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Official Knights Radiant Quiz


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1 hour ago, IcaroRibeiro said:

I saw Dalinar more as an ESTJ than ENTJ

Jasnah should be ENTJ

I had Jasnah down as INTJ based on the first couple of books, but I’ll take E given what goes down at the end of Oathbringer. Can see your point for Dalinar too, but he really has a ENTJ vibe for me mainly based on ENTJs I’ve known.

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48 minutes ago, The Ryshadium said:

It would indeed be very interesting to see a Radiant INFJ

Back in one of the old MBTI character threads an opinion was advanced that Shallan might be INFJ, but I don’t totally see it. (Though she is mega hard to classify anywhere IMO- I have *NFP I think)

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14 minutes ago, ChiriChiri said:

I had Jasnah down as INTJ based on the first couple of books, but I’ll take E given what goes down at the end of Oathbringer. Can see your point for Dalinar too, but he really has a ENTJ vibe for me mainly based on ENTJs I’ve known.

Same here. But not really by the end of the book rather throughout it. Her political meetings and constant clashes with Kaladin showed that. Jasnah might be a great scholar, but is a intrinsically political figure. She's comfortable taking control and enjoys to be in charge. INTJ can be good leaders, but their introvert nature make them more lone wolfs who took leadership as a burden even if they are really good at it

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I was thinking, this is really great. I think most of us wanted to know which order we would fit into, but from lack of information it was kinda hard. I legitimately thought at some point we would have to wait till book 10 at this rate.

Then the quiz came, which is good, really fun to do, but the important part is the new info on every order. We now have full personality traits for each one. 

I kinda identified with the Willshapers but only based on the literal one or two sentences we had about them. Now I was sorted with the Lightweavers and I ended up agreeing, because of that new info. If someone doesn't agree with their result it doesn't matter, the quiz itself says you should read the description for each order and pick one. Everyone can self-sort now and have a result they're happy with.

So with new people converting to this series each day and with the success the quiz is seeing, it probably won't be long until you can ask a random fantasy fan about their order and they can confidently say "I'm an Elsecaller" or ”I'm with the Windrunners". Personally I'm excited.

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3 hours ago, IcaroRibeiro said:

I'm hoping to see a Radiant INFJ cause they tend to be quite complex characters. I'm sure Taravangian is a INFJ though he's not a Radiant, also believe Gavilar was INFJ too, though it's more like a wishful think

If it helps the discussion... I'm INFJ and almost tied between Windrunner and Edgedancer with Bondsmith right behind.

Edgedancers are my favorite and the one I would want to join. I feel like Bondsmith is similar but instead of small picture they look big. If it was forced on an INFJ they would probably thrive as Bondsmith but would be more comfortable with the Edgedancers. 

Windrunners are interesting... I could be happy in that order but I'm not much into fighting.

Depending on life experiences I think an INFJ could be happy as a Truthwatcher, Willshaper or even a Skybreaker (last one would be hard, but if they picked a good code that allowed for lots of compassion they would be fine).

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44 minutes ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

If it helps the discussion... I'm INFJ and almost tied between Windrunner and Edgedancer with Bondsmith right behind.

Edgedancers are my favorite and the one I would want to join. I feel like Bondsmith is similar but instead of small picture they look big. If it was forced on an INFJ they would probably thrive as Bondsmith but would be more comfortable with the Edgedancers. 

Windrunners are interesting... I could be happy in that order but I'm not much into fighting.

Depending on life experiences I think an INFJ could be happy as a Truthwatcher, Willshaper or even a Skybreaker (last one would be hard, but if they picked a good code that allowed for lots of compassion they would be fine).

You sure you are an INFJ? INFJ aren't very likely to be Edgedancers or Windrunners. I agree with Bondsmiths though, I actually can see Ishar as an INFJ

INFJ is the most uncommon and misunderstood type. Like, Dumbledore is a INFJ and people generally thought of him as wise and extremely benevolent, forgetting he was also a quite a manipulative machiavellian guy.

What set INTJ and INFJ apart is basically how they use their reasoning, INTJ are more likely to use its great ideas in careful planning, self improvement and some goals they have in life. While INFJ are more likely to use its vast knowledge for a more humanistic subjects, such as help the people who lives around them (family, friends, etc). Thanks for their easy going and sympathetic (sympathetic, not empathetic) behaviour INFJ are seem as "cool guys" while INTJ are seeing as cold even though both shares so many traits. 

Taravangian in his average stage (neither a genius heartless monster, neither a emotional moron) is a typical INFJ. He's wise, diligent and selfless, generally pursuing something he believes to be a greater good for his own people (since he's a king, he sees all Kharbranth as his family), his  people respect him for showing sympathy with people who are in lower positions like when he shares his surgeons to poor people. He also has a deep understanding of interpersonal relationships which they can be use in plans and schemes that's why he can manipulate everyone around him, Jasnah, Szeth, Dalinar, he tried even with Odium

Edited by IcaroRibeiro
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17 minutes ago, IcaroRibeiro said:

You sure you are an INFJ? INFJ aren't very likely to be Edgedancers, let alone Windrunners. I agree with Bondsmiths though, I actually can see Ishar as an INFJ

INFJ is the most uncommon and misunderstood type. Like, Dumbledore is a INFJ and people generally thought of him as wise and extremely benevolent, forgetting he was also a quite a manipulative machiavellian guy.

What set INTJ and INFJ apart is basically how they use their reasoning, INTJ are more likely to use its great ideas in careful planning, self improvement and some goals they have in life. While INFJ are more likely to use its vast knowledge for a more humanistic subjects, such as help the people who lives around them (family, friends, etc). Thanks for their easy going and sympathetic (sympathetic, not empathetic) behaviour INFJ are seem as "cool guys" while INTJ are seeing as cold even though both shares so many traits. 

Taravangian in his average stage (neither a genius heartless monster, neither a emotional moron) is a typical INFJ. He's wise, diligent and selfless, generally pursuing something he believes to be a greater good for his own people (since he's a king, he sees all Kharbranth as his family), his  people respect him for showing sympathy with people who are in lower positions like when he shares his surgeons to poor people. He also has a deep understanding of interpersonal relationships which they can be use in plans and schemes that's why he can manipulate everyone around him, Jasnah, Szeth, Dalinar, he tried even with Odium

As an INTP Skybreaker, I'm pretty sure that the connection between the Radiant Orders and MBTI aren't really that strong. There are correlations for sure, but the two categorizations are describing different things. Your Radiant Order is more representative of how you want to live your life and what you value. MBTI represents your personality traits and cognitive functions.

For example, one thing INTPs are known for is ignoring rules/laws that they think don't make sense, whereas Skybreakers are known for sticking to the rules no matter what. Yet, there is still a way to fall under both. If I am presented with a rule, my INTP tendencies still immediately try to determine whether or not it makes sense, but in considering the logic of the rule, I also take into account the fact that ignoring the rule is likely to introduce many unknown variables to the situation, and thus the logical decision is usually to follow it, as a Skybreaker would, increasing my ability to adapt to the future events.

Beyond that, the personalization of the oaths allows for a lot of leeway, such as how Skybreakers don't really need to follow the laws of the land, just some external code.

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14 minutes ago, IcaroRibeiro said:

You sure you are an INFJ? INFJ aren't very likely to be Edgedancers, let alone Windrunners. I agree with Bondsmiths though, I actually can see Ishar as an INFJ

Yes...I'm curious why you don't think Edgedancer fits? INFJ tend to be selfless, giving their lives away to those who need help. INFJs are complicated... We can work at the top, starting movements, and pulling the world behind us, while trying to change the world for the better. We can also work in small ways. That school teacher that poured their lives into their students to help them succeed. Both are valid ways for the INFJ to feel like they are making a difference. I believe that's true of any type.


Edgedancer oaths are themed around remembering the ordinary people of the world—those who aren’t powerful generals or Radiants. Too often, the actions of the powerful have terrible effects on the people with no voice, and the Edgedancers consider it their solemn duty to remember that the people are the ones they truly serve.

The Edgedancers are known as being caring and graceful. Among the Knights Radiant, they see it as their duty to care for the people and are often less interested in war than they are about trying to improve the daily lives of the common folk. Often, a mid-sized town would have an Edgedancer or two on permanent assignment, where they’d use Regrowth to provide healing and would work for the common good of the town.

Edgedancers tend to be among the more religious of Radiants and are the Order where you’re most likely to find former religious leaders who end up bonding a spren. During wartime, they often act as the mobile medics, eschewing actual combat to heal or pull out the wounded or those trapped in terrible situations. However, there are some renowned for their graceful and skilled prowess in combat, occasionally used as scouts or special forces troops in conjunction with a team of Windrunners or Skybreakers. One should never assume the Edgedancers are in any way base just because they often ignore high society; they are renowned as some of the most refined and graceful of Radiants.

INFJs also tend to be rather spiritual. Which fits with the bolded.  A healthy INFJ will always be helping in some way. I think helping the common man would be a very INFJ thing to do. I'm curious as to your counter thoughts?

26 minutes ago, IcaroRibeiro said:

INFJ is the most uncommon and misunderstood type. 

 Tell me about it:-)

27 minutes ago, IcaroRibeiro said:

What set INTJ and INFJ apart is basically how they use their reasoning, INTJ are more likely to use its great ideas in careful planning, self improvement and some goals they have in life. While INFJ are more likely to use its vast knowledge for a more humanistic subjects, such as help the people who lives around them (family, friends, etc). Thanks for their easy going and sympathetic (sympathetic, not empathetic) behaviour INFJ are seem as "cool guys" while INTJ are seeing as cold even though both shares so many traits. 

Taravangian in his average stage (neither a genius heartless monster, neither a emotional moron) is a typical INFJ. He's wise, diligent and selfless, generally pursuing something he believes to be a greater good for his own people (since he's a king, he sees all Kharbranth as his family), his  people respect him for showing sympathy with people who are in lower positions like when he shares his surgeons to poor people. He also has a deep understanding of interpersonal relationships which they can be use in plans and schemes that's why he can manipulate everyone around him, Jasnah, Szeth, Dalinar, he tried even with Odium

I think you have empathetic and sympathetic swapped. INFJs are known for their almost super empathetic abilities. IRL example: I had a coworker walk into the building and immediately knew that something was wrong. No one else had any idea she was upset. I didn't even have to look at her to know something was up. It turns out her uncle had passed away the night before. I literally was depressed the rest of the day. I didn't even know she had an uncle prior to that but because she was upset, I was too. This is why people often say that INFJs "feels authentic".

This is not to say that INFJs are not manipulative. I can tell you that its my preferred tool. I'm trying very hard to mature past that though:-)

I agree that Taravangian is probably INFJ. 

Edgedancers are where the majority would end up I believe.

Bondsmiths are where they would shine the brightest.

Windrunner is probably just me... I've always had younger siblings to watch out for. This big brother habit probably stems from that.

Personal life experiences will always influence these things. 

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Truthwatcher 74%, Elsecaller 73%, Lightweaver 68%, Willshaper 63% - seems accurate enough, though I'd previously figured I'd be an Elsecaller. With this new information, though, it makes perfect sense. Bondsmith is the lowest at 41%.

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5 hours ago, paintweaver said:



Honestly, I didn't expect such a definite result! I also assumed I'd be much more of an Edgedancer... Well, close enough.

You're the second person I've seen with a big separation between their top result and the others. Interesting.

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After a few more runs, I've had varying results between Edgedancer and Truthwatcher ... but I think Truthwatcher fits a bit better. This chart is pretty exemplary for my results, I think. That said, I previously thought that Skybreakers would be a bit higher (mostly because @paintweaver, the anti-Skybreaker in person, thought so :P). I'm happy with the results though - and with the new  pieces of information as well!

Truthwatcher 2.png

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On 6/10/2020 at 3:23 PM, Steel Inquisitive said:

If it helps the discussion... I'm INFJ and almost tied between Windrunner and Edgedancer with Bondsmith right behind.

Edgedancers are my favorite and the one I would want to join. I feel like Bondsmith is similar but instead of small picture they look big. If it was forced on an INFJ they would probably thrive as Bondsmith but would be more comfortable with the Edgedancers. 

Windrunners are interesting... I could be happy in that order but I'm not much into fighting.

Depending on life experiences I think an INFJ could be happy as a Truthwatcher, Willshaper or even a Skybreaker (last one would be hard, but if they picked a good code that allowed for lots of compassion they would be fine).

I'm right with you. I'm definitely an INFJ and my quiz result is only slightly different from yours. I'm almost tied between Bondsmith and Edgedancer with Windrunner right behind. 

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6 minutes ago, Ryshadium Trainer said:

I'm right with you. I'm definitely an INFJ and my quiz result is only slightly different from yours. I'm almost tied between Bondsmith and Edgedancer with Windrunner right behind. 

Fist bump:-) 

I saw your results in the other thread and wondered if you were INFJ.

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