:37 PM, BringerOfLight said:


"Dad," Oliver calls. "Dad! I had a nightmare."
Groggily, I get out of bed, and find my slippers. Oliver keeps calling for me.
"Daad, I'm scared. Please, come..."
"Yeah, Ollie, I'm coming," I call back sleepily.
It's not until I open his door that I remember...
Oliver died last month.

Goodness I just died inside.

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True Story

I almost got caught in a tornado five minutes ago. We were on a walk and the clouds darkened abruptly. I warned them, but they didn't believe me until the tornado sirens went off. Everyone is fine, but I don't think I'll be going on a walk any time soon.

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Lovecraft's Breakfast Part the Second

With a morbid curiosity, and against his better judgement, he once more gazed upon the infernal pan. Through the putrid, charnel haze he could just make out the terrible remains of charred porcine flesh.

What demoniac presence had driven him to leave his bacon unattened?

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17 hours ago, BringerOfLight said:

Cup of Coffee
"Let me make you some coffee, honey," Mary says, rubbing the knots from my shoulders. "You've been at the computer all day, love. You have to stop working sometime."

"I'd love some coffee, Mary," I answer. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I turn around, and Mary isn't there.



It’s been three months since the research lab accident that turned her into this ... abomination.
He’s working so hard to reverse the effects, but they both suspect it might very well be permanent. 

Mary wiped the invisible tears from her eyes. At least he can still hear and feel her.


My name is Mary. I just had to respond.


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I lie under a willow tree and watch the stars above whirling, twirling, endlessly bright. I gaze back in time to those ancient burning lights and dream of worlds I’ll never see. All the while the stars sweep by forever on their celestial dance, silently passing the long night away.

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2 hours ago, Soulbinder said:

I lie under a willow tree and watch the stars above whirling, twirling, endlessly bright. I gaze back in time to those ancient burning lights and dream of worlds I’ll never see. All the while the stars sweep by forever on their celestial dance, silently passing the long night away.

Thanks for all the stories you do, they’re all so happy and inspiring!

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1 hour ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

Thanks for all the stories you do, they’re all so happy and inspiring!

Thanks! That means a lot to me, as I want to be a professional author.

Although I think you missed one, as it was neither happy nor inspiring. 

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